Chapter 41: Forever In Our Hearts

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Willow's POV
River will forever be in our hearts and our minds and her loss is written across everyone's face. We are having the funeral today and I couldn't dread anything more. I hate sadness, but even more than that I hat my new friends. Em, Liz, and I hate Ryan and Kyle. We hate to be mean and most of all I want to have my sister back.

At the beginning of my 6th grade year, Ryan and Kyle threatened to bully and be terrible to Marissa and ruin her life if Em, Liz, and I didn't join her group. They are still terrible to Mar but they have threatened to be worse.

"Willow! We are heading out, are you ready?" Dad calls.

"Yeah Dad I'll be right down!" I yell and put on my black flats and my black headband. I am wearing my hair in its usually curliness. My mom always tells me that she loves how I am a perfect mix of the two of them. I have bright blue eyes but curly brown hair. My eyes are blue like Dad's and my hair is curly like Dad's but my brown hair and the way my features are, are like Mom's. I have Dad's personality too.

I run into the big van and sit down in between Hayden and Hadlee, my usual seat. Marissa sits next to Santana and Hunter and Finn sits next to Carmen and Justin. Then in the very very back is where Lilly and Rye usually sit. There was an empty row behind Lil and Rye but Parker and Preston sit there now


The ride to the funeral home was long and drawn out. Autumn, Alexis, and Adrian are going to meet us there and Aliana, Josh, Colette, and baby Colin are coming too. When we arrive we are the first ones here. We stand around and cry we also talk to families as they come by. I didn't invite Ryan and Kyle but I pretended that I did and they couldn't come.

Liz and Emily came and comforted me while I cried. Ronnie, Crystal, Jackie, and Cara all came for Mar but Marissa deserves, she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

Aliana and Autumn's families come so we all run around with the little ones. Colette, Lexi, and Adrian are getting so big. Colin is getting big too! I love my family they are all too cute.

Lilly's POV
I really wish River would have been born alive, not dead. Mom beats herself up over it because she claims that she killed the baby. Jenna, Mary, and Claire (My best friends) have been comforting me a lot. I also really love having Rye around because I can just cry on his shoulder whenever I need too.

Him and Finn get me through any problems I have ever had. I miss River though. Today my Dad did some Capital technology and got River Ann tattooed on his wrist. Parker and Preston have taken this really hard too. They are definitely part of the family. I would think of them as nothing more.

Justin's POV
Even though my friend Zack came to be with me, River's death has taken a toll on me. I feel like I have been taken apart and then put back together. I will miss River even if I never met her or made any memories with her.

She is apart of the Mellark family and always will be. None of our family members have ever died. It is kinda unusual to us. The little ones don't really understand but someday they will learn and nobody will ever forget River Ann, ever.

Parker's POV
Although I am new to the family I will still miss River. She looked so cute and it makes me cry to think about her. I never knew that I could love someone that I have never truly met. But now I do.

"Although the rivers continue to move and the sun continues to shine, there are still losses in the world. There is nothing we can do to change that, but the only thing we can do is look on the bright side of things and hold on tight to every memory and person because the next blow of wind could snatch away everything you thought you might have forever. Sometimes the most beautiful things are not living, so in honor of that, we named her River." Dad says to start off the funeral. I truly believe it, I do.


I am so sorry about the late update and the late EVERYTHING. I hate the new Wattpad update and I hate Wattpad right now but that is not the reason why I did not update, the real reason is because it is Summer Vacation so I do not have as much time. So sorry ily Peace Out✌🏼️

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