Chapter 6: Four Kids Already?

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^^^my edit give credit^^^
A few months later
Katniss pov
Wow these few months have flown by. Annie and Madge have been gone for a really long time. But, they do secretly send letters. Their babies have been born. All seven of them. The young boys were so pleased with how cute their sons and daughters were that they killed them. Except Annie hid one of her kids and pretended they both had triplets. Today, I am just sitting at home while Willow and Finn play upstairs. He has started to call us Mommy and Daddy, just because he doesn't want to call us by our first names, and our last names are to hard to say. I am far into my pregnancy and can pop at anytime. Peeta is making dinner, he is making a lot because I eat like a monster when I am pregnant.
Suddenly, I feel a familiar pain and water dripping down my leg. I am going into labor. I yell at Peeta and he tells me to stay calm as he takes the kids over to Haymitch and Effie's house.then he comes back and picks me up and runs me to the hospital while I scream.
Peeta's pov
Katniss wants me to stay with her while she has the babies so the nurse takes me with them. The nurse immediately starts asking questions.
"Katniss have you been having contractions." Marilee asks.
"Yes, I thought they were false contractions, but then they started getting more frequent so I thought maybe not, then my water broke and confirmed my predictions." Kat breathes out.
"That is what i thought because you are already dilated and need to push on the next contraction." marilee says. I bend down to hold Kat's hand. She squeezes my hand extremely hard when the contractions come.
"Okay, good job Katniss, Next time push harder and you might get the first head out." Marilee says calmly.
"YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TOO FUCKING DO, ASSHOLE" Kat screams. I kiss her on the forehead as her next contraction comes. She pushes really super hard and squeezes my hand even harder.
"The head is out for your beautiful baby. One more push and you will get the first one." Marilee says.
"Keep it up baby." I tell her. Then the next contraction comes and she pushes really hard and we hear a baby cry.
"Your beautiful baby girl has arrived" Marilee announces, "Now for your boy."
The boy goes about the same. Except it took a little longer and Katniss yelled a lot more. Now I am finally sitting here with my first baby boy in my arms. We haven't named them yet but I know what I want to name the boy.
"Kat, Willow, and Finny what are we gonna name them?" I ask.
"Well any ideas?" Kat responds.
"Yeah. This little boy's name should be Ryan Miles Mellark." I suggest.
"OMQ I love that! I have no clue what to name the girl." Kat say.
"How abwout Wiwwian gwace mewwark" Will suggests.
"Lillian Grace, How cute I love it Willow!" I exclaim.
"Yeah," Kat says. "We will call her Lilly" OmG this is the best day ever. I just love my family so much. I guess tonight we will right letters to Annie and Madge telling them all about it.

Dear Annie and Madge,
We are overjoyed to hear that you are already pregnant again. This will go by in no time. I am happy to say that we finally had our twins, Ryan Miles Mellark and Lillian Grace Mellark. We miss you all so much. Finn and Will are getting so big. I cant believe I would ever have to say this but hurry up and get pregnant and have those babies as fast as you can. Send us updates. And if either of you get hurt, besides between your legs from having so many babies, we will come up their and save you so please let us know.We love you and miss you. The time is gonna just fly by these next 9 years.
Katniss, Peeta, Willow, Finn, Ryan, and Lilly

We just sent thee letter last night and our hoping for a reply tomorrow. That is normally when they reply. I slowly get up, careful not to wake up Katniss and run downstairs. I see they did send us a letter. Katniss yells from upstairs.
"Peeta! I cannot take four kids down the stairs." She yells at me.
"Okay Katniss I will get Willow and Lilly. You grab Rye and Finn." I shout back.
I run upstairs to get Lilly first. Then I go to Will's room to get her then I head down the stairs to see Katniss sitting down with the letter in her hand. Lilly and Ryan's baby swings are set up so I put Lil in the empty one and Willow goes to watch TV with Finn. I open the letter with Katniss.

Dear Mellark family and Finn,
We are both overjoyed to hear about your precious newborns. We both have just received our 4 month ultrasounds telling us we have boys. To our dismay the evil kids also have other prisoners. One of these is none other than Johanna Mason. We have been moved to a room with her and it turns out that she is 8 months pregnant with her last baby. She will come to District 12 to visit you guys. She is going to try to get out with her baby. But the rule say that she has to be pregnant to leave with one of her babies. But I warn, please be gentle with her. And do not come after us. Then we will all be killed. We all love you and miss you bunches.
Annie, Madge, and Johanna.

That is horrible. I really hope everyone is okay and will be better soon. I push that thought to the back of my mind as I go to get Will and Finn.

I hope you all like this chapter. Any ideas please put them in the comments. It is never too late for me to add them in.

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