Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Klaus and I walked into the cemetery where the witches and now werewolf were hiding. “Are you sure they're here” I asked “positive” Klaus says before speaking louder “what happened to decorum? Does no one greet their guests anymore” Klaus yelled as the werewolves come out of hiding and surround us, making us stop. I turn and look at them all, pulling out my gun that was hiding in my back pocket witch made one of the guys growl.

“Well, that's more like it. Although, I am rather disappointed at how many of my once-formidable brethren have been neutered by a 16-year-old girl. Where is she, where is this witch who dares craft moonlight rings without my permission” Klaus yells, anger starting to form. Suddenly a teenage girl walks out with short black hair. We look around to find Cassie, and is startled when we hear a voice call out to Klaus. “Niklaus” the girl calls and walks through the crowd of werewolves to face us.

“I've been expecting you” Cassie says with a smile. “Well, I'm sorry to keep you waiting” Klaus says with a fake smile. “I'd like to talk” Cassie says and starts to walk towards a crypts. I fallow Klaus but am soon stop “Star stays out here” Cassie says. How does she know my name? Klaus stops “she will be safe, I promise” Cassie says and looks at Klaus and I. “Go, I'll be fine” I whisper to Klaus.

Klaus fallows Cassie while I look around and walk over to a bench and sit down, still holding my gun. A guy takes a step foreword and I quickly point my gun at him “I wouldn't do that if I were you” I said with a smile and he took a step back.


I sit at one of the tables while Cassie makes tea “I must offer my condolences on the tragic loss of your child” Cassie says. “Wasn't it your coven who threatened her life” I say unamused. Cassie sets a cup of tea in front of me before pouring one for herself “is that tea your idea of a peace offering” I ask? “Chamomile has lots of healing properties. Did you know that it is also a flowering plant” Cassie asks and takes a sip. “I did, the plants grew wild near my boyhood home. But, neither the tea, nor your botanical musings explain the reason why you've taken it upon yourself to forge new moonlight rings” I say.

“I assumed that was obvious. An alliance between the wolves and the witches would restore balance to our home” Cassie says. I look at her suspicious “well, that's a lofty goal for a teenage girl” I say.

“Long ago, the witches and the wolves were at peace. Then came the vampires. A plague made flesh, a curse on this earth. You have no humanity except for the young girl who sits outside, but you punish those who are happy because you never felt that way until you met Star. Witches have a coven, werewolves have a pack, and so we are a constant reminder of everything that you have forsaken. Creatures such as you will always hate the living, and so we will always have to defend ourselves. The rings level the playing field. If we are united, nothing can stand against us” Cassie says. I tense a little as she talks about Star.

I take a small breath, trying to keep my cool “it's an ambitious strategy. But allow me to offer a few words of advice, if I may be so bold? New Orleans is a vicious place, and your enemies are everywhere. Behind your back, before your eyes. You will need to remain vigilant against those who would seek to destroy you, some of whom you may never see coming” I say. Cassie sips her tea “I've already begun to take precautions. In fact, I'm taking them as we speak” Cassie says making me wonder is Star is okay.

I stare at her confused and a little nervous. I take a sip of my tea “Chamomile, it's the same tea my mother made. How I loathed it” I say “would you have preferred mint” Cassie asks amused. “You know, she was insane, my mother” I say making Cassie raise her eyebrows at me. “No, it's true, she believed we were abominations. "A curse on this earth, stretched out over generations," is how she put it. But, she was the true monster. She changed her children, stole our innocence, made us vampires, condemned us to an eternity of blood lust, and then acted as if we were to blame” I say.

Cassie looks annoyed “she sounds awful. Are you building to a question, Niklaus”? I pause for a second “you use my full name, as though we are familiars. I find it insulting” I say “well you don't seem to mind when Star calls you Niklaus” Cassie says with a small smile. “Before my mother died, a witch revealed that your coven was under my mother's influence” I smile. “Does she speak to you now” I ask making Cassie smile back.

“She doesn't have to, I know exactly what she would say. She would tell you to go to your room for being so rude” Cassie says making me lose my temper and slam my hand over Cassie's, staring in her eyes. What I see shocks me and I am about to say something when a group of werewolves come in and surround Cassie threateningly. I turn and face them seeing a guy holding onto Star's arm roughly. “It's okay, Niklaus and Star were just leaving” Cassie says before standing.

I stand and look at her with anger “I will happily kill them all” “yes but are you wiling to lose your lover in the process” Cassie asks me? “How dare you threaten her” I say almost a whisper but loud enough for her to hear me. “If you kill them then, you will have murdered members of the very pack you still hope to someday lead. Besides, there's no need for bloodshed. We can always resume this discussion another day” Cassie says before pausing.

“Goodnight Niklaus, goodnight Star, we will speak again soon” she says as I stare at her for a moment before walking towards the wolves “let her go if you want to live to see another full moon” I say and the guy looks at Cassie before letting Star go. Star stumbles a little before grabbing my arm as I lead her out of the cemetery. We go home and stand in the wine cellar waiting for Elijah to come home witch he does shortly after. “It is worse than we thought” Klaus says and pours three glasses of wine.

“I met the witch, Cassie. I studied her, her presence, the way she carried herself. The fervor with which she voice her hatred of our kind. I looked into that girl's eyes, and, I swear to you, Elijah, she's just just guided by our mother. She is our mother” Klaus says, making Klaus look at us stunned. He looks at me to see if he's telling the truth “it's true” I say. “What is happening” Elijah asks, not really looking for a answer.

“I'm going to kill her. I will boil her bones and feed them to the dogs, if that's what it takes” Klaus says in anger. Elijah tries to interrupt him “Niklaus” “what, what could possibly be more important than the return of our mother” Klaus asks? Elijah sighs “our father”. Klaus and I look at Elijah in shock “wait, your father is alive” I ask? “I saw him standing there in the flesh, as you do now. He was enslaved with some spell cast by Davina. he holds the stake, if she chooses to release him” Elijah starts.

“Well, then there's only one question we need to ask, isn't there” Klaus says, not letting Elijah finish. I look at Elijah and Klaus “which of your parents do we kill first” I say.

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