17| Karma

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A buzzing sound woke me from my sleep, ringing loud bells and chimes in my ears. I need to stop leaving my phone under my pillow. I ran my hand along the bed sheets, trying to locate the noise. 

I had been so excited on my walk back last night I could barely get to sleep. I stayed up thinking about what would happen in, I glanced at the clock, five minutes.

Five minutes. 

I put on my silk housecoat and a pair of slippers, preparing to go downstairs. I moved with reluctance in the cold morning air. By the time I was dressed appropriately I glanced at the clock again. Damn! If we don't hurry we're going to miss it. I darted down the stairs, afraid I would miss the big scene. Taking one step at a time I bolted to the bottom floor and raced to the downstairs bedroom. I knocked over and over, rasping my fist on the wood until the door swung open and Grayson answered. 

His hair was ruffled, his eyes were half closed, and he was only wearing dark plaid boxers. "What the hell Andie." he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "It's seven in the morning." 

I broke my gaze away from his adorable morning state and grabbed his hand, "We're gonna miss it!" I pulled him into the living room to the front window.

"Andie I'm in my pajamas." He gestured to his lack of clothes and glared at me.

Someone was not a morning person. 

Although he looked good for just rolling out of bed. 

I was more chipper than I should have been given the time. "Stop being so grumpy, you're going to love this!"

The morning sun was rising slowly, welcoming the break of day. I surveyed our front lawn wondering when the chaos would begin. Light peeked through the tips of the trees, beaming down in between the vibrant leaves. 

"Okay," I grabbed his wrist this time, "We need to go outside."

"Outside?" he stopped in his tracks, "I'm not going outside. It's cold."

"Then grab a sweater!" I ran into his room and pulled a hoodie out of the closet. I threw it to him as he stood confused in the doorway.

He threw the hoodie over his head and I grabbed him yet again, not giving him time to even put it on. The grey sweater was only halfway down his torso and the hood was covering his head, "Seriously?" he called after me as I forced him to hurry across the living room, his vision half obscured.

I opened the door just in time. We could still get into position unnoticed. 

We stepped out onto the front porch and I guided him to the right, tucking us behind the side of the house. We could see the wide expanse of the front yard but were still hidden from any onlookers. 

Footsteps crunched up the path leading to the driveway. We had a clear eyeshot of the scene we were about to witness.

Grayson stood behind me confused. "What the hell's going on?"

"Shhh," I kept my voice low, "you have to be quiet. He'll hear you."


The silhouette illuminated by the morning light got closer, right where they needed to be.

I smiled in anticipation, "Drew."

A bird call sounded from the trees as Drew jogged up the gravel clearing, returning from his morning run. Which he did at the same time everyday.

He didn't notice right away what was happening, but our eyes were glued on him as he got closer. A deep growl sounded from inside the bush to his right and he jumped in fright. It sounded like a bear ready to attack. The noise startled him so much he screamed like a little girl. As he was preoccupied with the sounds of an approaching animal a bright blur whizzed through the air and splashed at his feet. Before he could react another one flew into view and landed on his back, splashing him with freezing water.

He yipped in surprise, "What the hell?!"

Flying pellets of water balloons descended down from all angles, high and low, to soak a well deserving Drew.

Grayson's laugh tickled my ear as he watched in amusement behind me.

It was pure mayhem. Dozens of them shot across the lawn in rapid fire. There was nowhere for Drew to run. He squirmed and held his hands above his face. 

The balloons ceased fire for a moment. The only sound were the chirps of birds and branches cracking. He stood in place, soaked and shocked. The silence only lasted a moment, before a battle cry of boys filled the air with madness. Campers, including my new friend Daniel, ran out onto the dirt road holding water guns. They surrounded Drew in a circle, pelting him with colored foam and spraying him in the face with water.

Grayson and I laughed from the side of the porch where we hid. His hand was placed on my shoulder as he watched the scene over my head. I looked up at him, his eyes bright with excitement.

The boys were now on our lawn, laughing and taunting Drew. "Drool!" they pointed and laughed.

I guess he was Drool.

He certainly wasn't amused as he stood soaked in water and foam. "You little fuckers!" his face was red in fury. 

Daniel stepped in front of the group of boys. He raised a plastic gun in front of him, aiming it at Drew. The gun was a different color than the other ones they used and he wasn't pointing it very high....

He stared at Drew with a devilish smirk, firing the gun -which didn't contain water, but nerf bullets- and hit Drew right in the crotch.

He bent over, clutching his family jewels. He reached his fist out as if he could extend his arm and grab the boys from where he stood on the grass. The boys ran away down the road and out of sight before Drew could even think about going after them.

This time Grayson was the one to pull me. "Let's go, let's go!" We ran back into the house before Drew could see us watching him.

I closed the door behind me and leaned against it. I had to take a breather from laughing so much. So did Grayson, who was bent over with his shoulders shaking. 

The door was thrown open behind me, causing me to stumble into Gray. He caught me and I steadied myself as Drew slammed the door shut. He stood in front of us, panting in anger. His face was red and I could see a vain bulging in his forehead.

Don't laugh Andie. Do. Not. Laugh. 

Izzie stepped out of her room and stood at the top of the balcony. She looked down at Drew, "What happened to you?"

I turned my head towards Grayson so only he could see and whispered, "Karma"

He tried to stifle a laugh as Drew snapped his head towards us. Grayson tried best to keep his composure. "You good drool?"

I burst out laughing, covering my mouth and shutting my eyes. The scene in front of me was too amusing. I simply couldn't look. 

Drew stomped up the stairs yelling profanities and cuss words. This only seemed to fuel Grayson and I's fit of laughter.

Drew's idiotic personality works hard, but a group of meddling, water balloon wielding boys work harder.


This is the first week of double updates! Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed seeing Drew get pelted by thirteen year old's! If you don't follow me already, I post updates occasionally on the posting schedule of the story. 

Let me know what you thought of the chapter, and I'll see you all on Thursday :) 

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