10| Stranded

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"What are you doing?" he looked at me in confusion.

Heat radiated down onto the lake, the air was sweltering. If it got any hotter I'm positive the fish would start to cook. 

"It's hot and I can't think of a way to get out of this when my brain's melting."

"No need to worry about that," He mumbled, "I think your brain melted a long time ago."

I unclipped my life jacket and threw it down on the other side of the seat. I wasn't completely thrilled about Grayson seeing me half naked but if I stayed in these clothes any longer I was surely going to dissolve into a puddle of scorching steamy goop.

I grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and lifted it up over my head, placing it over the steering wheel. I couldn't take off my pants and stand at the same time, so I pulled them down slightly then sat on the seat while I slid them off my legs. Fortunately for me I decided to wear a bathing suit underneath my outfit today. I didn't want a repeat of walking home in my drenched clothing because I was unprepared. This suit was plain black, nothing special. It had straps that crossed my ribcage then tied at the back. It felt really awkward to undress in front of him now, especially since he didn't have the courtesy to look away. I felt very aware of my body and not in a good way.

Grayson was watching me, his expression unreadable. Although I wouldn't say he was filled with lust, more like hatred and boredom.

As I took a breath in my lungs filled with humid stuffy air. I could barely tell when I was inhaling or exhaling oxygen. I could already feel a sunburn forming on my shoulders and thighs, burning its way slowly over my body.

"Ugh," I whined, "I'm literally dying."

My hair was starting to stick to the back of my neck from the stifling heat. I felt like a melting ice cream cone.

"You're not literally dying." Grayson sighed, annoyed at my complaints. "If you can't find us a way home, then you might be literally dying,"

I glared at him long enough for him to notice, but he didn't care. He just smiled at me condescendingly and then made it a point to sit back on his hands and bask in the sun while I was a full-on stress case.

I put my lifejacket back on and stood up, scanning our surroundings. There didn't seem to be any boats near by or cottages that would see us from here. I didn't bring my phone and I'm assuming he didn't either. After a few seconds of standing Gray got up as well, taking off his life vest in the process.

If I thought I was insecure before, it was nothing compared to now. Grayson's jacket dropped onto the seat as he stared down at the glassy freshwater below us, but I was preoccupied staring at something else. His body was covered in a combination of hard ridges and smooth lines. His body was like a map, uncovering soft planes and jagged mountains. Low rolling hills and shorelines, revealing abs and toned skin.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him, still admiring his sculpted form.

I thought he wasn't supposed to be helping me.

He noticed my leering and a smug smile settled across his face; his eyes trailing up and down my own form. 

He held my gaze for an extra second, "Like you said, it's hot." Bending his knees, he dove into the deep blue water with a splash.

The sea doo rocked to the side and I grabbed the handlebar to steady myself. He appeared at the surface a few seconds later floating on his back, his face to the sun.

"What if I don't come up with a way to get us back to camp? Are you just going to leave us here to die?" I asked him.

"Yup." Grayson moved his arms slowly in the water, back and forth. "I'm trying to follow your advice; you should relax Andie and stop being such a stress case", he quoted what I said to him at orientation. 

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