42| Midnight Memories

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The feeling was instantaneous. As if a magnet was pulling us together, closer and closer. His mouth moved fluidly against mine. After the first few seconds of shock wore off I relaxed into his grip, which was firm around the back of my neck. His other hand travelled down my side. Leaving flutters in my stomach and goosebumps on my skin along the way. It settled at the small of my back, holding me in place as he kissed me firmly.

If I had ever imagined Grayson were to kiss me, I would think it to be soft and gentle. Except right now he kissed me as if I were water in his hands. Threatening to slip out of his grasp at any minute. This was desperation. This was longing.

This was hot.

I found myself letting out a small involuntary hum as his tongue traced my bottom lip. I understand now what all the fuss is about. With lust and love. Because this right here, is something I could do forever and never tire of.

Growing more confident, I slid my hand into his hair and lightly tugged at the strands, earning me a groan of pleasure. Neither of us bothered to stop what we had started. There was no way I was ever leaving this counter. The sun could rise and I'd still be here. 

Knowing he wanted me as much as I wanted him fueled me on even more. As he broke off our kiss I tugged his bottom lip lightly. He held onto the back of my head and pulled us apart. Not wanting to be too far away, he rested his forehead against mine. Our heavy breaths were the only sound in the dark kitchen.

"Fuck, Andie," his chest rose and fell with the beat of my own pounding heart.

He ducked his head and brushed his lips lightly against mine before pressing a quick kiss to my lips. Further down his hands slid on my torso, travelling over the curves of my body until they settled on my waist.

His lips travelled along the line of my jaw and I sucked in a breath. The feeling made me shudder and I could feel his smile against my skin.

"The things you do to me Andie," he planted another kiss on my neck. "It really isn't fair, how perfect you are. These lips," his thumb caressed my bottom lip, tugging it down softly. "Your hair," he wrapped a locket around his finger and let it bounce back into place. His hands said what he didn't as he tightened his hold on my hips, smoothing his hands over my curves. He tugged my waist until I was perched on the edge of the counter.

I squealed in surprise and wrapped one leg around him. I needed more. More of his hands roaming my body, more of his lips on mine, more of those sounds he was making that travelled straight to my stomach.

One of my hands smoothed over his chest. I could feel the ridges and muscles underneath his t-shirt. Unable to resist, I slipped my hand under the fabric. My nails lightly grazed his skin, reveling in the feeling of him over me. Like all these years resisting these feelings had intensified our need for each other.

As he leaned forward in our kiss, I moved back with him. Our mouths never breaking apart as I laid my forearms on the cold island countertop. My elbow moved back an inch and collided with a glass of water left on the counter. It tipped over and spilled water all over the surface we were on.

We both sat upright, suddenly broken out of the heavy atmosphere that had surrounded us.

"Shit," I whispered, grabbing a dish towel a few feet away and trying to soak up the water. I rushed with the towel clumped in my hand and nudged the glass. It rolled too quick for me to catch off the counter and smashed loudly on the ground.

Grayson put his hand on my waist and grabbed the towel out of my hand. "I can clean it up An, don't worry about it." 

I flinched at the contact of his hand on my skin and he pulled it back in hesitation. 

The Summer Reunion (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now