Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


I woke up, still feeling a small headache. I sighed and sat up, stopping in my tracts when I saw Esther standing in the middle of my room. "Esther, what are you doing here" I asked, hoping Klaus will hear me. "I need to speak to Klaus and I know the only way to do that is if he has a reason to come and meet me" Esther says before waving her hand "I'm sorry" she says before I blacked out.


I walked into Star's room and stopped when I saw she was gone. I checked her bathroom and saw she wasn't in there too. "Hayley" I called out as I walked over to the balcony looking over the French Quarter. Hayley turned to look at me from below "what is it now Klaus" she asked annoyed. "Have you seen Star" "no I have not seen your girlfriend, last I checked she was in her room sleeping" "she is not there" I told her. "Did you check her bathroom" Hayley asked?

I sighed "yes" I said and looked around the place but saw no sign of Star. I walked back into her room just as my phone rang. I saw that it was Star and answered it "if I where to tie you to my waist then would you stay put" I asked? "Niklaus" I heard Esther's voice "what have you done with Star" I asked in a mad voice. "She will be fine, but we need to talk" Esther said before hanging up the pone. I hung up the phone and threw it on the ground, anger running threw my body.

Hayley walked into the room "what is going on" "I suspected my mother had Elijah captive, but I never thought she would go so low as in taking the girl I love" I said "great, let's go find them" Hayley said. I shake my head "Esther is too powerful, she won't be easily found. I need to draw her out" I said and start to close the door but Hayley stops me "wait, where are you going". "I'm going to change my shirt, and then I'm going to find my brother and the girl I love and no you are not going with me" I said to her.

"Klaus, let me come with you" Hayley says "I know you want to help, Hayley, but you can't. My mother is wretched. She will target you in order to thwart me, and I can't very well save Elijah and Star if I'm busy saving you, can I" I say and shut the door in her eye. I head to the old Mikaelson Mansion and start to dig up Esther's grave when I turn and glare at a crow who is cawing at me nearby in the trees. "Are you watching this mother" I say and douse the coffin in gasoline. "Are you watching this, Mother, nothing says "I loathe you" quite like desecrating a corpse" I say and pull out a light, but before I can drop it on the coffin, I hear Elijah call my name.

"Niklaus", I turn to see Elijah on the other end of the yard, walking toward the plantation house. I fallow him inside to find Elijah start to tap the keys of the burnt-up piano as I slowly approaches him. Elijah smiles "you seem troubled. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were worried". "What has she done to you, and where is Star" I ask mad "Star is safe, in a way. A thousand years of murder and mayhem, and Mother believes she can still save our souls" Elijah runs his finger across the piano keys. "She wants to talk, perhaps we should listen".

I smile for a moment before angrily picking up a piece of overturned furniture "enough" I yell. The furniture passes right through Elijah and he disappears, revealing that he was only an illusion. "The petty illusions, Esther, where is Elijah and Star" I call out as Esther appears behind me. "He's preoccupied at the moment" I turn to face her "I'm helping him find his way. But, not to worry, I'll return him to you. All I ask is that you hear me out" Esther says.

"You expect me to sit through a sermon of your lies" "I have lied in the past, to my shame. But, I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm in the process of making Elijah into the man he was meant to be. And, I intend to do the same for you" Esther says with a smile on her face. "This plantation, ruined by fire. How sad, not to mention symbolic. After all you never intended to build a true home here. Even as Star comes back into your life then back and forth between Hayley and Star carrying your child, as Rebekah and Elijah sought to defend you, your thoughts were focused on only your conquest of the Quarter. Tell me, how did that go" Esther asks?

"I'm sorry, is this some sort of motherly critique? Please feel free to choke on it, now I will not ask again where is Star" I raise my voice. "It's funny house for centuries people have come and gone in your life and yet the only one that seems to catch your eye and make you change is a young girl" Esther says. "I will say, Star is someone who I always hopped would take your heart" "enough" I yell. Esther sighs "I mention your failures only to make a point, my dear. You've endured several lifetimes of misery, never mind the suffering you've caused others, even to your own blood. You yourself remain trapped in a perpetual state of despair. I have come to offer you a means to escape that cycle" Esther says.

"And that's about all the hypocrisy I can take. I suggest you give me my brother and Star before I get angry" I say. "Such hatred, it breaks my heart to see you like this, the boy I loved" Esther says. "Your love was a curse, an affect you feigned. The truth is, you're not better than Mikael, and like him you seem to have crawled back from the grave simply to ruin your children" I say. Esther's eyes widen in shock" oh, you didn't know, yes, the Destroyer has risen, brought back to kill me and the girl I love by the witch Davina. Surely Kol has revealed everything to you" I say.

Esther's face remains blank "or, is Mother's loyal little boot-licker not quite so loyal, after all" I ask with a smile. "If Mikael has returned, we will need to deal with him" Esther says. I only laugh at her "we, is that a joke, am I to forego centuries of hatred for my evil mother in order to join her in besting the very demon she herself allowed to raise me" I ask. Esther sighs "I am not evil, Niklaus, I am your salvation. And Mikael, he was not always a demon" Esther says.

"You really think that saccharine recollections of anicent history will have any effect on me at all" I ask? "What I think is that you have gone mad from centuries of hating your parents. But, if you join me now, I can grant you peace. And, should Mikael return with the intent to harm you, I will strike him down myself" Esther says. I am slightly tempted, but remains firm.

"That's quite an offer, but, you know, I've never needed any help when it comes to killing parents" I say, Esther rolls her eyes. "Very well, then fallow me" "what makes you think I will fallow you anywhere" I ask? Esther ignores me and I sigh before fallowing her outside. She stops and I look past her to see Star laying on the ground unconscious.

"Star" I say and vamp-run over to her, laying my hand on her shoulder. "What have you done to her" I asked in anger. "You will soon find out, but until then you have rejected me out of hatred, but I have something stronger. I have the truth about your father, not Mikael, you're real father". Esther looks at her dug up grave "a thousand years ago, in a fit of rage, you wrapped your bare hands around my neck and squeezed until I died. Do you even remember why" Esther asks. I sigh and stand up "let's see, you turned us all into monsters. You cursed me, denied me of my hybrid nature. You lied to me about my father" I start.

"It's that one above all, you killed me because I kept you from ever knowing your true father" Esther asks? " My hatred for you runs so deep, it's difficult to pinpoint it's origin. Maybe I hate that I'm the product of a whore's lechery" I say angry and Esther slaps me across the face. "Watch your mouth, you will do well to remember that you are still my son" Esther says. Suddenly there is a gasp behind me and I quickly turn around to see Star sitting up. I kneel by her side "Klaus" she says, looking at me.

"How do you feel" I asked Star as she looks at the ground for a second before looking up at Esther. "Craving" she says mad, making me look at Esther and stand up in anger "what did you do to her" I asked mad. "Simple, she is in transition of being a vampire, but do not worry. By midnight tonight if she does not drink human blood then she will go back to being human" Esther says.

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