Chapter 60

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Last Chapter!


Klaus and I sit in the dinning room of the compound at the table, where Klaus has one of his compelled humans bleeding from his wrist into glasses for the vampires to drink when Rebekah walks in to join us. "The spoils of war, eh" she asks "a family tradition" Klaus says with a smile. "Minus most of the family" Rebekah says looking around at the empty chairs next to us. "Well, you and Star are here" Klaus says and I am silent as he hands her a glass of blood, which she takes and sits next to him and across from me at the table.

"In the skin of your choosing, no less" Rebekah says and Klaus rolls his eyes at his sister "well, poor you. Because that body is such a hardship. Meanwhile, the rest of the family enjoys the fruits of my labor. Freya has her freedom from Dahlia, and Marcel will forgive me once I hand him back the reins of the city. I was done with it anyway" Klaus says. "You would hand over your crown and do what" Rebekah asks suspicious "raise my daughter, be a proper husband, with the help of my sisters. One big, happy family" Klaus says.

"Now, that does sound grand minus the giant, Elijah-sized hole in the room. And, whilst your sisters and your wife raise your child, what will Hayley be doing" Rebekah asked? Klaus' smile is completely wiped off his face, and he knows he has no legitimate answer, so he simply remains quiet. "This, dear brother, is not what happiness looks like" Rebekah says and stand before leaving. I look at Klaus who looks at me in silence.


Cami walks into the bar carrying a box full of liquor bottles, only to find that it is completely except for me, who is waiting for her. "78, a good year. Crack one of those open, would you? Let's commiserate my sister leaving me, again" I said with a smile. Cami shakes her head "you have to stop compelling the customers. I need the tips" she says and I chuckle before pulling out his wallet before slapping a $100 bill onto the bar, which makes Cami laugh.

"When I first got into town, you handed me one of those. I had taken a shift from another girl. If not for that, could've been someone else standing here right now instead of me. Maybe even you wouldn't be here" Cami said and I smile. "You know, I prefer to see it the other way. If it wasn't that night, this bar, that $100 bill, it would've been Jackson Square, staring at a painting, or Frenchmen Street, listening to jazz" I said and stare at Cami intensely, and she's equal parts nervous and happy.

"I would have found you" I said "and you would have found Star" Cami said. I sigh "yes, about that, Star believes I have feelings for you". "Do you" Cami asks and I am silent as Cami looks at me. We both look at each other before I speak thank you for the drink". I quickly turn and leave walking outside before leaving. I went back to the compound and sat in a rocking chair in the nursery, rocking a sleeping Hope and telling her a bedtime story.

"Once upon a time, there was a wolf king and he had a beautiful hunter queen who fought a war for the most precious treasure in all the kingdom, their beautiful little princess. But, victory came at a price. Allies lost, new enemies made, and so, the wolf king stood alone. Not even his queen could help him. Happily ever after, it was not. But, sometimes, even the worst endings are not really endings at all" I said. I looked up to see Star standing in the doorway and nodded for me to join her when I was finished.

"And, you should know, my littlest one, that even when all seems burnt to ash, in our story, there is always another chapter to be told" I said and kissed her forehead before laying her in bed. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me before joining Star who was leaning on the railing, looking down at the empty compound.


"How is she" I asked Klaus not looking at him. "Fine, sound asleep" Klaus said and looked at me. I sighed and took a deep breath "Klaus, you know I love you, more then anything" I said. I finally looked at Klaus "maybe this was a mistake" I said and Klaus looked at me confused. "What was" "us, getting married, all of it" I said and Klaus' face dropped.

"Klaus, I know you have feelings for Cami weather you want to admit it or not I know you do. I also know that you love me" I said and Klaus listened "I can't do this anymore Klaus, the lying, the secrets, all of it. Maybe us getting married was a mistake. I know that its hard for you to stick to one girl, but you did. All I ever wanted was a family, to live forever, and to get married" I said with a small smile.

"And I got it, all of it, and for someone, anyone to say that they got everything they ever wanted is more then possible. I got it, all of it, and I'm happy to let it go" I said hiding the fact I wanted to cry. "Star" Klaus started "please, let me finish" I said and looked down at my hand before slipping my ring off. "I love you, I always have and always will, but maybe we moved to fast. We both weren't ready to jump into this" I said.

"In a few years, things may be different" I said and Klaus looked like he was about to cry. I touched his cheek with my hand and gave the ring to Klaus "you have to let me go" I said and kissed Klaus before walking past Klaus and down the stairs, leaving my wedding ring in his hand. Klaus paused for a second, letting everything sink in before he chased after me, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. "No" Klaus said and I stopped "you told me once to find you, to fight for you and I didn't. I left you there alone" Klaus said and I stopped in my tracts, listening.

"I'm not going to let you go this time, I'm going to fight for you, because I love you" Klaus said. I stood still, letting what Klaus say sink in and turned to face him, my eyes watering. It seemed that hours had past before I finally spoke "everyone would tell me that I'm crazy for falling in love with you" I said and Klaus looked at me. "Why should I stop now" I said and quickly ran up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck before kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back.

Klaus pulled away and looked down at my hand before slipping the ring on my finger again. "I love you" Klaus whispered to me and I smiled "I love you" I whispered to him before kissing him and we headed upstairs.

The End

That it, the story of Klaus and Star has finally come to an end. I know there has been a lot of debate about doing a 6th book but like all good things, they must eventually come to an end.

I hope you enjoyed this series as much as I did. I wish so badly Star could have been in the show, but in my mind, she is. Hope you enjoyed!

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