2| Whack his Golf balls

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We were surrounded by trees as we drove towards Muskoka Cabin Resort, the property (and camp) Izzie's dad owned. During the colder months of the year the place operated as some sort of resort where couples can rent the cabins the camp uses in the summertime.

I'm lucky Izzie's dad had these jobs as co-counselors available. I really needed a job, but more importantly I wanted to come back and check up on things. Tosh and I talk almost everyday and Izzie calls me a couple times a week in between her busy schedule, but it's not the same as it used to be. The conversations are short and I feel like I'm never getting the whole story. Not to mention Grayson and I haven't talked since the day before I left four months ago. I have no idea what's going on in his life, and I figured it would be easier to pry information about him from everyone in person.

From what I could see from my vantage point on the floor a large expanse of trees settled on either side of road, coating the land around us in green. Since it was midafternoon the sun sat high above us. A ray of sunlight beamed across my foot and onto Tosh's as we jostled back and forth in the trunk. The wind whipped our hair in all directions from driving with all the windows down.

Drew's seats smelled of new leather and his cologne that always makes my nostrils feel like they're being assaulted. Like seriously? Aren't expensive colognes suppose to smell good?

The trunk still had bits of dirt and grass on the ground that were most likely from Drew lugging his golf equipment back and forth from the country club. Tiny blades of green stuck to my sweaty hands and my black yoga pants. I wish Drew kept his equipment back here. I'd really like to take a whack at his golf balls.

Tosh had a permanent scowl plastered on her face ever since the boys made us sit in the back.

"At least he drives a jeep" I whispered to Tosh, low enough so they couldn't hear us over the loud music blaring in the front. "We could be cradled side by side right now if he was driving a smaller car. Not that I wouldn't want to be spooning with you for the rest of this car ride," I assured her, "but I'm just saying."

Tosh's face lightened up the smallest amount and I could see a smile forming at the corner of her mouth, "Ah yes, how fortunate are we." she said sarcastically.

I shifted my head away from Tosh, looking between the gap in the seat and the door. Thankfully there was no luggage blocking my view from secretly spying on Grayson. From this angle I could see his arm resting on the side of the door and the side of his face. Riveting, I know. I had to give it to the guy, he has a nice side profile. I was too far away to see the little brown freckles that matched his eyes and appeared every summer since we were little, which was disappointing. I remember when I was bored and wanted to annoy him, I used to ask him if I could play connect the dots with them. There weren't many, he only had a few, but they dotted his back and arms sporadically.

Izzie leaned forward and tapped him on the shoulder, motioning for him to turn the music down. Like the obedient rule follower Grayson is he reached his hand up to the stereo and pressed pause.

"We're here!" Izzie exclaimed as we pulled to a stop in a dirt driveway.

Tosh and I looked out the window to our left and saw a two-story, newly built log cabin. The area around the cabin was flat and covered in grass. A fireplace with half a dozen chairs sat on it to the left and I noticed a wide wooden deck wrapped around the first level of the cabin, decorated with expensive outdoor furniture.

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