Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I breath heavily as I chase a vampire threw the New Orleans woods. I know what your thinking, how the heck could I keep up with a vampire? Well it's not easy, luckily he must be new because he doesn't know the short cuts like I do. I made a sharp turn and quickly ran behind buildings, still seeing the vampire turn to look behind him to see if I was still there. I made another sharp turn, going in between two buildings before meeting at the vampire and jumping on his back.

The vampire fell to the ground and I duck a knife threw its stomach, making it cry out in pain, but only for a short time before I broke his neck. I grabbed a stake from my back pocket and stabbed it into his heart, watching as he turned gray with veins running threw him. I caught my breath as I whipped my blood covered hands on my jacket and stood up. I picked up the body, dragging it to the woods to burn.

The sound of Klaus trying to break another painting filled my ears as I sat in a chair, reading a book. I sighed loudly and looked up to see Klaus furiously try and stretch a canvas over a wooden frame for a painting. When he tears through the canvas, he angrily throws the canvas across the room with a yell. Elijah walks in and picks up the painting "how long has he been doing this for" Elijah asked me "around an hour" I said going back to my book. Elijah looks at the painting "I suppose we shall have to call this your "white period"".

"I'm missing a crucial color in my palette, that of my enemies' blood" Klaus said in anger. "Well, I recommend a Venetian red, with a dash of rust" Elijah starts "it's been months! I've adhered to our plan: sit and do nothing, sell our grief. And now, my child is safely away, and another full moon is upon us, another night of pathetic weakness as the moonlight rings steal my strength" Klaus yells, anger running threw the house. I set the book down and look at the two brothers.

Elijah gives Klaus a sympathetic look, and Klaus calms down slightly "the nursery is killing me. I need to act, I, I,I need, I need to spill blood" Klaus says "well, then, you'll be pleased to know that I've located the last of the twelve rings forged with your blood" Elijah says. "Then, it's time" Klaus says with a weak smile, making Elijah look at me "hey, we all deal with this differently, Klaus loses his temper every hour, you talk your way out of things, and I read a nice book that I've been reading for a month since Klaus won't let me out of the house" I say and turn to Klaus.

Klaus turns away from me and I stand up "let me know when the house is on fire, maybe then I'll be able to leave this god forsaking house" I yell behind me.


"I'm concerned about Star" I tell Klaus as he returns to sorting through his art "she looks fine". "She looks fine, but her actions are no better than you, brother. Now, if you would show some kind of emotion to her, maybe things would be different" "I have shown emotions to her, you know that better then anyone" Klaus yells at me. "You are right, but sadly, like the you, she prefers to fight her demons alone and in a different way then I like" I say before walking away.

I walk down the hall and knock on Star's door, seeing her picking up a few things. "Hello Elijah" she says with a sigh as she finishes. "I think we need to talk" "about" Star asks me and leans on a table. "About you sneaking out almost every night, killing vampires" I say, taking a few steps in. Star is silent. "I know you are grieving just as much as Klaus" I start. "I'm not grieving, what do I have to grieve about" Star asks with a smile on her face that is clearly fake.

"The fact that you lost a child" I said making Star go silent for a minuet. "Like I said before, Hayley was the mother, not me" Star said. "You say that, but do you really mean it" I asked making Star go silent. "The definition of a mother is someone who has carried their child and gave birth to them, caring for them, protecting them, just like you have done" I said. Star looked up at me from the ground "what is your point"?

"Help me save Klaus, help me bring him back to himself" I said taking another step closer. Star chuckles "Elijah, I came back to New Orleans and I helped him and it worked, the first month. But I have been here for three months and there is nothing more that I can do to save him" Star says. "Only you can though" I say making Star look at me, knowing I was right.

"Hello" I hear Cami's voice sound threw the house, making me look at Star and her at me. I run out of there, running past Cami, but so fast she doesn't even know I'm there. "Klaus" she calls, thinking it's him. She heads up the stairs, but stops when she senses someone behind her. She instinctively touches her neck. Klaus is behind her, looking sad "Klaus" she whispers and turns around, but Klaus is gone. "Klaus, I know you're here somewhere. We need to talk" she says and I make myself known.

"He doesn't wish to see you" I say making her jump and scream a little "Elijah, where the hell did you come from" Cami asks? I am unamused by this "I beg your pardon, aren't you the one who is trespassing? He doesn't care much for conversation these days. And, he certainly wouldn't care for the fact that you've put yourself in danger by coming here" I say.

Cami gets frustrated "I'm already in danger. I have wolfs following me like it's a police state. The city's being run by gangsters, and you guys aren't doing anything about it. Marcel took them out a hundred years ago without any of you, don't you think he might be up for lending you a hand" Cami asks? I stare at her for a second "thank you for coming, Camille" I said and gesture towards the door to get her to leave. She reluctantly follows me before turning and stopping me.

"I know your family is grieving, but I know you don't believe those rumors that Marcel killed the baby. So, if you want help taking down the Guerreras, you have a weapon across the river just waiting to be fired. Use it. I also know that I'm not the only human in this house right now" Cami says to me, referring to Star. Cami turns away and leaves, while I watch her from the balcony. After a moment, Klaus joins me as I smile a little "I like her spirit" I say.

"So do I" Klaus says in a depressed voice as Star joins us as well "she's being a handful isn't she" Star asks? "Yes, but no problem, after all, your here" I say to Star with a smile before walking away.


I sat in bed, reading the same book for the hundredth time as Elijah walks in. "I though gentlemen always knocked before entering a lady's room" I ask, not looking up form my book. "I thought you would like to know that Klaus as left the house" Elijah said, looking at a old book that sat on my table. I set my book down and look at Elijah. "Where is he" I asked "talking with Marcel, and I figure, since you and Klaus are together you should do something as a couple" Elijah says to me.

I chuckle and stand up "and what am I suppose to do exactly" I ask, walking over to Elijah. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, handing it to me "surprise him". I take the paper and look to see a address, I fold the paper back up "fine, but you know Klaus hates surprises" I say walking away form Elijah before going outside and getting in my car, heading to Marcel's new place which is out of town.

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