Chapter 27

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Klaus, Elijah, Finn, and I all sat in chairs, looking at each other "it's a shame, really, for you to lose New Orleans. You've worked so hard to make this city a home. On the other hand, this city hasn't given you much in the way of good fortune" Finn said looking at Klaus as he looked at the ground. "You had Marcel's betrayal, father's attack, Star leaving, loss of your child" Finn said and Klaus glanced at Elijah and me. "It is a delicate craft, representational magic" Elijah said "one must be ever so precise. If you misrepresent us, the very enchantment that this room was built upon would collapse. Would it not" Elijah asked?

Klaus looked like he was starting to figure all of this out "I assure you, you have not been misrepresented" Finn said "Well, that depends on how well the hunter knows his prey. This facade" Elijah stood up, waving his hand around "this illusion that I have created over the course of my life, the noble stag. Is nothing more than a deception to myself, to everyone, for, were I truly noble, brother, I would not have withheld from you a vile deed and one that I, like a coward, allowed mother to erase from my memory" Elijah said looking at Klaus.

Klaus listened "it was I who killed Tatia" Elijah said making Klaus surprise and a thunder noise come making the lights flicker as he talked. "I hunted her down and mercilessly I feasted upon her flesh. I tore her from us. Mother took the blame. Brother, I felt certain that if you knew, you would in no way forgive me" Elijah said kneeling in front of Klaus. "The act may be reprehensible, but your admitting to it proves you to be the man I thought you to be, my magic stands" Finn said. "Does it" I asked?

"It turns out, my brother is even more depraved than I am" Klaus says with a smile and stands up, looking at the deer's head. "He is the noble stag no longer, indeed an altogether different beast creeping through the cracks" Klaus turned to Finn "and you have also failed in your representation of me and Star because there is one thing you never thought me capable of" Klaus said and laid a hand on Elijah's shoulder. "Forgiveness" Klaus said, making Elijah look up at him shocked.

Finn looked worried "and what of Star" he quickly said. I smiled and stood up "me, you have me wrong. A tiger is someone who is always bad, never second guessing on their deaths or who they kill. I am a killer. But after everything I've done, I still regret nothing. I chose the monster that goes bump in the night every time, no matter what anyone says. At the same time a tiger can chose to be kind to their family where I, have no family" I said.

Klaus looked at Finn "you, Finn, have remained a boar for centuries, but here is where your true fault lies. You never learnt that the bonds of family far outweigh anything else. Such bonds trump petty jealousies. They overcome ancient feuds, and, yes, they are capable of allowing one monster to pardon the great sins of another". Suddenly all the heads caught fire. "How is this possible" Finn asks, standing up and looking around scared.

"Your magic is as flawed as your perception of your own siblings. I wonder, just how untouchable are you" I said and ran up to Finn, grabbing his throat. Before I could do anything he waved his hand and everything one disappeared including me. I quickly woke up, sitting up to see I was in my bed in my room. I looked around "Klaus" I said before heading outside, seeing people all over the streets. I went back inside and grabbed something to eat before going back out to look for Klaus.

I found Klaus and Davina standing outside of the church looking around "everything is fine out here, where the hell are they" Davina asked? "Klaus" I called and jogged over to him giving him a quick hug. "Where is everyone" Klaus asked "their gone, their not at the house. "You look around" Klaus said to Davina "we'll see if we can track them down" Klaus said and nodded for me to follow him. We headed to Marcel's place where empty blood bags laid on the floor but no one was there.

Klaus called Elijah "how is our daughter" Klaus asked into the phone to Elijah while I listened in on their conversation. "She's in good hands, as am I. However, if you say the word, I shall return". "No, you're needed where you are" Klaus said "so the city is safe" Elijah asked? "Well, I wouldn't exactly go flinging around terms like "safe" Marcel and all his vampires have inexplicably disappeared. Kol is in the wind, Rebekah is still lost, and Finn is dangerously suspicious of the secrets we keep, speaking of which, I meant what I said. I am capable of forgiveness" Klaus said. "I know, I've seen it" Elijah said and Klaus looked at me as I looked at him.

"We need to remain focused on our common enemies. I'll be in touch" Talus said and hung up. Suddenly Aiden, one of the vampires walked in "sh, the cavalry has arrived and right on time, no doubt eager to save your precious Josh" Klaus said with a smile. "Yes, just tell me what you need" Aiden said. "Well, you can start by questioning your wolves.

Find out what Finn has done with Marcel and his vampires" Klaus said. "Well, I would, but most of the wolves took off for the bayou waiting for Hayley and Jackson to finish their wedding trials".

"And what trials are that" I asked "you know, your basic old-school werewolf stuff. They go out into the woods and smoke this blue calamus root out of a peace pipe" Aiden said. "Blue calamus, a rather specific plant, known by many for its unique properties as a truth serum. In generations past, it was used among the wolves for divulgement rituals, ancient rites where secrets are confessed. I don't suppose they mentioned such a thing" Klaus asked?

"They just said they had to do a bunch of rituals and ceremonial stuff" Aiden said "and where, exactly, did Jackson take Hayley" Klaus asked? "Back country, deep bayou, why" Aiden asked confused "that'll be all, stay on point" Klaus said and we were walking out. "Wait, that's it, where are you two going" Aiden asked? "We're going to have a little chat with the bride-to-be, remind her that some secrets need to stay buried" Klaus said before we left.

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