Chapter 53

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Klaus and I are still in Dahlia's mind space, watching as Dahlia helps a weakened Freya back into their cottage. Once they are inside, present-day Dahlia begins to speak to us "your daughter will need my guidance just as Freya did". "I think we'll find someone a little less hostile to teach her. Shouldn't be difficult, practically anyone will fit that criteria" Klaus smirked. "Will you be interviewing tutors while you lie desiccated" Dahlia asked and Klaus' smirk is wiped from his face. "And as long as you are in here, so is Star".

"Someone who wants us on her side isn't being to smart about what you say" I said crossing my arms. "How long, do you think, before Elijah and Rebekah release you, how old will Hope be" Dahlia asked? Klaus walks towards her "so, after twice failing to create a family of your own, now you wish to commandeer mine" Klaus says and Dahlia gives him a confused look. "Not going to happen, sweetheart" Klaus said "family, family only ever brought me pain, I want power. I am owed Hope's, and without it, I will slumber again within the year. Freya turned on me because I denied her a basic need, the love of her real parents" Dahlia said.

"That is why I need you two, to remain her mother and father" Dahlia says and I walk up to stand next to Klaus as we both look at her surprised. "Try to imagine this, you two will get to raise your daughter, and I will channel the magic that has been promised to me. And, in so doing, I would help Hope to hone her craft that you couldn't possibly comprehend" Dahlia said. I look at her surprised "are you being serous" I asked "yes, with us by your side, no one would ever test you two, ever again. Or, you could lie there and pray that Elijah releases you and Star before Hope learns to call Jackson and Haley Mommy and Daddy".

Dahlia starts to walk away from us, leaving us to consider this offer. "By all means, think it over. Though, know this I shall not ask twice" Dahlia says "in my experience, an offer from a malevolent witch always comes with a catch. What's yours" Klaus asked and Dahlia sighs and hesitates for a long moment as she carefully chooses her words. "Hayley believe that Hope is her's, weather she admits it or not. Why do you think her and Jackson have her in the Boyou right now"?

"She will fight us she will not relent. In order for us to succeed and live in peace, Hayley will have to be eliminated" Dahlia says and Klaus and I both look at her shocked and conflicted by this response. "The rest of the family would hate us and if Hope found out then she would hate us as well" I said. "When she grows, you can tell her whatever story you like. But in the end, the truth is you will have made the right choice for her" Dahlia says.

Dahlia looks at me "do you remember the thought you had before you came here, I think you should do that right about now" Dahlia said to me and blew some sort of dust in my face. I opened my eyes and gasped as I quickly sat up and I saw I was back in my trashed room in the compound. I focused on the front door and chanted something else, making the door slam open. I fast walked threw the doorway and down the hallway were a few vampires were waiting in front of the door where Klaus was held.

I threw my hand, making the two vampires fly backwards. Suddenly one jumped on my back from behind. I flipped him over and held my hand over his heart, chanting something small, making his heart jump out of his body and into my open hand, killing him. I looked at the heart in my hand before letting it drop to the floor and walking into Klaus' room to see him still laying in the coffin with the dagger in his heart.

I walk over to him and pull the dagger out of his heart and took my ring off, putting it in my pocket before biting into my wrist and feeding Klaus my blood. His eyes quickly open and he starts regaining color. I took a few steps back as Klaus weakly stands up, leaning on the coffin and looking at me with a look of thanks in his eyes. "What do we do" I asked and Klaus sighed, not saying anything. "You can't really be thinking of trusting her" I asked Klaus.

"We could still be a family" Klaus said to me "Klaus, we would have to kill Hayley" I said shocked by his answer. "Dahlia said it herself, she wants Hope to be her's" Klaus said and I shook my head "that could be a lie for all we know" I said. "And if it's not" Klaus said and I shook my head. "No, I'm not doing it" I said and turned around, walking away from him. I stop when I hear Elijah and Rebekah in a different room and stand outside of the room, listening to Hayley talking threw a voice mail.

"Elijah, I'm calling to say goodbye. Hope and I, we can't be part of your family anymore. All Hope's life, her family has tried to destroy her. That can't be this little girl's story. Family is supposed to love you. Even if she is free of Dahlia's first-born curse, Hope would still be Klaus' daughter. She'd inherit a thousand years of enemies, all his anger and rage. Star may want that but I don't want Hope to be a Mikaelson, all the pain that comes with that name, she doesn't deserve that, goodbye" Hayley said and I was silent.

"She's right, Elijah" Rebekah said and I lifted my head, not believing what I was hearing. Hope was my daughter, not Hayley's.


I weakly walk to the cemetery and into one of the tombs where Dahlia is still at. I stumble into the tomb and Dahlia smiles "I knew you were the smartest of your siblings. There's no brute Viking blood in those veins. I'm glad to see you made the right decision, but where is Star" she asked me "she does not agree with your offer" I said and knelt in front of her. "It looks like you don't know me as well as you thought" I heard a familiar voice say and turned around to see Star standing behind me, looking at us.

"But, you should know, the rest of our family will stand against us in defense of her" Star said. "We will have to go through them, are you prepared for that" Dahlia asked "they have more than earned everything that is to come" I said as Star sits next to me. "We need to hurry, even now, Hayley is attempting to flee with out child" Star said and Dahlia laughs and rubs her bloody fingers together before grabbing a bundle of what looks like lavender, which she uses to stir the bowl of blood. "Don't worry, she won't get far tonight" she says.

"There is one thing that I ask" Star said to us and we both look at her. "Leave Hayley to me".

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