Chapter 31: New Friends

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Katniss' POV
New people moved in down the street and today they are all going to come over to our house. They are the Tedesco Family. I have already talked to Marlene and Bennett, the mother and father, they seem incredibly nice. They have a set of 11 year old twins, Jacqueline and Justin, another set of 7 year old twins, Jenna and Joseph, they have a 3 year old, Jordan, and a set of newborn twins, Josie and Jackson. Their family fits with ours like a puzzle piece. I think Santana will be the most happy to meet a new friend.

I hear the doorbell and hurry over to answer it with Hadlee still in my arms trying to sleep. I open the door to see the wonderful family that I have been excited to meet.

"Hello everyone. Come on in but please be quiet because my triplets are trying to sleep." I whisper. They all nod and walk in the door.

"Okay so you two must be Jacqueline and Justin. I am Ms. Katniss. My 11 year olds are on the top floor. You can take this elevator." I say still whispering.

"Okay thank you Ms. Katniss." Jacqueline tells me. "You can call me Jackie by the way." I nod my head as they hurry towards the elevator.

"Okay let's come in here so we don't have to whisper." I say as I place Hadlee in her crib. Then I take them into the living room and close the door.

"Guys, this Mr. Peeta, my husband." I introduce. Peeta waves.

"Hi everyone. You kids can go into the kids family room where the rest of the kids are." Peeta tells them and they all run into the kids living room.

"Hi Marlene. Hello Bennett." I say while shaking their hands.

"It is so nice to meet you all." Marlene and Bennett respond.

"Yeah and you can call me Ben." Ben says. I nod my head and gesture for them to sit.

"So these two kiddos must be Josie and Jackson." I ask while tickling their tummies.

"Yep. Well how about we tell each other our stories." Marlene suggests. Peeta and I nod.

"That is a great idea. You all can go first." Peeta responds.

"Well we have been best friends since we were born in District 5. We used to hang out together all of the time. When I was 17 and she was 17 both of our siblings were called in to the games. My brother was 13 and her sister 18. They vowed to protect each other but later that day I felt horrible watching you, Katniss, volunteer for your sister and I had not done the same for my brother. So in the bloodbath, my brother died but Marlene's sister lied on until the next day she was killed by the careers. I was pretty excited to see you all win because you guys were so cute together. But still I wish my brother and her sister would have won." Ben starts

Marlene picks back up, "When the 75th games were announced I was heartbroken because you two were like my idols. I loved your guys' love story even though everyone around us thought it was fake. Then we found out that you were pregnant Katniss, that tore me apart. Then I started to realize that you two could stop the games. I figured out that that was what you were doing when you shot that arrow. Then Ben and I lived through the war together but I never stopped thinking about that baby. I saw you in the promos and you were not even pregnant. What happened?"

I answer the question reluctantly, "I do not mean to crush your dreams but I was never actually pregnant. Peeta and I were just trying to stop the games."

"Oh okay well that is a great idea. Let me continue, as the war continued, I watched as through the promos you became more and more weak. Not through the body but through the mind. That was because you two were separated. I also watched Peeta get weaker and weaker but of course that was from the capitol. Once the war had ended, Ben and I rebuilt a new house and got married at age 18 and by mistake I became pregnant." Marlene finishes.

"Well then I am pretty sure that you just told our story too." Peeta comments.

"I guess we did. But you will never know how amazing you guys really are. I think the entire Panem loves you more than you think." Marlene says and I start to break down.

"We killed... innocent people... P-prim." I say mindlessly. Peeta takes me into his arms.

"That war did a lot to us as you can see but one thing that we can not over come are the people that the war has taken from us." When Peeta says this I realize how unbelievably true that is.

Hiyo my peoples!

Sorry I was supposed to update Yesterday but this update took a lot of time and thought. I really like how this chapter turned out though. Peeta's quote in the last sentence is mine so if you use it please give credit. And tell me what you think of this. Bye👋

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