30| Blame The Mosquito

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I smiled at the sound of his voice and turned around to see Grayson looking down at me with a mock expression.

"I'm hurt Andie," he placed a hand on his heart and shook his head, "I thought I was your only friend."


Tosh watched us with a reserved smile and I shot her a look. She put her hands up in surrender as we followed Grayson further into the dining room. 

He led us to an empty table in the corner of the room where we set our trays down and sat on the benches. Lucky for me I didn't have to stress over whether he wanted to sit with me or not, he made the decision for the both of us. He moved his sweater off the bench so we could sit down. Did he save these seats for us? 

Tosh dug in the second her plate hit the table and scarfed down the food without so much as a breath. We watched her eat for a minute straight until she practically licked the plate clean. Her breaths were labored from inhaling food rather than air. 

I looked at her incredulously, "You're supposed to chew the food first." 

She ate the last bite of her meatball and patted her stomach. "I prefer my way," she licked her lips. 

Grayson smiled and shook his head. 

Someone called her name from a surrounding table and we looked over to see a group of counsellors I've never met beckoning her over to them with smiles and the wave of their hands.

She nodded to them and held up her finger tell them she'll be there in a second. "I'll be back."

"Who's that?" I ask.

"I have no idea," she shrugged. With that she turned and walked towards their table like they were old friends.

I watched her chat with them a second more before turning back to Grayson. His eyes darted to mine and then he looked away. He looked back and then averted my gaze again. After another twenty seconds, he does it again. Still, he pretends that he wasn't just staring at me. I catch him doing this a few more times before I can't take it anymore.

"Do you have something you need to say?"

This time when he looks at me he holds his gaze with mine. "I..." he looks down at his hands on the table. "I switched our shifts back...if that's okay with you." He rushes the end of his sentence like I was about to object.

"Oh," I smile. I though it was going to be something serious or bad. "That's fine. More than fine, actually," I laughed. "I'm tired of supervising Tosh during our shifts. I swear I watch her more than the kids. You'd be surprised how close calls we've had with her almost accidentally drowning kids."

"I may lose a few kids, but I don't accidentally drown them."

We both pause for a moment while laughing and stare at each other, not sure what else to say. I'm not sure how to speak to him now without insulting him. My mind is blank with a response so I just nod and smile. 

"Speaking of Tosh." He peers over to where she sits at the table beside us, "Did you guys talk after what happened at the golf course?"

"Yeah, we're good. She talked to Izzie too. So no need to worry about that." I let out a long breath, "I feel like for the first time since we got here we're all finally starting to get along. It's nice."

His eyes are taunting as he smiles and says, "I get along with everybody, but good for you Andie."

I smack him upside the head. "Jurys still out on our friendship Gray. Watch it."

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