1| Machete Man

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Welcome! This is my first ever story. I'm a bit nervous, because writing a book is very intimidating, but I think after a little while I'll get the hang of it. If you like the story, I would really appreciate it if you would give some positive feedback, predictions or anything that comes to mind! I know it would be easier to update these in smaller parts, but I want it to be as realistic to a real book as possible. But who know, I might give up on that and start posting smaller parts more frequently so I feel more productive lol. 

P.S I have an edited version of this story out now! It's on my page if you want to add it to your library. 


                                                                                     Chapter One

We'd been in the car for three and a half hours already and I was sick of hearing nickelback play every time it was Tosh's turn to pick the music. My head was throbbing from Izzie's driving; that girl was going so fast she cut the drive down from 4 hours to 2 and a half. 

The only upside was that we didn't have to keep listening to Tosh's music for much longer. After the third song, I was praying the radio would somehow spontaneously combust and spare me the agony of enduring this car ride any longer. Unfortunately, the car stayed in one piece. That is until smoke started coming out of the hood.

Izzie's brow furrowed in confusion, "What the hell's up with this?", her manicured nails gripped the steering wheel as she slowed down to the side of the road.

The car halted to a stop and I stepped out, walking to the front of the car.

"Fuck," I looked up at the blistering sun, squinting my eyes. I huffed out a sigh in annoyance, "this doesn't look good.".

I could feel sweat prickling at my forehead and the back of my thighs already. Of course something like this would happen the day I return home. It's not like the 15 hour plane ride was enough. I made my way back into the car, pulling my phone out of my back pocket.

"Do you remember the number for CAA?", I asked.

Izzie furrowed her brows, "CA what?"

"CAA.", I waited a moment before continuing but it didn't look like she was clueing in yet. "Roadside service."

In the backseat I heard Tosh let out a laugh. "Kinky."

"That's not what it mea-", I laid my head back onto the headrest. "You've been driving for like, two years, how do you not know what CAA is?"

I found out a long time ago it never helps anyone to get on Izzie's bad side, but this car ride form hell had put me on edge. On the outside, Izzie looks totally harmless. But on the inside, she's like a fox. The second you let your guard down and aren't paying attention, she'll sneak into your hen house and slaughter your chickens. That's kind of a gruesome comparison, but it's true.

We'd been friends for a long time, and I've always known she is not someone you want to cross. Over the years I've tried to do my best in staying on her good side and whenever she gets mad at me for some stupid reason, I just suck it up and apologize. It sounds bad, but it's better than the alternative.

At this point the A.C had shut off and it was starting to feel as stuffy as Tosh's car when she used to hotbox it at lunch.

Izzie's blonde hair fell over the steering wheel as she rested her forehead on the front. "We can't call a car service," she whined, "my dad will find out if it has to be fixed at a shop; he pays for it and it's in his name. This car is supposed to be my responsibility. It's like the one condition he had when he bought it for me. If this thing doesn't run anymore, he's going to be totally pissed!"

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