47| The Midsummer Ball

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Dozens of exposed light bulbs hung above our heads as we entered the room. All the table cloths were different shades of gold and cream. Even the silks hanging from the windows were changed out to match the color scheme. Twinkling chandeliers hung above our heads and all around the span of the room. Workers in black and white waistcoats were hustling around in and out of the club. The dancefloor and music were all outside. Which is where everyone will reside after dinner is served.

A worker came up to us and asked for our names. When Izzie told them who we were they led us to our own reserved seats at a round table in the center of the room. 

Grayson untucked my chair for me and I gave him a smile of gratitude. Before I took my own seat I untucked his chair and gestured for him to take his.

"Just sit down." He shook his head with a smile. "I can't do anything nice for you, I swear," he mumbled.

I waited until he was seated with my hands still on the back of his chair and then followed his lead and sat down.

"Look at this." I leaned towards Grayson and picked up the folded piece of paper on my place setting. "We have our own cards with our names on them."

He held up the card with his name on it, squinting his eyes as he inspected it. "It's even written with fancy cursive writing." 

Tosh rifled through the breadbasket beside me. "They only have the healthy bread roles." She ripped one of them in half and dipped it in the butter container.

Izzie's heel connected with each of our shins one after the other. It was like painful dominoes.

"Ow! What was that for? We didn't even do anything!" I smoothed my hand over my leg.

"You," she pointed to Tosh, "are supposed to be on your best behavior. And you two," she shot a pointed look at Grayson and I, "stop acting like this is your first grown up dinner. My dad might be stopping by the table and after what happened the last time we were all here there will be no tolerance for you acting like children."

"You can't talk to us like you're our mother," Tosh huffed.

"When you stop trying to commit murder via golf cart I'll stop trying to get you to act like civilized adults."

I swiped my place card off the table and turned to Grayson. "I'm still taking this home with me. Look at the fancy ink!"

He waited until Izzie wasn't looking and grabbed his too before taking mine and putting them in his jacket pocket.

A minute later the caterers surrounded our table with armfuls of plates.

"Spinach-stuffed chicken breast with cream cheese," one of them said as they placed it in front of me.

I tried to contain my excitement because I didn't want to get yelled at by Izzie, but inside I was dying at how good this looked. It's been a long time since I've had a nice dinner. 

Tosh made a big show at taking a bite out of her chicken. She fell back into her chair and pretended to float into the air. "This chicken is so good. I think its ghost is going to come back and haunt me for how much I'm glad it's dead, just so I can eat it right now."

I was too busy stuffing my mouth with food to answer her. As were the rest of them, since none of us talked for the next few minutes.

Drew took a sip of water and cleared his throat. "Mr. Clearwater told me they're announcing the winner of the bonus at tomorrows counsellor meeting. I think there's going to be a lunch or something to thank all of us for our work."

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