18| Rainy Day

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The morning started off on a slow train of misfortune, only veering off the tracks from there. Heavy rain cascaded down through the treetops and onto the muddy gravel as I sat on a chair in the baking room, watching from the window. Due to the rain all outdoor activities were cancelled for the day. Kids had been complaining and whining in Grayson and I's ears all morning. We were in the baking room, making and decorating cakes for the afternoon. There were six rows of counters, three on each side of the room. Each had an oven and supplies.

It took longer for Grayson and I to set up since we had to help everyone else. We were very behind. Neither of us had said anything, but we agreed to move faster. I was scooping flour into a bowl while he cracked a few eggs and dumped them in. None of this was done gracefully. Eggs whites and clumps of flour coated our aprons and the counter.

My eyes darted around the room to the others baking stage. They had begun making icing as their cakes baked.

My voice was hushed, "Gray, hurry"

I dumped all the flour into the big mixing bowl in a hurry. A wave of flower rose up from my harsh action and coated us and our workspace in a thin layer of white, like a blanket of snow. I froze with my hands mid air.

He scrunched his face, which was covered in flower. "You had one job Andie." He opened his eyes and surveyed the disaster. "One job."

"it's not a big deal," I waved my hands in the air, "just flower."

"It's everywhere!"

I rolled my eyes and reached my hands up to his face. I swept away the flour with the back of my thumbs, but it didn't do much. The powder was still in his hair, on his clothes, and over the table.

"That's a real help thanks Andie" he smacked my hands away.

I scoffed, "You think something else will work?" I had another idea, smiling to myself at the thought.

Grabbing each side of his face, I blew away all the flour left over. It flew into the air like snowflakes on a winter's day. The blizzard only created more of a mess.

He grabbed my wrists in his hands, "Andie" he scrunched his nose again.

I released my hands from his face, but he still held on. They dropped between us. I glanced up at him and noticed bits of flower stuck in his messy hair.

He caught me smiling and loosened his grip on my hands. "You think that's funny?"

"You look like the abominable snowman."

He grabbed a small handful of white powder, placed his hand on the back of my neck so I was unable to move, and blew the flour all over me.

"GRAYSON!" I sputtered and tried to push him off me. 

I could feel little particles stuck in the corner of my eyes. It lined the edges of my face and dug into my hair. I licked my lips and tasted it in my mouth. Isn't that nice. 

His laugh echoed through the room, chiming like bells. I was even more annoyed he had such a nice laugh. His was unrestrained and free, similar to an innocent child. Mine was a witch's cackle in comparison to his sweet sound. 

Life is so unfair.

Our station turned into a winter wonderland. I dreaded the thought of cleaning it up "Just put the damn thing in the oven." 

Once the batter was poured into a baking dish Grayson set it in the middle of the rack to bake. I peeked over his shoulder as he placed it in the oven.

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