Descriptions of The Kids

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As I told you all. I am posting this short little chapter. It isn't really even a chapter but oh well. I am now going to re describe every single kid just so you all can remember again. Oldest to youngest Finn-Carmen.

Finn James Odair Mellark (4 years old)- blonde straightish hair with sea green eyes (I know that the pic has brown eyes) Really playful and smart. Finn will always brighten the mood with his Finnick-like sense of humor. His father has died and his mother was kidnapped. He was adopted by Katniss and Peeta Mellark along with Melissa.

Melissa Ann Wilson Mellark (4 years old)- Melissa has wavy brown flowy hair and deep brown eyes. She is really sweet and very helpful. She always helps with her younger siblings. Her mother, Madge, was kidnapped and her father, Keith, died in a shooting. She did not really get to know her parents but she does know her new parents.

Willow Rue Mellark(4 years old)- dark brown wavy hair and ocean blue eyes. She loves to do crafts and help her father cook. Her nickname is Will. Her mother was kidnapped and is being hijacked by Gale Hawthorne. Her best friends are Nicole, Finn, Melissa, and her family. She is naturally happy but has a special connection to her mom that can never be broken whether she is dead or alive.

Nicole Myra Abernathy (4 years old and could not find a pic) - Bleach blonde hair and deep brown eyes. She is a lot like Effie. She loves fashion and is really perky. She I also really helpful like Willow. Both her parents are still with her. She is an only child. She is devastated that her Aunt Kitty is no longer there.

Lillian Grace Mellark (2 years old)- Dirty blonde hair and stunning grey eyes. She is really shy and is hesitant to like someone if she does not get to know them. She will most likely be a lot like her mom when she is older. She is one of the twins and loves her family with all her heart. Her buddy is for sure Finn. Lily is almost always by Finn because she loves him so much.

Ryan Miles Mellark (2 years old)- Blonde curly hair with bright grey eyes. Always happy. He loves to watch his Daddy paint and bake. he will probably be like his Daddy when he is older. She is always welcoming and likes everyone right away. Which can be good and bad. Ryan loves Willow. He is almost always near her. They have a special bond.

Justin Mathew Mellark (6 months old)- Has straight brown hair and crystal blue eyes. He looks a lot like Willow but is a boy. He can't really talk or walk or do much of anything yet so we will have to wait and see what he is like.

Carmen Elizabeth Mason (3 months old)- She looks a lot like Johanna but with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is already a very loveable as a baby. She, like Justin, can't do much of anything so we will see her personality when she is older.

Hope you all like this. Sorry I could not find Nicole. If you all do please direct message me @/peetas.dauntless.stars send me a message if you do.

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