Chapter 27: Is This Life

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Katniss' POV
A kind family, the Waters came to our town and stared at our house the past few days. They are really nice and our families blended really well. I really hope that they move in.

Right now, I sit in my room with photo I was looking at the day we went out. I cry and cry. I can't even handle this. I sob into my hands. I hear the door open and two little footsteps walk in. I look up and see Lex and Adrian. They come and sit on both sides of me and hug me.

"Don't worry Gammy, Grampie will be home soon." Lexi says with wide eyes. I hug both of them and cry.

"Grampie will not be coming Sweetie." I hear a knock on the door downstairs. I am confused because Marissa and Will are over at Emily's and Finn is at Gavin's. The twins also went with their friends. The twins have friends that are boy girl twins too. They are Logan and Lila. Justin and Carmen are just hanging out here. I wash my face then grab the Lex and Ryan's hands. We go down the elevator and to the door. I open and see... Peeta. He has a black eye and bruises all over his body. He stumbles into my arms.

I lay him on the couch and call an ambulance. They arrive in minutes. I grab Adrian and Alexis and take them with me.

"Gammy was that Grampie?" Adrian asks.

"Yes, baby boy, it was." I smile.

"Lexi told you he would come back." Adrian scolds. I laugh.

"I love you guys." We pull up at the parking lot and I unstrap them and run inside. I walk up to the front desk.

"Peeta Mellark?" I ask.

"Ahh yes. We are still in the process of checking him out. He looks okay. Just strongly beaten." She tells me with a hint of a smile, "I am jut so happy you two are still together. Are these your children?" She asks. I have grown used to people saying these sort o things. I actually find it very nice of them.

"Well, Peeta and I adopted 16 year old twins at the age off 22. Now, they are 23 and have kids. These little guys are my grandkids." I smile at her.

"Aww hi sweeties what are your names?" She asks.

"I am Adrian and this is my sister Alexis." Adrian introduces. Alexis laughs.

"It was very nice meeting you." I wave.

"You too. I hope Peeta is okay." She waves back and we sit down. Only a few minutes later the doctor comes out.

"Peeta Mellark." He asks.

"That is us." I stand.

"Peeta is doing great. We used bruising cream on his bruises. Capitol technology. They are slowly healing. We also reduced the swelling of his eye. We need him to stay here for 1 day. All the bruises should be gone by then." The doctor smiles. I follow her into Peeta's room. When I see him I am astonished. He looks. Normal.

"Peeta!" I exclaim. I run over to him and crash my lips onto his. The feeling that I feel is amazing. I haven't felt his lips for so long. I feel like I took them for granted. Peeta is mine now. Nothing can change that.

"Adrian and Alexis, this is Grampie." I introduce. They each hug him.

"We missed you Grampie." They say to him. Tears fall down Peeta's cheeks.

"Aliana had a baby girl, Colette." I tell him.

"Aww how sweet. Where is everyone else?" He asks.

"Willow, Marissa, Finn, Ryan, and Lilly are all with their friends. Justin and Carmen are at the house with Autumn and Aliana. Matt and Dylan went out for awhile." I explain. Then I tell him about everything. How much I missed him, Alexis and Adrian, Colette, the Capitol games, people visiting our town, etc. Is this Life?

PEETA IS FREAKING BACK! I AM SO EXCITED. I just could not take him being gone any longer so I brought him back. I love you all. Only 3 more chapters. *makes dinosaur noises*

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