Chapter 48

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Hope and I are at this small building where Klaus told me to go with Hope. Some wolf were sent by Hayley and Jackson to keep us safe. I'm sitting in a rocking hair with Hope in my arms, smiling at her until suddenly I see vines magically creeping up the outside and inside walls of the building. They become so thick and numerous that eventually, they completely cover the windows. I stand up and hold Hope protectively in my arms. A handful of werewolf guards join me in investigating the vines, which are now blooming with blood-red flowers. 

"They're Dahlias, she knows we're here" I said a bit scared. The wolves went to go investigate while I grab my phone to call Klaus but Dahlia put a spell out and the call doesn't go through. I turn to one of the wolves "I need you to get help, now" I said and the wolf leaves. I hear the wolf scream outside and quickly grab Hope.

Suddenly I heard Dahlia whistling the tune that she hummed to Freya as a child. It echoes in the room and I hold Hope close to me, scared.  I start to pace anxiously around inside the safe house with Hope in my arms. Hope chews on a toy while I'm nervous "it's okay baby girl" I said. Dahlia finds the room we're in, but stops just outside the doorway. I clutch Hope tightly to my chest and glare at her. When Dahlia sees Hope, she clutches her heart and gasps.

"What a beauty, she looks just like you, hello my child. I-" Dahlia starts to say and goes to walk into the room, but she stops when she notices the thick line of sand that is is spread over the entire length of the doorway that seals Josephine's disruption spell within the room. "I was hoping for a more intimate chat, though I sense by entering, you would have me at a considerable disadvantage" she says and I look at her mad. "Why don't you come on in, I would love to show you some vampire hospitality" I said and my eyes quickly change and the veins grow for a split second before returning back to normal.

"I only wanted to see the little one who has been promised to me. Won't be long now, surely you've noticed the spell protecting you is growing weaker"? "If you lay a finger on her, I swear I will make you suffer in ways even your evil mind can't imagine" I said. Dahlia laughs, but continues speaking to me in a kind and gentle tone. "You do know I have no quarrel with you, it was you after all who wanted to surrender yourself over to me" she says. "Yes, that was until you refused me" I said "when I give my word, I keep it, and I expect others to do the same. Esther and I made a bargain a long time ago, and so, you see, that child is rightfully mine. The only question you need ask is will you surrender yourself or your daughter"?

"You're not taking her or me, not today" I said and Dahlia sighs and tries to remain patient with me. "You're frightened for your child. I can assure you, anything that Freya might have told you about our life together, well, she always had a flair for the dramatic". "Well, it seems to run in the family" I said "well, then, of course, most of my troubles with Freya stemmed from the fact that I came for her so late in life. She had such a strong memory of the family that I took her from. But Hope is so young, she won't cling to the memory of you, or cry for you in her sleep".

"You can take comfort in the fact that for her, it will be as if you never existed" Dahlia says. "Why don't you come in here and I'll show you what would comfort me" I said mad. Hope starts to cry, causing me to turn my attention back to her "well, you've upset the child. It's a pity, you ought not to waste your last hours with her this way. You should spend this time saying your farewells. Nightfall tomorrow will come all too soon and I will have you or your daughter" Dahlia says.

I rock Hope and kiss her forehead and I continue to glare at Dahlia. Dahlia gives me one last parting glance before she leaves. I hear footsteps and see Hayley walk in, making me sighs a little with relief. "What happened" Hayley asked "Dahlia paid a little visit" I said and rocked Hope before looking at the ground. "What is it" Hayley asked nervous "I've realized that in this family, no matter what you say or do, you can never get fully what you want" I said looking at the ground as I talked.

"For years I wanted a place to call home, and I have that, New Orleans. I wanted a husband, someone who would do anything for me and I for him, and I have that, Klaus" I said as my eyes started to water. I looked at Hope "and I wanted a family, someone I could look at and call my own child, and now I have to make a choice. To I give her up and take the only daughter I may ever have. Or to I give myself up and let everything that I ever wanted, everything that I have leave me before I fully had the chance to enjoy it" I said.

I looked at Hayley who looked at me, listening to me. "I wanted to give myself up to Dahlia, to protect my daughter, to protect my family. I didn't think of the consequences that could happen if I did give myself up, until now. I don't want to give everything that I have up. But if it means that Klaus and Hope are safe and won't get hurt, then I'll take my own selfishness and hide it deep down inside of me" I said and walked over to Hayley.

"There's a war coming, and Hope or I won't be in it at the end" I said looking at Hope then back at Hayley. "If something were to happen to me" I started "Star" "please, I don't want Hope growing up without a mother. If you take my daughter from me right now you have to promise me that you will treat her as your own" I said and looked at Hope "because she's going to need someone to call mom when I'm not around" I said. I looked at Hayley who looked at me sad and nodded her head "I promise" she said.

I kissed Hope's forehead for a minuet before pulling away and handing her to Hayley. Hope grabbed my finger and I looked at her and smiled "you will grow up to be a beautiful girl. I love you so much Hope Mikaelson" I said and gave her one last kiss. I looked at Hayley and took a deep breath before reaching in my pocket and pulling out my wedding ring and looked at it with a small smile.

"I use to look at the rings, and think that this ring held so much love in it. Now it can change me from a vampire to a witch" I said and sighed. "I guess you really don't get what you want in the end" I said before slipping the ring on my finger and gasped a little before looking at Hayley and Hope. I looked at them for a minuet before walking out the door, leaving my daughter to fight a battle that I hope Klaus and I will make it out of.

But we won't, someone will be gone. And it will not be Hope, it will be me.

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