Chapter 41

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All of us live with a demon inside. Some days, you control the demon, and other days, it controls you, and it is always hungry. It feeds on lust, on longing. And while you may slumber, it tempts you into crossing every line you've ever drawn. All while it hunts you, haunts you, renders you incapable of telling friend from foe. But once it's turned your loved ones into enemies, the demon would have consumed you whole. I wrote in my journal before hearing someone in the nursery.

I walk into the nursery from my bedroom and find Eva/ Rebekah standing over Hope's crib. I look over and see the dead werewolf on the floor who was suppose to be watching Hope. I look at Ava, knowing something is wrong "get away from her" I yell and grab Eva by the arm to pull her away and slam her head on the nearby dresser. Eva falls to the floor and I check on Hope, but before I can grab her, Eva throws me back into my room, slamming my back into the wall.

Suddenly Klaus storms into the nursery as I get up. "Rebekah, what are you doing" he asked furious before lunging for her, but she casts a pain infliction spell on him. I run back into the room to take her out, but Eva casts another spell on me as well. I fall to my knees and choke as Eva glares at us. Klaus forces himself to lean forward so he can claw a set of deep gashes into her thigh with his fingernails, which causes Eva to scream in pain.

Eva lets go of the spell and jumps out the window, leaving Klaus and I catching our breaths. We both quickly get up and stare down at Hope, who is sitting calmly in her crib, completely at ease. Klaus and I looked at each other worried. Marcel and Hayley come into Klaus' study, where he's pulling a pair of magic-cancelling manacles. "I should really stop packing these away. There's always one family member or another in need of a good shackling" Klaus says and I roll my eyes at him as I cross my arms.

Klaus hands the manacles to Marcel "find Rebekah, or Eva, or whoever the bloody hell that was, use these to stop her from doing magic. And don't hurt her. The non-psychopathic bits are still my sister" Klaus says to Marcel. Marcel looks worried "alright, I won't be the only one looking for her. She killed witch-kids. The twenty-four hour hold that Elijah got the covens to agree to, ended at midnight. Every witch in the city is gonna be gunning for her" Marcel said.

Klaus sighs and turns to Hayley "go to Elijah. Get him to charm his elderly witch into calling off the hunt" Klaus says. "Are you sure, someone has to stay here with Hope" she asked? "Hayley, Jackson has been working night and day to secure this compound, surrounding it with his werewolf army" I said. "And what will you two be doing, while we're out doing all the dirty work" Hayley asked us.

"Why, tending to the even dirtier work, as usual" Klaus said with a smile. Klaus and I grabbed out jackets and headed into the living room. "Well, I see you two stay close together" Freya said walking in. "You said that you could put Rebekah back in her original body. Do it" Klaus said and Freya laughs in amusement "so, you've come to your senses" she asked? "My senses have not faltered, they still demand that you are not to be trusted" Klaus said. "However" I said stepping in "circumstance dictates otherwise" I said "for now" Klaus added and I looked at him before looking back at Freya.

"What's changed" Freya asked "Eva Sinclair has resumed control of her body, leaving Rebekah trapped and powerless. So, make with your spells and enchantments and put my sister back in her true body" Klaus asked mad. Freya closes her eyes and sighs in frustration "I'm afraid it's not that simple" "more stalling, very well. I know I can't kill you, but I shall have a fine time trying. Tell me, have you ever been skinned alive" Klaus asked and I slbowed him so hard that he grabbedhis stomach and bent over, looking at me mad.

I look down at him and smile "what" I asked with a shrug. "The problem is Rebekah's condition has worsened. When I offered to help, she was in control of Eva's body. She's lost inside Eva. I don't have a spell that could breech Eva's mind and find her" Freya said and Klaus turned away from her. "Fortunately for you, I know someone well-versed in such spells" Klaus says and opens up the wooden box from earlier and pulls out the other pair of magic-disabling shackles before vamp-speeding over to her and slapping them on her wrists before she can react. Freya is startled by the action, but doesn't seem surprised, and simply glares at Klaus angrily. Klaus smirks "let's go meet her, shall we" he asked?

Freya looks at me as I just stare at her like I'm staring threw her. We head to the cemetery and walk into a tomb. Freya holds up her shackled wrists in annoyance "I fail to see the need for these. I'm not your enemy" Freya said "oh, they're not to protect me, love" he says and pulls her into the main room of the tomb by the manacles and I gesture toward a corner. "They're to protect her" I said "the one who knows more about mind-invasion and body-jumping than all of us put together" Klaus says with a smile.

Klaus throws two blood bags into the dark corner with a smirk, and Freya takes a step toward it, clearly curious as to who is there. After a moment, Esther's hand reaches out and grabs one of the blood bags to gulp it down quickly before throwing it aside and chugging the second. After a moment, Freya realizes it's her mother, and she quickly turns to leave, only to be stopped by Klaus and I. "No, no" she said horrified. "Mother, Freya. Freya, Mother" Klaus says with a small smile.

Esther, who still looks very desiccated, looks at us all in confusion before looking at Freya. "It, can't be" she says and Freya turns to Klaus furiously "you won't trust me, but you'll trust her"? "If it was my decision I'd trust you and burn Esther's body" I said with a small smile. "I trust my mother about as much as I would a stuck snake" Klaus says and walks toward Esther. "Fortunately, she is now a vampire, and as such, she's vulnerable to my compulsion" Klaus says and grabs Esther by the face and stares into her eyes as he compels her. "You will answer me truthfully" Klaus compels and then picks her up so she's standing on her feet and brings her over to Freya, who glares at both of them.

"There, now, at least everything that comes out of her wretched mouth will be honest. Let's raid Mommy Dearest's mind for spells, shall we" Klaus asks "and why are you here" Freya asks me a bit mad "to make sure Klaus isn't, well, Klaus" I said and Freya turns to Klaus mad.

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