Chapter 19: Everything Has Changed

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+Time Skip 6 Years+
Katniss' pov
Willow, Finn, and Marissa are 10 now. Things are great. Everything has changed. Aliana and Autumn moved away. Autumn lives in Chicago and Aliana lives in Indiana. Autumn married Dylan and is pregnant. Aliana married a boy named Joshua. She is not pregnant yet. Lilly and Ryan are 8 and Justin and Carmen are 6. we recently got a letter from Annie and Madge. They are going to have their last children in 2 weeks. It will be scary to see them. So, you know Emily, Marissa and Willow's friend. It turns out that she was one of Annie's first kids. Annie had her first. I told Annie about it and she was ecstatic. Haymitch and Effie left. They took Nicole with them. They are exploring the world. Johanna died 2 years ago of cancer. I, obviously, adopted Carmen. Life is going okay now.

"MOM! FINN IS ANNOYING US." Marissa yells. Oh Gosh. I run to the playroom. I see Finn pinching and hitting and kicking a now crying Marissa.

"Finn go to your room. NOW." I command. He sulks and walks away to his room. I come and pick up Marissa. I carry her in my arms all the way upstairs to her room. Willow follows.

"Mary are you okay?" I ask.

"My ribs hurt really bad and my foot." She moans. I release her onto the bed. She is still sobbing. Her dirty blonde ringlets are sticking to her face with tears.

"Willow, will you please go get Peeta." I am trying to stay calm. Will scurries down the stairs with her dark brown braid flying behind her. In seconds, they are both back up here.

"Kat what is wrong?" Peeta asks.

"Mary is hurt really bad. I think we need to go to the hospital." I suggest.

"Okay. I will drive her, Willow, Lilly, and Rye. But you need to either stay or come." Peeta commands. He lifts Marissa up and carries her out to the car with Willow trailing behind. I grab the house intercom. It allows Peeta and I to make announcements without yelling.

"Ryan and Lilly need to go outside with Dad." I announce and hear and see them run out the door. Lilly's hair and Ryan's have both became a dirty blonde like Marissa's hair. Finn and Willow's stayed the same. Justin's once brown hair is now a very light brown. Carmen's hair has stayed the same curly blonde. I get on the elevator and ride to the top floor where Aliana and Autumn once slept. I let a tear fall a I slip into Finn's room.

What I see is not what I want to see. Finn is standing in his windowsill ready to jump off and die. I run and pick him up into my arms and sit on the bed with him cradled into my arms.

"Finn do not ever do that. We love you to much." I cry.

"Mom, I am sorry about Mar. I did not want to hurt her. I just have a lot going on right now." Finn admits.

"C'mon lets go visit Marissa at the hospital." I suggest. I take him into the bathroom and re-spike up his hair. Then I go down the stairs and get Carmen and Justin from the TV room. Then we head to the hospital. Right once we get there the doctor walks out.

"Marissa's rib cage is cracked. And her ankle is broken. She will need surgery on her ribs. Then she will be in a wheelchair for 1 week and after that 4 weeks of crutches so her ankle can heal." He tells us. Right now, Everything Has Changed.

Hey Guys please read my new Everlark story. Something in the Mist. It is sorta a HG High story but not really. I love all of you guys. 30 more reads until. 2K I can never be this thankful. Also read my other new story We Can Find Hope. (i think that is what it is called. I love y'all so much.

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