Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I walk up to Marcel's new place witch is an abandon ware house. I search different room, listening and looking for Marcel and Klaus. I finally hear them talking "I'm not looking for tough guys. I'm looking for "a warrior fights for what they believe in. A warrior fights for his family" Klaus says and I figure this is the perfect time to make myself known "and his family fights with him" I say walking into the room, my black boots making a noise as I walk.

Everyone turns to look at me, surprised to see me as I stand there with a smile. "Who is she" a guy asked, sitting in a chair across from Klaus and Marcel. "A friend" Klaus says, mad as he stands and walks over to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room and into the hallway. "What the hell are you doing here" Klaus asks me, letting me go. "I'm here to help" I say "no, no, not happening" Klaus says to me making me role my eyes at him.

"Klaus, you're fighting werewolves, you're going to need all the help you can get" I say to him. Klaus turns his head so he's not looking at me "I've been locked up in that house for months with nothing to do, I haven't even been outside in weeks" I say, making Klaus look at me. "Are you sure about that, I mean there has been a lot of vampire deaths lately" Klaus says, making me look at the ground. He knows that I've been sneaking out and killing vampires. "Witch also means that I can help" I say, almost begging.

Klaus sighs with annoyment "I can help, why are you so against me helping" I ask? "Because I can't lose you" Klaus says face, raising his voice a little. He surprised me, not with the fact he yelled at me but because he actually said something sweet to me in front of other people besides his brother. "You won't, you're stuck with me" I say with a little smile. Klaus sighed, thinking for a second "possible" was all he said before turning around and walking.

I sigh with annoyment and walk back out of the building, getting in my car and driving home, waiting for Klaus to come home and tell us what his plain is. I pull up to the house that I actually call home. I sit in the car, looking at the house as the thought of leaving crosses my mind. I won't leave; I can't leave Klaus even if I wanted to. I get out of the car and walk into the house to be greeted by Elijah. "Hello Star" Elijah says with a smile.

"Your brother will drive me crazy" I say, leaning on the wall next to the door. "What has he done now" Elijah asks? "He won't let me help him; he thinks that I'm going to get hurt or something". "He's just worried about you" "yeah, well can he do that in a different way instead of locking me in a house for the rest of my life" I ask as the door opens. Klaus walks in and quickly turns to see me leaning on the wall.

Klaus looks between Elijah and I "I believe I have a plain" Klaus says with a smile. We fallow him into the dining room and I sit at the long table, away from Elijah and Klaus. "We have the Guerreras where we want them. We have them waiting, we have them worried, and now, we know they're an army with no defenses against an Original" Klaus says to us.

"We don't know that for certain" Elijah says "I'm willing to gamble" "it's too risky" Elijah says. "The stake didn't just disappear, someone has it" I say making a point. Klaus shrugs "one enemy at a time! In the end, we'll slay them all" he says and sits down in a chair "tonight, we just have to plant the right seeds". "Fine, we're taking the twelve original rings. Now, four of them sit on the hands of the Guerrera brothers. One on Oliver, one on Francesca, three with the home security detail, and the rest scattered amongst her lackeys" Elijah says.

"If they believe they can get their hands on the stake, they will come for me when I am weak. Each ring you retrieve will strengthen me, but I will still at a disadvantage" Klaus says. "Ergo, any hope of our success depends entirely upon our working together" Elijah looks at Klaus "which means we need Star's help". "No, not happening" Klaus says making me stand up and pull a gun out of my back pocket, not even aiming as I shoot, just missing Klaus.

"You need me" I say and lower the gun, making Klaus sigh before standing "this is our fight, which means that I will let you fight, but if things get to out of hand" Klaus stars "yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, leave" I finish for him. Klaus smirks a little "just promise me that Francesca doesn't come out of this alive" I say, talking about the witch that tried to kill Hope. Klaus nods "her head will be delivered to you on a silver platter, little hunter".

I smile a little "I believe we have a fight to get ready for". I walked into my room, putting on a black shirt with a dark brown jacket to go over it. I already had my black boots and some jeans on so I was set. I grabbed my ammo and a few guns and knives, prepared to fight. I walked down the stairs "Klaus can't fight and Marcel is helping form affair" Elijah told me as I walked down the stairs. "Okay, what do you want me to do" I asked?

"Watch Klaus, make sure they don't get to close, I'll stay here and make sure the house is safe. Once I know for sure that it is I'm going to have a little talk with Francesca" Elijah said to me. "Fine" I said thinking that I wouldn't be able to kill many vampires tonight. I look around and finding Klaus in his painting room, kneeling on the ground. "Klaus" I say "I'm fine, go" Klaus says, sounding weaker. I stand outside of the room, slowly walking over to the balcony.

I peeked down, seeing the doors swing open and wolves enter the compound and quickly split up. Two of the werewolves head for one of the staircases, where Elijah vampire speeds toward them and snaps both of their necks instantly. He slips each of their rings off of their fingers. I hear a noise come from the other side of me and slowly walk down the hallway, stopping when I pass another hallway, stopping once I passed it, sensing someone was behind me.

A knife slid out of my sleeve and I quickly turned around slicing the throat of a wolf. He grabbed his throat as he fell to the ground, bleeding out. I grabbed his hand and pulled off the ring, putting it in my pocket. Someone grabbed me from behind, making me elbow them hard in the gut and quickly turn around, kicking them on the stomach witch made them fall to the ground. I pulled out a gun from my back pocket "have I mentioned that I've had a rotten couple of months" I said before shooting the guy twice in the head.

I walked over to the guy, pulling off the ring on him too. I heard someone walking below me and looked down to see another wolf just about to walk right below me. Once he got close enough I jumped over the balcony and landed right on him. My legs wrapped around his head and I easily broke it. He fell to the ground, bringing me with him and I flipped on the ground and quickly stood back up.

I walked over to the guy and took off another ring, putting it in my pocket as well. I looked up and saw two wolves walking towards Klaus's studies where Klaus was. "Klaus" I whispered before quickly running up the stairs. I stopped when I saw the two wolves fall to the ground with paintbrushes impaled in their throats, killing them. "So much for needing me" I said. "With each ring I get stronger" Klaus says before kneeling back on the floor.

I get a text from Elijah, telling me to head to Francesca's house immediately. I looked up at Klaus before leaving. I got in the car as Elijah called me.


At this point I'm painting with the blood of the werewolves I had killed, as Elijah returns to the compound and joins me. "I'm still not at full strength, which of the rings are unaccounted for" I ask as I paint. "Only one, I must say, the brothers fought valiantly before Ms. Guerrera escaped" Elijah said. I quickly stand up and turn to face him in shock "you let her get away" I ask a little mad. "Not exactly" Elijah says to me.

I look around "you didn't" I asked mad and started to head out of the room "Klaus, she has every right to kill Francesca" Elijah says chasing after me. "I think you are forgetting something very important, she is human and Francesca is a wolf" I say a little loud. "I have not forgotten, you doubt Star's skills as much as you doubt yourself" Elijah says to me, making me stop halfway down the stairs. I sigh before walking back up the stairs to Elijah "if she gets hurt, it's on you" I say and pass him, going back to painting.

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