46| The Parties Just Begun

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"Two hours!" Izzie joined me on the ground of her bedroom. She opened the bottle of nail polish and pinched my finger between two of hers. "Hold still."

We were supposed to leave to set up at the country club in two hours. Izzie was complaining we were behind schedule because Tosh and I had to watch the campers up until a few minutes ago.

"This would be much easier if you already had something on your nails. Andie have you learned nothing from me? Your nails should always be done." She inspected them more closely. "Not even a topcoat," she shook her head.

My dress hung in a bag on the back of the door. Izzie had bought it for me from some expensive boutique I hadn't heard of. She said the pearl color of my nails would pair well with the black dress. Once the first coat was done Izzie told me to blow on them so they could dry quicker. As I fanned my hand back and forth I caught her smiling at me.

I paused what I was doing. "What's funny?"

I already felt silly about getting dressed up for this thing. If she told me I looked like an idiot I may quit this whole event altogether.

"You look so nervous," she chuckled. "I've been to the Midsummer Ball almost every summer since I was nine. There's a good buffet, lots of old rich people, and a big dancefloor. I don't know why you're freaking out." She narrowed her eyes. "Unless it's not the party you're worried about." She smacked her hand onto mine. "Andie Turner are you freaking out over a boy!"

"I'm freaking out over everything! Dressing up isn't my thing, it's yours. I'm going to get there and feel so out of place."

"You're going to be with a group of your best friends. Why would you feel like that?"

Because you all find these things so easy. Because I've been exiled from this world and have spent the last half of my year alone. Because I'm not naturally pretty or proper and I don't know social cues and etiquette. Because the second people lay their eyes on me they will know I'm not meant to be there.

"I don't know," was all I said.

"You're going to look smokin' hot Andie. Just wait until you see the dress. I spent every single night for a whole week shopping to find that thing."

"Then why didn't you wear it?"

"I bought it last year during a shopping spree and forgot about it. I found it when I was packing and thought an extra dress couldn't hurt. Backups are essential. Trust me Andie, it's a great dress."

She finished my nails and grabbed her makeup kit. It looked like a suitcase with how big it was.

"You get a plus one every year?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Drew's gone with me the last few years. But since you and Grayson are both going now I asked my dad to reserve Tosh a seat too."

"That must've been an interesting conversation."

She swiped a brush across my face as she hovered above me. "I had to promise him there would be no golf carts on the dancefloor. After I whined for a few minutes over the phone I got him to agree. That usually does the trick."

Over forty minutes later my makeup was done and Izzie was in panic mode. We were running out of time and Tosh still hadn't come in here to get ready.

"Tosh!" Izzie shouted. "Andie go into the bathroom and curl your hair. When are you leaving?"

"I have to leave in twenty minutes to help set up."

"Tosh!" Izzie called louder this time.

I ran into the bathroom and finished styling my hair. After twirling the wand over my hair a few times I gave up and headed out.

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