31| Bedrooms and Brothels

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Grayson had given up on roasting marshmallows and was laying back in his chair. I copied him and tilted my head to the sky, taking a breath in.

Things seemed so simple now compared to a few weeks ago. I'm sitting here with Grayson, and surprisingly, I'm enjoying myself. Who would have thought? This is the first time since we've been here that we're all getting along. I can't help but feel as if something is looming in the shadows, waiting to pop out.

My eyes dart to the darkness between the trees and down to the moonlit lake. Who knows what type of animals are down here. We're surrounded by a mass of trees, isolated from everyone else. I meant metaphorical shadows, but now I've worked myself up.

"There aren't any bears around here, right?" I asked Grayson.

He looked over at me with a questioning look, "In the woods there are. But I don't think they come over here with all these people."

I nodded my head to reassure myself.

"But," he added, "they probably roam around here at night when everyone's asleep. Like right now."

I jumped out of my chair and smacked his arm. Again my eyes scoured through the pitch black tree line. 

"I know you're messing with me but I'm going inside anyways." I picked up all the smores stuff and turned back to face him. "You should watch out Gray; I hear they like to eat rotten stuff."

He was grinning now as I turned and walked away. "Come on Andie, I was joking!" he laughed as I ignored him. 

I could hear him gathering the rest of our stuff and putting out the fire as I walked towards the back door. My pace quickened as I hurried to the cabin, taking long strides. Now I was all freaked out, thanks to him. It didn't take him long to catch up with me and after a few seconds he was waking by my side.

"If a bear does come, I'm tripping you and saving myself. Just saying," I shrugged.

The corners of his mouth pulled into a smile, "It's not going to work now. You've given away your strategy. I have one of my own, but I want it to work so I won't be telling you." He bopped my nose with his finger at the last word and opened the back door.

I stood there, stunned for a second.

"Don't stay out there too long," he called from inside, "the bear will get you."

I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me as I stepped into the cabin. All the lights were off, a sign Drew and Izzie had gone to bed. He walked around the kitchen putting everything back while I leaned against the island. I watched him as he worked in silence, opening cabinets and cleaning up. 

A part of me wanted to offer help, but all I could do was stare as he maneuvered around me. Every time he reached up to put something away his shirt would expose the bottom of his abs. A small part of his V line was visible too. I felt like a fangirl waiting for it to happen every time. What the hell's wrong with me?

I averted my gaze and stared down at the wood floor instead. The wood floor, yes. That's a better topic than Grayson's body. It's a nice color for the house. It matches the upstairs balcony. Don't stare at him. When was the last time someone cleaned the floors? He's coming closer don't look. A lighter color wouldn't look as good. He's standing across from me. My eyes trailed from spot he stood up to his body. 

He leaned against the kitchen counter across from me and I smiled awkwardly. I'm such a loser. I took a deep breath to calm my thoughts. It's not a big deal. You can appreciate a painting without it being your favorite. That doesn't mean you want to take the painting home or hang it on your wall. 

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