Chapter 43

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Freya, Marcel, and I have arrived to Eva's hideout so we can meet with Vincent and finish preparing for our plan. Marcel is carrying Eva in his arms as they walk toward the magic circle made of salt and herbs Freya has set up in the middle of the warehouse. At each point is a lit white candle "lay her inside the salt, and lie on either side of her. Each of you take her hand" Freya tells Marcel and Vincent. "I will act as a bridge into her mind, but I'm trusting you to anchor me" she said to me and I nodded. "Do what you need to do" I said.

Marcel lays Eva down on the floor in the middle of the triangle, and then he and Vincent look up at Freya for further instructions. "Rebekah is buried deep, Eva will not give her up without a fight" Freya said. "Then she gets a fight" Marcel said determined "be careful, you're entering Eva's mind. If she kills you in there, you will be lost. And, if you kill her before you free Rebekah, then Rebekah will be gone forever. Once you have Rebekah, then, and only then, can Eva be dealt with" Freya says.

"We got it" Vincent said taking a deep breath. Vincent and Marcel each lay down on either side of Eva inside the triangle and hold her hands. Freya kneels beside Vincent "you'll need a weapon" she says and I walk up to them, handing them a knife. Freya looks up at me confused "I'm still a hunter, always come prepared" I said and Freya hands Vincent the knife. Freya stands up and looks at me "your going to be facing some of you worst fears, your worst memories" Freya said and I nodded. Freya takes my elbows as I take hers. Freya begins to shout the incantation to the spell.


I woke up and ran to find Star and Freya, finding them to see Star was on her knees with her nose bleeding, struggling as Freya said the spell. I ran over and Freya looked at me "talk to her, help her" Freya said before continuing the spell. I got on my knees and looked at Star "I know you are locked in battle" I said "hear my voice, you are not alone" I said and placed one hand on her head. "Let me help end what ever torment she has forced upon you" I said and I was in her head.

I felt my nose start to bleed, hearing and seeing everything she was. At the end of the spell everything had stopped. I opened my eyes and looked around seeing Freya quickly letting go of Star and catching her breath. Star fell into my arms, exhausted as she caught her breath. Marcel and Vincent both gasp themselves awake on the floor of the warehouse. Marcel immediately sits up and looks over at Eva's body, which is still laying unconscious on the floor. He and Vincent both look up at us, worried.

"Did it work" I asked Freya and looked at her worried "why isn't she waking" I asked mad as I held onto Star. Freya shakes her head desperately, as though to prove she had no intention of anything bad happening to Rebekah. Suddenly, Eva/Rebekah awakens with a gasp and sits straight up, and we all look at her warily, unsure at whom we're looking at. After a moment, Rebekah sighs in relief and smiles at the sight of her family. "Bloody hell" she says and we all sigh with relief.

I help Star up and look at her "are you alright love" I asked and she looked at me before smiling and nodding. She hugs me tightly as I hug her back. We all head back home and Star goes to her room to rest. I walk into the living room, where Rebekah is staring at the portrait on the wall of herself in her original body from several centuries ago. She sighs in exhaustion. "What, you're not fishing for a thank-you, I hope" Rebekah asks and I smile "I'd find myself freezing in hell before I got one from you" I say and Rebekah smirks at me, making me laugh.

"How's Star" Rebekah asks "better" I said and she smiles "well, come on then,let's get you back in your proper body! Though, I'll likely have to torture Freya and Esther to do so. Which, actually, might be quite fun" I said and Rebekah looks nervous, and hesitates for a moment before speaking. "No, Nik, I'm staying put. Eva's gone for good, but her body, this body is still linked to Davina and those children. I can feel it. Now, if I leave it, then it dies, and Davina and the others die with it" Rebekah says.

Klaus rolls his eyes "so-bloody-what" I say confused "I happen to like Davina as does Star. I'm not about to let her die. Besides, do you really want the wrath of every New Orleans witch just as Dahlia arrives? We need them on our side or, at the very least, not siding against us. And, there's also the matter of Kol. I vowed I'd bring him back, I can't even attempt to do that if I'm not a witch" Rebekah says and I nod.

"Freya's been inside my head and Star's, she knows our secrets, our weaknesses" I said to Rebekah. Rebekah laughs "so, she knows you go very far for very few. She knows that you and Star are each others weaknesses, so-bloody-what? Niklaus, just for one second, can we just be what we need to be? A family united" Rebekah asked and I sigh, caressing Rebekah's cheek with my hand. "For now, for you" I said.


I sit in bed and pull out my journal, starting to write again. There's a saying in my new family, "kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow". Yet, even if you dance on that demon's grave, you can't help but wonder, was that demon alone? Or do you have other, deadlier ones to fight, and though you celebrate having won the battle, have you really prepared for the war?

If you want to see what Klaus and Star saw in their heads, check out the video.

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