Chapter 12: Maybe We Can Be Okay

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Katniss' POV
We have just recently bought a new house. This is a huge house with 5 floors. The top four floors have 3 rooms, not including the master bedroom or bathrooms. On each floor there is one master bedroom with a huge bathroom, 3 bedrooms all of which are huge and a bathroom in the middle. The top 2 floors are the my family's and the one under us is the Abernathy's and the one under Haymitch's is Johanna's. The bottom floor is the HUGE kitchen and dining area for our huge family. Then there is two living rooms. One that is designed more for kids and one for adults. Peeta and Haymitch even installed video cameras in every hallway and room, besides the bathroom. Everyone's room is designed different.

Mellark Family
Top floor~Finn, Willow, and Marissa. Empty Master Bedroom was turned into TV/Play room.

Finn's room- Sea green walls. The walls are decorated with fish. The bed spread is ocean blue with the same goofy, cartoon fish that are on his walls. He also has two white dressers one is tall and one is long. Both of the dressers have the same green knobs as his wall. Finn brought his black fluffy circle chair from his old room too.

Willow's room- Will's room was a vibrant orange. It has bright yellow polka dots all over too. She has a just yellow bedspread and white dressers both are tall with orange knobs. Willow has a desk in her room because she is starting school tomorrow. Her desk is hot pink with orange knobs on her drawers. Willow has a knew desk chair that we bought with the desk too.

Marissa's room- Marissa's room is hot pink with purple stripes on one of the walls. Marissa's bedspread is black with pink and purple stripes. She has two purple dressers that are both tall. Mar also received a white desk with a new desk chair. She will for sure love the colors of her room.

The bathroom is blue with a triple vanity. Each one has a different tooth brush and tooth paste per child. Mar has a pink hairbrush and Will has an orange one. Also their is a bathtub and a shower. The hallway is a calming blue with various pictures of our family.

The next floor is Ryan, Lilly, Justin, Peeta, and my floor. The kid's bathroom is a lime green. It also has triple vanity but Justin can't use his so only Ryan and Lilly do. Lilly has a purple brush. Other than that it is the same as the one upstairs. The hallway is also decorated with pictures of our family but it is a light, calming, mint green.

Master Bedroom- The entire room is decorated like a forest. It even looks like my forest that I go to. The room really comforts me. The bedspread is a wooden brown. We have one wide dresser and one tall dresser. They are both made from wood and the long one has a mirror on top. The bathroom that connects to my room is forest green. It has a hot tub a huge shower and a double vanity. It also has a separate room for the toilet and a walk in closet.

Ryan's room- Ryan's room is a dark red that match his black comforter with thin red stripes. He has a cute mini couch that him and Lilly use that is black. His two tall dressers have been painted black with red knobs. I personally really like his cute little room

Lilly's room- Lilly is magenta with light pink polka dots. Her comforter is light pink also. She has one white dresser that is long. The handles on her dresser are magenta like her walls. She has a little desk for her to draw and color on because she loves that. Her desk is light pink and white. We even bought her a cute little desk chair.

Justin's room- Justin has a cute baby blue room with a white crib with a small black blanket inside. He also has a wooden rocking chair and a changing table. We keep all of his clothes in his closet.

Abernathy Family
The floor under ours is Haymitch and Effie's floor. Their hallways are a calming, light, brown with pictures hanging up of family and just scenic pictures. Nicole's bathroom is a light yellow and a single vanity. Other than that her is the same as the other ones. The two extra bedrooms were turned into a bright blue playroom for the kids. There is all the toys you could imagine in there. I have a feeling the kids will love that

Master Bedroom- The walls are a crimson color that matches the bedspread and pillows. Their room is like ours other than that. They even have the same color bathroom.

Nicole's room- Nicole's room is teal blue with little purple stars here and there. Her comforter is black with teal polka dots and little purple stars. She has one lime dresser that is wide and one yellow dresser that is tall. She has a pink circular fluffy chair and a cute pink desk for schoolwork.

Johanna and Carmen
Under that floor their is Johanna and Carmen their hallways are a light orange. They have pictures and paintings on there walls too. The bathroom down there is the exact same as Nicole's even the color. The two extra bedrooms were taken out and turned into an exercise room for everyone. The exercise room has a lot of exercise machines and the walls are painted a creme color.

Master Bedroom- By the time we got to doing this bedroom all of the good ideas were taken so Johanna did the exact same master bedroom as me we were okay with it. Nobody cares anyway.

Carmen's room- Her room was a light orange but other than that it was just like Justin's except her blanket was white.

Today we are finally taking the kids up to their new house. Peeta and Haymitch just got back with Effie from putting all of our belongings we needed like clothes and kitchen supplies in the house. I have all of my girls in matching flower dresses. There was even one for Carmen. Then I have all the boys in dark blue polos and khakis.
"Kids, everyone is back it is time for your surprise!" Effie yells. I run upstairs and grab Justin and Carmen who are sharing Justin's crib. Then I count all the kids that come past me. Six. That is the exact number. I walk down the stairs to stand in between Jo and Peeta.
"Hi baby boy." Jo coos as she takes Justin from my while I hold her daughter.
"Aunt Kat or Momma has planned all of this so why don't you explain." Peet suggests.
"Well... WE BOUGHT A NEW HOUSE. Haymitch, Effie, Nicole, Johanna, and Carmen will be living with us in our huge house." I exclaim. They all cheer.
"Before we go over I need to explain some things. Kids, you all are never to go on a floor by yourself without permission. Unless someone let's you, never go into the exercise room. The playroom is on the second floor. Got it? Good. Everyone is assigned one or two adults. Reminder that there is 8 kids and 5 adults so stay with your buddy. My and Peeta's buddies are Justin, Mar, and Will. Haymitch and Effie have Nicole and Finn. Johanna you get Lilly and Carmen." I announce. All of my group comes and stands next to me and I switch babies with Johanna. Then I take Peeta's hand and walk away. When we get to the house our whole group gasps.
"Mommy where is my room?" Willow gapes.
"I will take you all on the tour." I respond. I show them our huge beautiful kitchen and the dining area.
"This is the kitchen and dining area." I show them.
"And this is the kids living room and this is the adult living room." Peeta says.
"I love it Mommy and Daddy." Mar says as she hugs us. Then we walk into our glorious glass elevator.
"This is the elevator. Right now we are on floor one out of 5. Your rooms are on floor five. Peeta and I are on floor 4." I say as we ascend to the fifth floor. when we step off I look and see they are astonished. They love the calming blue and cute pictures.
"The room closest to the elevator is Finn's." I explain.
"Aww! He will love it!" Will exclaims. Mar nods along.
"Then next room is yours, Willow." Then we walk in. She screams and rolls around in her desk chair. Then she jumps and lays on her bed. She suddenly jumps up and runs her hands along the walls.
"MOMMY I LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH!" Will fangirls. Marrisa is also smiling like crazy.
"Okay, Will and Mar do you wanna go see Mar's room." Peeta suggests.
"YES!" They both scream. When we walk in Marrisa goes even crazier that Will did. Peeta and laugh at all of their reactions as we show them our new house.

I just like suddenly thought of this. Sorry if it bores you but I love it. Thanks for all the votes and comments. I love all of you guys.

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