40| Into The Deep End

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Darkness was the only thing to see around us. It surrounded every bit of space except the main trail we walked on as Tosh led us without direction down the road. Where we usually turn left to get to the camper's cabins, she made a right. This new direction was unknown to me and did nothing to ease my worry. It was too cold for the bugs to be out, which made everything all the more creepy in the dark. Like everything was too settled, too calm. When would something disrupt this stillness?

Grayson's hands were tucked into his hoodie pocket. Like me, he was also wearing sweats. We walked at the back of the group while the other three walked in line with one another. Drew pulled a flashlight out of his own hoodie pocket and lit up the path before us.

"You had a flashlight this whole time? Thank god," she said, relieved. "I thought you were just happy to see Izzie."

I heard the smack of Izzie's hand on Tosh's arm. This probably would have amused me more had I known what disaster I was being led into. I felt like a lamb to the slaughter. Tosh's idea of fun and mine are two very different things. For all I know she's leading us to a cult gathering where we worship some three headed goat man. And well, I prefer to save that for special occasions only. A random summer night didn't qualify as demon worshipping time.

Grayson was watching me stare down at the ground as we walked in silence. "Are you thinking Tosh is leading us somewhere secluded so she can murder us?" he guessed at my thoughts.

My head snapped up at his prediction, pulling me out of my imagination. "Cult sacrifice involving three headed goat man actually. But close."

Tosh slowed down and stopped in her tracks. "Here we are," she gestured to the left side of the forest.

"Where are we?" Izzie asked.

Tosh sighed and grabbed the flashlight from Drews hand. "Here." She shined the light onto the tree line.

A narrow dirt path was revealed from the darkness as she illuminated it.

"The first off-trail path we took today didn't seem to do us much good Tosh. What makes you think another one is going to fare any better in the dark?" I asked.

This was seeming to be a bad idea more and more by the minute. I had no faith in this plan.

Without another word to the rest of us, Tosh walked down the narrow path into the forest. Darkness descended upon us as she carried the flashlight with her. We had no choice but to follow. I went in second with Grayson following behind me, and Izzie and Drew walked at the back. With Tosh being the only one with a flashlight it was hard to see in front of me. A branch hit my cheek and I tripped over a root as we continued deeper into the forest. Any time I heard a slight noise or crack of a tree branch I jumped in fright.

Over Tosh's shoulder a source of light peaked through the trees, which broke off at the edge of a lake. It seems we weren't going deeper into the forest, but down to the lake.

"Voila," she gestured her arms wide to the scenery around us.

The moon reflected on the water and casted the nature around us in a cool toned glow. There was a wooden staircase leading down a small hill to an old dock that extended out onto the lake. To my left, a rope seemed to be attached to a tree branch with a knot tied to the end. 

She wanted us to swim in the lake at night. 

"Tosh we don't have bathing suits," I pointed out her one major flaw.

She looked at me like I was missing the point. "We don't need bathing suits." Using both her hands she lifted off her sweater and undressed until she was only in her bra and underwear.

The Summer Reunion (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now