54| Two Roads Diverge

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My palms began to sweat as I held the phone in my hand. I don't know why talking with my own mom makes me nervous. Being around my parents was always like a chess game. Each piece of conversation was a calculated move to get what you want. If you weren't paying close enough attention they would take everything you have. 

"Did you change your mind about moving back with your dad?" Her tone was indifferent, but I'd bet any money she had her fingers crossed on the other end.

"I wanted to call and make sure you've been okay while I'm gone. Has everything been good?" Unlike my mother, I never got straight to the point. And also unlike my mother, I wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Yes Andie," she grew impatient, "same as ever. Why did you call me?"

"If I move in with dad are you going to be okay on your own?"

There was silence on the end of the phone. After a few seconds I checked to see if she hung up.

"I know how to be on my own, I'm not a child." She paused, "And I don't think your dad would have you move back without me."

"Yeah...That's what I was afraid of."

A knock at the door startled me out of the conversation. Grayson poked his head into the doorway. his expression turned apologetic when he saw me on the phone. I held my hand up before he could slip out into the hall, and he waited at the door for me to finish the call.

"Mom I'm not moving in with dad." I took an uneven breath in. After this, things would change. Suddenly the idea didn't scare me as much, knowing what I was heading into. "And I'm not coming back to live with you either. I can't deal with being caught in between the two of you. You're grown adults. Stay married or get a divorce. I don't care anymore. I can't keep postponing my life so you can ruin yours. I love you mom, but I think we need some space." I rushed out the words like I was afraid they would disappear within me. 

Thoughts of worry and doubt pricked at my mind. I should have ran this by Grayson and Tosh first. And I also knew once I said these things I would never be able to take them back. My entire family dynamic would change forever. But some things need to change.

Her voice was as still as ever. Like stagnant water. It flowed, but always stayed consistently the same. "Where do you plan on staying then? Don't be childish Andie. You don't have anything to support you."

"I have my friends. We're leaving camp today and I'm going back home with them. I never should have left in the first place." Grayson watched me from the door, his eyes figuring me out like a puzzle. "I'd appreciate it if you could send all the stuff in my room back to me. I'll find a way to pay for the charges."

"Fine," was all she said.

"Bye mom."

She hung up without another word. That was my mother. She never was one for goodbyes. 

Grayson walked in and shut the door behind him. "Andie, Tosh and I will still talk to you every day. It won't be like last time. You don't have to stay because you're afraid of losing us. I know how much staying with your mom means to you."

"I'm not afraid of losing you. I'm afraid if I move back with my mom, I'll lose myself. You guys are the only people who really care about me. I didn't know who I was when I left, and I don't want to scrap who I've become this summer and start over again. I like who I am when I'm with you guys. I thought all this time I had to choose between my parents. That it was one or the other. But its simpler than that. I choose you. And Tosh. And myself." 

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He rushed over to me and picked me up in his arms, lifting me off my feet in an embrace. "You're staying?" his excited voice was muffled in my hair. He asked like he needed to check it was real.

"I'm staying." I laughed as his hands grazed down my sides to settle at my hips. 

"You can stay with me."

I pulled back. "Slow down there Gray. I think this needs to go a little slower than moving in together the first chance we get."

His smile turned mischievous, eyes gleaming with insinuation. "Fine. But you know you can stay over whenever you want," he pressed a kiss to my jaw.

"Mhm." My eyes fluttered shut.

"My mom's say you're welcome any time. You should take them up on it." He brushed his lips against mine. "You're staying," he whispered. 

"I'm staying." I nodded and pressed my lips to his. A lot can happen when you don't sleep for two days. I pushed us apart as something occurred to me. "You punched Drew in the face!"

He dropped his head on my shoulder as his chest shook with laughter. "I did. Right in the jaw."

"I thought you were more of a lover than a fighter."

I earned another kiss on the base of my neck. "I can be both."

"Wow. You're so dimensional Gray," I teased. "I seriously can't believe you did that though."

He shrugged and stood up straight. "Someone was bound to do it eventually. And I didn't think about it much after what he said to Tosh. It was deserved."

"Yeah. I was kind of hoping I could do it myself."

"He's down the hall if you want another chance. I'll be your backup," he poked my side with a smile.

"Grayson we can't go around punching people without an excuse. I think the violence is changing you." I poked him back.

"Ask him about his stance on puppies. I bet he likes to kick them. There's your excuse." He turned me around so my back was against him. "Then walk up to him," he lifted both my fists, "and sock him right in the face." 

His hand guided my hand in a punch. "Take that Drew." I pretended to hit the air.

"Andie you can do way better than that. Put some emotion in it."

I balled my fist and swatted. "Your polo shirts make you look like a twelve-year-old boy on picture day!" Grayson stepped back to give me some room and I kicked at nothing this time. "Your cologne smells like the aroma of a porno convention and I'm pretty sure you look down the waitresses shirt when she gives you your order!"

Grayson laughed and slipped his hand in mine. "Okay let's go find Tosh before you really do go over there." He pulled me out the door and we headed downstairs.

I narrowed my eyes at their bedroom door as we walked by. "One time I mistook you for a hammer because you're such a tool," I whisper yelled.

Grayson pulled me along faster down the stairs. "Come on Rocky. We don't have time for round three." 

When we got down to the living room it was empty. I walked into the kitchen and peered out the back window. The bunk door was open and the lights were off. I was beginning to stress. Who knows where she could have ended up in half an hour. 

"Tosh is probably packing her stuff." I tried to calm myself down. There's no way she can almost die twice in one day. At that point the universe would have to be out to get her. "I'll go out and talk to her about how the hell we're getting home."

The back door creaked as I opened it and stepped into the hot sun. The sweltering heat brought back my exhaustion from earlier, draining every bit of energy I had left. It was almost ten in the morning now. Wafts of alcohol lifted from the grass from the night before and I tried not to puke from the smell as I trudged through the solo cup ridden grass towards the Bunkie. The lake was calm today. As if it was apologizing for last night by being extra still. I couldn't spot a boat on the water as I gazed out. Although I did find Tosh. Who was sitting on the edge of the dock, dangling her feet in the water. 


I finished writing The Summer Reunion! There are two parts left....so the last update will be next Sunday. I keep getting the urge to write on here, even though I'm done. 

I hope you all have been liking the end of the story! I'll see you Thursday. 

Don't forget to vote and comment! I love hearing what you guys have to say :) 


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