Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I met Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley in the courtyard “what's going on” “Marcel has a witch” Klaus says. “And she's being held captive in the Quarter” Hayley says “oh, perfect, Mother's a step ahead, as usual” Klaus says. “Oliver's with her, I'll go, and I'll get her to do the spell” Hayley says. “What spell” I asked “a spell to finally kill our mother once and for all” Klaus said. “I don't like this what so” Elijah started but Hayley cuts him off “no. You don't get to ignore me for days and then suddenly act like you're concerned, Elijah. Just, for once, please, will you trust me that I'll do something and it will get done” Hayley said.

Elijah looks as though he's about to speak, but shuts his mouth at the last moment. Klaus sighs at his family and Hayley gets ready to leave, but Elijah stops her. “Wait, a disciple of Marcel's was instructed to fetch another ingredient. Ask for Gia” Elijah said and Hayley hesitantly says “okay” before leaving. “So” I say making Elijah look at me “what's up with you two” I asked with a smile and crossed my arms “nothing. She's stronger, that's all that matters” Elijah said.

“Yeah, okay, what ever you say” I say and turn around to walk away. Elijah looks at Klaus “don't look at me, I don't control her” Klaus says with a smile before leaving to get ready. I slipped on my dress and let my hair fall to my shoulders, slipping on a bracelet with some heals. The heals weren't to high and very easy to walk in so I didn't have to worry to much if I had to run or chase someone down. I looked in the mirror and smiled at how I looked.

I walked into the dinning room to see Elijah and Klaus are both wearing fancy suits and preparing for dinner. Klaus and Elijah look up at me and I sigh loudly “are these outfits really necessary” I asked as I walked over, standing next to Klaus. “You look beautiful” Klaus said and held up a necklace, it was a leather strap with a metal bird on the end. Klaus put it on for me and I smiled. “But I must agree with Star” Klaus said and looked at Elijah.

“Appearance is a way of showing respect, Niklaus. Mother will be more likely to surrender her true intentions” Elijah said. “Well, I doubt her guard will drop just 'cause I'm dressed like a bloody lawyer and she is dressed like she is going to a dance” Klaus said. Elijah lightens some candles as he speaks “we need every advantage we can get, Niklaus”. “You always did excel in diplomacy. Just know, if she tries anything, I'll tear her new body to pieces” Klaus said.

Suddenly a laugh is heard, making us turn to the door and see a man standing there “you two haven't changed a bit. Linens and silk to disguise your pathetic self-loathing” he says to Elijah and turns to Klaus “and you. Despite the arrogant facade, you're still the same paranoid little boy. Full of hate, and fear” the guy said like he knew them like the back of his hand. Klaus' face turns from amused to offended.

The man looks at me “I don't believe we've met” he says and walks to me, lifting up my hand and kissing it. “My name is Star” I say and the guy smiles before standing up straight and looking at Elijah and Klaus who still look at the man confused. “Oh, you mean you don't recognize me? So much for the unbreakable bonds of family, huh? Always and forever indeed”.

“It's been a long time, Finn” Klaus says mad making me look at Klaus “Finn, your dead brother” I asked? “Oh, but very much alive, now that the introductions are out of the way, let's eat” Finn says with a smirk. We all sit down as Elijah pours Finn and glass of wine and I take sip of mine. Finn wafts the wine “what an aromatic bordot” he says “well, it was a challenge to find a good pairing. What wine goes well with treachery” Klaus said “or death” I had and Klaus nods to me.

“I like her, a lot like you Niklaus, but do not put brother, tonight is meant to be a happy occasion” Finn says. Finn whispers something in one of the servers' ears, which makes Klaus suspicious. “What exactly are we celebrating” Elijah asks, sensing the tension in the air. “Why, my return, of course! Remember, I spent nine-hundred years, right? Lying daggered in a box. I'm rather enjoying this new body. Strolling about your lovely city that, uh, you've made your home. But, do tell me, what'd I miss”?

Klaus rolls his eyes “I see some things have changed, I mean Niklaus, you finally show you have a heart” Finn says and looks at me. “Star, tell me about yourself” Finn said and I smiled “well, I'm a vampire hunter and I love to kill people who bother me” I look at Finn “and you are on that list” I say with a smile. “I do not mean harm, I promise” Finn said with a smile before Klaus seemed annoyed. “The last time we met, you were helping our mother try to annilate the lot of us! Let's not throw stones in glass houses” Klaus said, mad.

Two more plates are set down “are we expecting another guest” Elijah asked? “Mother will sit at the head. And, as for the seat across from me, that's reserved for another of our clan. Care to wager an educated guess, how about a paranoid one” Finn asked? “Well, there's no way Kol would listen to anything other than his ego” Klaus said as I realize he is talking about his other brother.

“And yet, our mother has made such a compelling argument that even he, the wildest of us Mikaelsons, has seen the error of his ways and accepted his new form, with vigor! Change, dear brothers, is inevitable” Finn said with a smile. “You would dare face us as a mortal? The only thing inevitable is your death” Klaus says and quickly stands, flinging a knife at Finn, but he deflects it with magic, and it ultimately embeds itself into the chair at the head of the table.

Finn removes the knife from the chair and holds it “I suppose the honor of carving should go to the oldest. We have much to discuss” Finn says with a smile as we all look at him in shock. “I'm rather enjoying my evening” Finn says as he cuts his food. “Well, I'd rather enjoy you getting to the point” Klaus said, frustrated. “I had nine hundred years to learn to be patient. Although, I am curious why you kept me daggered in a box for so long” Finn asks?

“You were daggered from being am ever-simpering sycophant. Did Mother bring you back from the dead so you could wash her knickers” Klaus asks with a smirk. Finn is furious at this point as I try to stay quiet.

“She raised me because I was treated unfairly! Cheated of all but the smallest portion of my life! Elijah, I can understand such cruelty coming from him, but I always thought of you as being the compassionate one! What did I do to deserve you turning your back on me? Were you afraid of Niklaus? Are you still? Or perhaps jealousy is what kept me locked in a box? You coveted the duties of the eldest brother, in which case you had near-on a millenium to fix the problems of this family, and instead, produced nine centuries of failure” Finn yells angry but realizes it and pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb.

“You might reside, somewhat parasitically, I might add, in another body, but I assure you, in nine hundred years, your tedious sentiments remain quite the same. You see, Finn, like Father, you've always despised our supernatural existence. Father, of course, slaughtered and consumed his own, whereas you became pretentious and dull! Much like this meal. I will not ask you again, where is Mother” Elijah asks, also getting mad.

“Enough” I say hitting my hands on the table, making everyone jump slightly and look at me. “Why am I even here, I do not need to listen to this crap” I say mad and annoyed. I turn to Finn “now tell me why I am here” I asked? “Because Star” a voice says and we all look up to see a teenage girl wit short black hair walks in the room, Esther. “This is a family reunion, and you are as much of this family as they are” she says to me.

Esther looks at Elijah “oh, my darling son, I've missed you” she says with a smile as we all look at her with anger.

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