12| Fried Circuit

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I tied the rope of the sea doo onto the dock, waving goodbye to the generous couple who gave us a tow as their boat carried them farther away. 

Grayson turned to me with a smug smile, "You're welcome," He said.

He made it sound like I owed him for getting us back, which he technically didn't. I huffed out a laugh in surprise, "I didn't say thank you."

"You didn't say what?" he leaned in closer and pretended he couldn't hear me.

"Thank you." I clarified.

A large grin took over his face, "You're welcome."

Okay. I walked into that one.

I rolled my eyes as Grayson turned his back to me and walked down to the end of the dock, where the water was deepest. From where we were standing we could see the vast expanse of the lake we had just travelled. All the other sea doo's were saddled next to the dock, it seems we were the last ones to make it back.

He lifted his arms above his head and stretched far enough for his vest to expose a patch of toned skin. We both unclipped and removed our lifejackets at the same time, discarding them onto the wood panels at our feet.

"I think I'm gonna go for a run." He sighed, still admiring the view.

"That's weird." I mumbled.

"Not really. My bodies a machine, and I have to maintain it." He faced me and gestured to himself.

Ugh, now he's starting to sound like Drew. When did he get so full of himself?

I took a step closer to where he stood, his heels edging towards the end of the open dock.

"A machine?" I glanced up at him curiously.

"Mhmm." He narrowed his eyes and retreated an inch.

I liked this, making him nervous. I never had this effect on anyone. Except him, it seems. I moved another step closer and noticed his breath quicken a beat.

He eyed me cautiously as I moved forward another few centimeters, meeting him closely, mere inches away from each other. "Must take a lot of work."

He swallowed nervously as his eyes roamed over my face, "Just a lot of time."

I dared one more step, the two of us now only an inch apart. My eyes travelled across his bare chest, admiring him once again.

I lifted my hand, brushing my finger lightly down his front and stopped halfway down his stomach. He watched me tentatively, not knowing how to proceed. I was still smiling, amused at how flustered he seemed to have gotten. His brows were pinched and his jaw was shut in anticipation of what would happen next. I travelled my touch subtly back up to his chest, unwilling to take my eyes off of where it laid on his skin.

I placed my full hand on his chest now and looked him straight in the eyes with an innocent smile. His upper body rose and fell with his heavy intakes of breath, my palm moving with it. He was distracted with our close proximity, and I took the opportunity to do exactly what I had in mind.

I pressed my hand on his chest and pushed.

He fell back into the water with a large splash as I laughed uncontrollably. I was doubled over, almost in tears, when he rose to the surface.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" his voice bellowed out into the open air.

"You said you were a machine," I shrugged, "I wanted to see if it would fry your circuit." I couldn't contain my laughter as it travelled through the breezy air around us. That's what he gets for acting like a douchebag. 

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