14| Candid

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The sun descended over the shoreline, casting the lake in a warm glow and tinting the sky a pink and orange hue. It was moments like these that put things into perspective for me. I still think Drew is a dick, but I shouldn't let it consume my thoughts. I get into the habit of pushing and pushing on something until it gives, and I end up falling. I talked with Izzie, planted the seed, and now I needed to give it time. Things would work out.

Strands of my hair blew wildly behind me as the boat glided across the water. The painted sky was a reflection below us, the symmetrical beauty covering our still surroundings.

Drew was in the passenger's seat, Izzie sitting adjacent to him. Tosh, Grayson, and I took up the bench at the back, with me in the middle. Our thighs were squished together, our shoulders bumping as the boat jostled and bounced. All I could hear was the wind whipping past us, blocking the surrounding sounds and trapping us in a silent world of our own. The white noise drowned out the rest of my thoughts, filling me with serenity. Things haven't felt this at peace in a long time. I haven't felt this at peace in a long time.

We cruised slowly across the lake and down the shoreline for a little while, familiarizing ourselves with the place we were spending the upcoming weeks. Grayson and I had already seen everything earlier this afternoon, but it was nice to sit in the fresh air and enjoy the view. 

After a few more minutes of cruising Drew cut the engine and the boat stilled in the middle of the lake. The sun was hovering over the horizon, beginning its descent past the trees.

Drew sat back in his seat, connecting a speaker he brought to his phone. The harsh beat clashed with the tranquility of the moment.

"Drew," Izzie complained, "don't play that so loud." She reached over from where she sat to turn the music down.

He grabbed the small box before she could get her hands on it, "Nobody else cares."

"Yes we do." Grayson added.

I smiled to myself at his comment. 

He had been shooting Drew glares and remarks ever since they got back around dinnertime. The two of us silently agreed not to say anything about what happened earlier, but we were still pissed off.

"Well," Drew turned the music up a notch, "I don't care."

When Izzie caught my eye I raised my brows to express my thoughts on the argument. It was obvious Drew was making things more difficult than they had to be. It was also obvious no one except her wanted him here.

Tosh crossed her arms in annoyance, "Drew-"

Izzie jumped up out of her seat and pulled out her phone. "We should get some pictures of us! I want to post some tonight."

We all groaned at her request, even though it was no use. She pushed us together in one big group, posing us like dolls. We all smiled and acted as if we were having the best time of our lives, in a nice boat on a nice lake. We'd rehearsed this enough times to memorize the exact way to make people wish they were with us in the moment. I placed my hand on Grayson's shoulder, Tosh leaned in towards me raising her middle finger and I smiled as if I believed we were friends like old times. A feeling of dread washed over me as I realized we'd have to do this all summer. Pretending to live fun and exciting lives until the cameras turned off and no one was watching.

What the hell was I doing? Why did I think this was a good idea? I blew my mothers air mile points on a free flight here so I could, what? Watch little kids and fight with people I used to know? I was acutely aware in this moment how I should be moving on, while being surrounded with reminders of my past. I was a stopped car on a highway shoulder, watching blurs of color whiz past me as I stayed still. They continued on with their journeys and I was stuck.

The Summer Reunion (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now