24| Country Club Chaos

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Mr. Sawyer continued once the waitress had left. "I've talked to Mr. Clearwater about the morale of the counsellors. We've had some trouble the past few summers finding people willing to spend their summer out of town." He took a sip of his water, leaving us in suspense. "We came to the conclusion we needed an incentive to entice future counsellors to work with us."

Tosh chewed on a piece of ice. "An incentive?" she asked him with her mouth full. 

"Yes, like a bonus." He clarified simply so she would understand, "We're offering a reward to the most helpful and hard-working counsellor."

Everyone seemed pleasantly surprised at the news. I however, was clinging to the hope it was something useful. Mr. Sawyer is not a cheap man. I doubt he would offer a cheap reward. My interest was officially piqued.  

"What type of reward?" I feigned subtlety and took a sip of my water.

He took a second to look at each of us, scanning the tables curiosity before announcing his gift to the staff. "Fifteen hundred dollars." 

I chocked on my water in shock. A piece of ice got lodged in my throat and water dribbled down my chin from my coughing fit. FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS? I coughed into my elbow while internally freaking out.  

Grayson cringed away from me, "Are you drowning in your glass or something?"

Tosh got up and slapped my back.

"Ow!" I smacked her hand away, "I'm not a baby that needs to be burped Tosh."

Izzie cleared her throat again to shut us up, "That's such a great idea dad!"

Drew nodded, "Very smart." 

The table was full of buzz and excitement at the news. The conversation reverted back to golf again and how they were going to hit the links outside after brunch. 

Everyone's voices were muffled in my ears as I thought about what Mr. Sawyer said. A cash prize. If I got the bonus I'd be able to help out my mom with her expenses. I could put the money towards school. I went over ideas in my head as the rest of the table chatted.

I was almost jumping out of my seat with excitement. I shouldn't get my hopes up, I know. But how can I not? This would solve so many of my problems living with my mom. She treated me like I was a burden, both financially and otherwise. It was nice to have something to offer. 

I ruffled through my purse until my hand brushed against a scrap piece of paper. I pulled out a light blue post it note and held it in my hands under the table, fiddling with it to contain myself. I half listened to the conversation while I folded the square paper in my hands. After a few minutes and some muscle memory I managed to fold it into a small crane. 

I peeked over at Grayson as he talked away with Tosh about how illegal fraud is, not sure what that's about, not going to ask. 

"Yes, Tosh. It's pretty illegal," he laughed at her questions. 

His smile lit up, as did his eyes. Apparently it was contagious, because I found myself smiling simply by watching him. 

"But like, how illegal?" she asked. 

He thought about it for a second, "Ever seen Wolf Of Wall Street?" He gave up when she shook her head and sighed. "If you think a pyramid scheme targeting rich people is a good idea...then I say go for it," he relented. 

Sometimes it's easier to just surrender yourself to Tosh's theories. A person could get lost inside her mind. It's like the labyrinth. 

As they went back and forth with their discussion I placed the crane I made on the table. Using my pointer finger I pushed it next to Grayson's plate and left it there for him to find. As a reminder of old times I guess.  

The Summer Reunion (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now