13| Reverse Cupid

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I barged through the door in a huff, I was like the hulk let loose. I thought the walk would cool me off from how frustrated I had been, but it only seemed to fuel my anger. My fists were clenched, my heart was beating in my chest (although that could be from the walk, I'm pretty out of shape). 

What a simple-headed numb scull Izzie was dating. Does she hate herself? Is that why she's with him? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Ugh! Who the hell does he think he is.

I need to get laid?! Ha! The nerve!

Tosh was laying down on the couch as we stumbled through the entryway fuming. "What's with you guys?" she eyed us hesitantly.

I kicked off my shoes, flinging them anyway they would fall off. It probably wasn't a good idea, because I think it hit Grayson behind me.

Maybe it was a good idea..

"I want him gone!" I yelled out in exasperation, throwing my hands up wildly in the air. "Gone!"

Tosh had no idea what I was going on about, "Who?" she questioned curiously, sitting up.

I didn't see Drew or Izzie's shoes at the door. He was probably still out with Travis.

"That motherfucker!" I pointed to the golf game on the tv.

"Tiger Woods?" she asked, staring at the game.

"No!" I groaned in frustration, "Drew!"

I threw myself down onto the couch, burying my face into the soft pillows. Grayson sat at the open space by my feet. He's always been a silent angry person. When we were friends it was hard to tell when he was mad at me. He didn't look it, but I could tell he was pissed off too.

"What's with you guys?" she stared between the two of us, "I thought you were out on the lake all afternoon. What did Drew do now, syphon your gas?" she joked.

I screamed into the pillow and hit it with my firsts, kicking my feet as well.

"Ow!" Grayson hissed when I dug my foot into his leg.

"Might as well have." My voice muffled into the pillow.

"We ran out of gas and had to get towed back after over an hour." Grayson filled her in.

The dots clearly weren't connecting for Tosh, who was still confused as ever. "What does that have to do with Drew?" she asked. "Oh my god, did he actually syphon your gas?" her eyes widened in disbelief. "That's smart, especially for him."

I was too angry to talk, so I listened as Grayson briefly explain what happened earlier.

"Damn." Tosh said after he finished the story.

How the hell are we supposed to get rid of him?

I sat up as the idea dawned on me, a small smile lifted the corners of my mouth. The two of them eyed my reaction, freaked out by my sudden change in mood.

"What?" Grayson asked intently.

"I've got it." I said simply, sitting back on the couch and kicking my feet up.

"Got what?" Tosh pestered.

"The solution." I closed my eyes and rested my head on the back of the couch. Apparently I'd become unhinged. "I know how to get rid of the douchebag." They leaned in at my comment, intrigued at what I had in mind. "I'm going to break them up."


Dinner was awkward to say the least. Grayson and I didn't have anything to say to one another, and we were both ignoring Drew. Izzie spent the entire meal chatting about all the places in town we could go to on our days off, which restaurants were good, and all the shopping we needed to catch up on. I'd need to think of excuses later on about how to get out of all that. I couldn't afford anything other than the necessities.

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