Chapter 40

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Klaus and I stand in the Bell Tower and wait while Freya is laying on the floor of the bell tower when she suddenly awakens with a gasp after her body finally heals her snapped neck. She looks confused as she looks around and tries to figure out where she is. When she sees Klaus sitting nearby, she remembers what happened and becomes angry and frustrated. "Ah, you're awake, well, clearly your restorative powers are not renowned for their speed" Klaus says as I stand on the other side of her. "You dare lay your hands on me" Freya says mad.

"Immortality is a bold play, I had to make sure you're telling the truth" Klaus says as Freya tried to catch her breath "why did you bring me here" she asks? "We" I said making her turn to see me. "I couldn't very well have you stay in my home, that honor is something I reserve for those I consider family" Klaus says. Freya looks upset as she speaks "so you refuse me as your sister"? "Well, you had a lovely audition, it just didn't seem to be the right fit" Klaus says.

"I think Elijah and Rebekah felt otherwise, even you" Freya said and looked at me. "Or, at least I thought" "I do, that's why I'm here, to make sure Klaus doesn't do anything more stupid" I said. "Yes, you did a fine job of convincing them with all your melodramatic tales. However, I suspect you were not entirely forthcoming. The truth is, Elijah and Rebekah can be a bit naive when it comes to family relations. Case in point, their unending faith in me! I repay that loyalty by guarding them against treachery they cannot see, and I sense you are very treacherous indeed. You wish to worm your way into my family, I want to know why. So, sister, I'm going to give you one last chance to tell the full truth. I suggest you don't muck it up" Klaus says a bit mad.

Freya nods and starts to light candles around us to give us some light. "You want to know why I hate Dahlia? It goes back to a man, his name was Matthias. We knew each other for one perfect year in the early 1400s. I loved him more than my own life, and Dahlia allowed me to love him" Freya said. "Of course, she wanted you to bear her another first-born" I said. "I broke my vow and gave into love, and that led to the darkest moment of my life. The day when I tried to steal from Dahlia that which she wanted most" Freya said.

"And what, precisely, was that" Klaus asked making Freya start to cry and her voice break "my son" she said and looked at us, surprising us. "Matthias only wanted our son to be born free. For that, Dahlia cursed him to death. I knew that I'd never be free of her, that my child would be born a slave. To spare us both the horrors of the life I'd known, I took a bottle of Dahlia's strongest poison. I wanted to die, for only death could give me the release I longed for. But Dahlia knew that my death was never an option. That was the day that I learned I could never die" Freya said.

Freya looks at us angrily as Klaus looks almost as though he is sympathizing with her. "It was Dahlia who made me do what I did. She turned me into a monster and I will destroy her for it. Tell me, brother, is that the truth you wanted to hear" Freya asked a bit mad. Klaus composes himself and forces down his emotions "whether I believe you or not is no matter. To told that tale in order to garner my sympathy! Thinking the shared plight of a child in danger would bond us. But, I will not be manipulated" Klaus said and I sighed "Klaus" I started but he stopped me.

"No, she could be lying yet again" Klaus said and Freya rolls her eyes and walks toward him. "Whatever you choose, one finale truth remains, Dahlia is coming for us. With me, you have a chance to defeat her. Without me, she will take your daughter and make her a slave. She will suffer as I had, never knowing her mother and father because Dahlia will have rendered you both into ash" Freya said. "Are you quite finished, if there is to be an alliance between us, it will be one of my design. And if you ever try to control me again, sister, you will spend the rest of your immortal life regretting it" Klaus said.

Freya looks unimpressed "then leave, I already have Elijah, Rebekah and maybe even Star's trust, and I am not going anywhere. But, if I were you, brother, I would rethink your alliances as you go forward" Freya says a bit mad as Klaus looks mad before leaving. I sigh and leave also, following him outside "Klaus, Klaus stop" I said and he sighs before stopping. "Why are you doing this to her, to everyone, she is your sister weather you want to believe it or not and she is trying to help our child" I said.

I started to walk up to Klaus "if I had a chance to go back, save my sister from turning into a vampire after you so called killed her and try and talk some scene into her then maybe she would be standing with us right now too. Please, trust her like you have with me" I begged as I stood in front of him. "You know, I've spent all day with people who claim to be fighting for my daughter. Some I trust, some I do not. But, one thing is for sure, there is only one person I trust when it comes to my child's safety, and that would be me" Klaus said mad.

"You know, you all seem to think that this is a democracy, I assure you, it is not! If Dahlia is coming, then she is a threat to my child, which means I decide how to protect her. No one else! And if Jackson or Hayley or anyone strays from the course that I set, then they will answer to me. And you, as my wife will do so to remember that" Klaus said and I looked at him mad before snapping his neck and letting his dead body fall to the ground. "Our child" I said mad before turning around and heading back in the Bell Tower to talk to Freya.

I walk inside and close the door behind me, making Freya look over at me "can you put a spell on this room so no one can enter or hear us" I asked? She looked at me confused "just do it" I said a little impatient. She nodded and chanted something before looking at me. "Thank you" I said and sighed with relief a little "where's Klaus" "laying outside" I said and Freya laughed slightly. "Don't get on my bad side" I said with a smile and she smiled too.

"I have a question, and you must answer honestly" I said to her and nodded "I will". "Are you able to turn someone into a witch" I asked and she looked at me confused "I don't under-" she started "just can you"! She paused for a moment "yes, but I would be giving them half of my powers which would make me weaker and I would not be able to protect your daughter that well" Freya said. "You won't have to" I told her and she looked at me confused. "When the time comes for Dahlia to come, she will not be taking Hope" "then who would she be taking" Freya asked?

"Me" I said and her eyes widened. "You said, she takes the first born, Klaus has been giving me his blood since I was five years old. Technically his blood runs threw my veins, you could even check. If you give me some of your power then she'll take me" "and if she doesn't" "she will, she has to, because if she doesn't then I'll make her" I said. "No, Star, do you realize what you would be giving up, I can stop her" Freya said taking a step towards me. "No you can't" I said, surprising her.

"If I've learned anything these past few years is that I can't get the life that I want. Dahlia is powerful, even for you. She will stop at nothing to get power. She takes me, and we can work together to stop her, but we have to draw her away from Hope. I will not let my daughter go threw that, none of it" I said as Freya almost looked in tears. "Please, as a sister, help me" I said almost begging. Freya looked at the ground, thinking for a short time. "Alright" she said and nodded.

"We won't do anything yet, we'll wait till we know where she is. When she comes then we'll do this. But promise one thing" I said taking a step towards her "you will tell no one of this, not even Klaus. Or I swear, Klaus will be the least of your problems" I said and she nodded. I nodded for her to let me out and she did "thank you" I said and continued to walk away.

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