Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


This city is a city of death, people dying every day, every hour. Weather they stay dead or not is up to them. But with every death it makes this place seem more like home. It seems to make Klaus and I closer, but at the same time, I feel like he's hiding something from me. People ask me what I'm afraid of, I answer them with "nothing", but it is a lie. I'm afraid of losing him, losing what we have. I want to save him, but some people don't wanna be saved.

I set my journal down on a nearby table, hearing Elijah calling "brother, Niklaus" I sighed and walk out of my room, walking over to the balcony, looking down at courtyard. Seeing werewolf's everywhere, ones that Hayley apparently let in and are now living here. "You do realize that literally everyone in here has supernatural hearing except me and I still could hear you" I said down to Elijah, making him look up at me. "Where is my brother" "witch one, because last time I check two of them are out planning our deaths most likely" I said.

Elijah sighed "Star, please, this city is under siege by an army of beasts following my deranged mother's every command. Now, considering it was Hayley's people who just declared war on my kind, now's not the best time for your particular brand of sass". I sighed "Klaus left a while ago. If you want to find him, I can't help you. If only there was a magical device that people used to call people? I don't know, I'm out of ideas" I lied and shrugged.

"Oh, and Elijah" Hayley said, walking into the courtyard "those "beasts" that you're referring to? They may be under Esther's control, but, like you said, they're my people. So, if you hurt them, your bitch mother will be the least of your problems" Hayley says unhappy. Elijah looks at me and I shrug before walking into my room. I slipped on my leather jacket over my blue shirt and put on my black boots. I walked out of my room and peeked my head off the balcony to see that Elijah had already left.

I jogged down the stairs and started to head for the door "where are you going" Hayley's voice stopped me and I turned around. "To find Klaus" I said "how do you know he doesn't want to be alone" "because, he texted me" I said before heading out the door. I head out onto the streets. It's all Hallows Eve and the party is still raging on the streets as I see Cami exits a building, and dialing a number.

I look over and see Klaus, leaning on a lamp post. I walked over to him, squeezing threw people as I make my way over to him. "Let me guess, calling Davina again" I asked "yes" Klaus said and listened in on their conversation. Cami talks for a few minuets before sighing and checks her phone to see that the call has disconnected. Klaus smirks and says "well, that was rather rude". Cami turns quickly and gapes at him in shock "I agree" I said and lean on the other side of the pole.

"Well, it's a pleasure to see you, too, Camille" Klaus said as Cami stands there in shock to see him. "Don't, Don't do that crooked-smile thing, okay? I haven't see you for months, and now you're appearing out of the blue? What do you want" Cami asks, clearly not happy. "Well, I have a rather long list of people I need to track down and deal with, and at the top of that list is a certain runaway witch". "Maybe she doesn't want to be found" Cami said.

"No one ever wants to be found, but sooner or later they do" I said "and for good reason. Had I magically resurrected the insane, vampire-hunting father of my sworn enemy, I'd be hiding too" Klaus added. "Wait, what" Cami asked shocked "oh, haven't you heard? Mikael the Destroyer, back from the dead. And, by all accounts, under the complete control of your little friend, Davina".

Cami looks worried "well, you heard her,clearly. She didn't say where she was". "Oh, on the contrary, love. You just had to know how to listen. For instance, I heard cicadas, and I heard tans, but the real giveaway was the church bells. Did you know Davina's family owns a little cabin in Terrebonne Parish? It's been abandoned for years! But, a brief glimpse at a map showed its just a mile from the loveliest little chapel" Klaus says with a smile.

Cami looks at Klaus shocked "and this is why I can;t sneak out of the house anymore" I said. Cami sighs "so, what's the plan" "well, the way I see it, if Davina wants to use Mikael to kill me, we just have two options. One, you reason with her. Two? Well, I don't think you'd like two very much" Klaus says. Cami considers this for a moment before nodding "let's go" she says. "Cool, road trip, I better run home and get some guns, we're going hunting" I said with a smile before walking back to the house.


Cami goes inside the bar while I wait in the car, texting Star and letting her know to meet us at the bar when she's finished. I sit and wait, and wait until finally I get tired of waiting and walk inside the bar. Cami sits alone at a table with a cocktail, staring off into space, when I finds her. ""Wait in the car," you said, "I'll be right back," you said"" I said and Cami ignores me and takes a big gulp of her drink. "Did I not sufficiently explain to you the urgency of this endeavor" I asked, clearly annoyed.

"You'rethe one who hijacked my afternoon to drive me along to this revenge fantasy of yours! Excuse me if I need a drink to take off the edge before the killing begins" Cami says. "So, that's your plan, is it? Ply me with alcohol and prattle on until I'm convinced to leave Davina and Michael alone to plot my death" I asked? "No. My plan is to listen. Come on, Klaus. You could have eavesdropped on that phone call and vanished before I even knew you were there. So, let's just get to the part you really want me to play" Cami says.

I just stare at her as she talks "therapist, stenographer, drinking buddy. Call it whatever you want, I know why I'm here: to give you the one thing you've never had, even with Star sometimes, someone to hear your side". I look at her, shocked that she would offer such a thing. I then quietly sits down across from Cami at the table "so, you want to kill your father? Fine! Let's talk" Cami says with a smile, making me smile back before grabbing a drink and taking a sip.


I received the text from Klaus and was heading to the bar. I opened the backdoor, not knowing if they would be in the back or in the actual bar. I stopped when I saw they were talking. I decided to be like Klaus and listen in on their conversation witch wasn't to hard since they we're the only ones here. "You know, my parents dedicated their lives to making me feel weak and afraid. I've killed them once already. I can do it again" Klaus says and stands to his feet as though he's about to leave, but Cami stops him by grabbing his arm.

"Klaus, wait. I get it. The hurt your parents have inflicted on you for a thousand years. I understand what you're fighting against. The real question is what are you fighting for" Cami asks? "You know what" "besides that fact that you think for some reason if you kill your family it will be safer for Star, I know there's another reason. Klaus looks at her, confused and surprised. "Ask me to dance" "you want to dance" Klaus asks confused to Cami.

"No. I neverwant to dance. I'm actually really bad at it. But, I'm trying to make a point, there's more to life than the pain they made you feel. A cold beer, a slow song, a good friend, there are good things, Klaus" Cami takes his hand. "And you need to see that, too". Cami puts her free hand on his shoulder, and he puts his own hand on her waist as the two begin to dance. They stare at each other, their faces close "there's no real peace in revenge" Cami says.

Klaus' face slowly creeps closer to Cami's, as though he's going to kiss her. I watch in horror at this before stopping myself and quickly heading out the door, stopping outside as I hear the door close behind me. I stand there, looking at the ground and feeling like I was just stabbed in the heart with a knife. I pull myself together and the only thing I feel is anger. I head outside and get in Klaus's car, starting it up and start driving to Davina's cabin.

I dial Klaus's number and wait while it rings.


I move away before spinning Cami and disappearing outside. I walk outside and see that my car is gone, suddenly my phone rings in my pocket and I answer it "hello" "hope I wasn't interrupting anything" Star says. I could clearly tell she was smirking "where are you" I asked confused. "Just remember something Klaus, you wanted me to be a hunter, so now I'm a hunter" she says before hanging up on me. "Star, Star" I say into the phone but it's to late.

I look around before running off, heading back to the house, if she's not at the house then that means she went after Davina. I know Michael, he wants to hurt me, so that means he'll try and hurt Star, or worst.

Hey, hope you like the chapter, almost caught up with the show. I have a lot in mind to happen. By the way, I want to put a book up that holds just videos for my books, please let me know what you think of it, thanks.

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