9| Running On Empty

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It was late afternoon when the kids came back from lunch. Grayson and I worked in silence around each other, getting the kids ready to go out on the lake for sea doo rides. It's been twenty-four hours and he's still ignoring me because of what he overheard yesterday.

Mr. Clearwater gathered all the counsellors to have a meeting during our lunch while he quickly went over the safety precautions we were required to take. He also informed us that the kids were going back to their cabins before dinnertime, so the counsellors would have a chance to go off on their own excursions for a little while. The plan for the supervisors is to get ourselves familiar with the lake and explore a little bit, that way we know where we're going when we take the kids out on boat rides and other water activities. After we're done that all the counsellors are given time to jump off the sea doo and chill in the lake for a while.

Once we got the kids ready to go with their life jackets, we walked down the path with them to the dock. I walked at the front of the line with Mac while Grayson stayed at the back with Daniel.

There were multiple sea doo's lined up on each side of the dock. Further reinforcing my theory that in my current financial situation, I would never be able to afford this place.

The counselors were supposed to take a kid, drive out for a couple minutes, then drive back in. Another set of counsellors already went this morning and we were the last big group of the day. I made my trips, taking Georgia and a couple other kids. I left Grayson to drive Daniel. I was afraid he might spring off his seat at any moment and I didn't want to be held liable.

It felt nice to have the wind wiping my hair but after a while it was obstructing my vision and I had to tie it up in a messy bun. My hair never does what I want it to, it's thick and hard to tame. I usually just leave it down in a mess of curls otherwise it's too much of a hassle. I'm glad I was wearing a coverup over my bathing suit because the speed I was going was making my legs a little chilly. My white baggy pants matched the small white top that paired with it.

I looked like I could be in Mama Mia.

I spent the hour hanging around the dock and taking kids back and forth around the lake. Finally, I dropped the last kid off on the dock and lifted myself up onto the wood. All the kids had their turn and now it was time for the counselors to have their fun.

Mr. Clearwater stood at the end of the large deck waving his hands in the air, "Alright everyone! That's the last of the trips." Kids whined in the background, sad the evening was over. "Campers, you will all make your way back to your cabins and then go to the dining hall for dinner, leaving the counselors for some of their own fun. Counsellors, pair up with your cabin mate and don't forget a life jacket!" With that, he smiled excitedly at all of us and pushed his way through the crowd to leave.

Wait, what does he mean 'pair up with your cabin mate?' I assumed people would get to pick their partners. I wasn't even planning on going today. Does that mean Grayson and I have to go together?

Isn't this suppose to be fun?

Grayson walked up to me looking absolutely miserable. "Lets just get this over with."

I crossed my arms, "If you don't want to go, just tell Mr. Clearwater you're going back to the cabin."

"I can't," he sighed impatiently, "I'm supposed to be a 'team player'" he lifted his hands in an air quote motion.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing, never mind." He said, brushing me off.

We glared at each other for a second before I abruptly turned around and hopped down onto the sea doo. "I'm driving."

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