22| The Golden Ticket

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I was sitting at the island counter with Izzie while Drew sat on the couch watching the sports channel. Grayson switched his counselling shift, so he was with Tosh instead of me today. They were going to be back soon, and I was not so subtly waiting. He hadn't spoken one word to me or looked at me once sine our fight in the car a couple days ago. It was Wednesday now, and I was wondering when he was going to stop being mad and go back to tolerating me.

I don't understand how we got to this point again. I thought after we talked down by the fire we had an agreement with each other. Like a treaty. We both waved the white flag and decided to be civil, even if we weren't allies. But nope. He just had to go and bring up the past. Where has that ever gotten anyone? Couldn't we just work around one another in civility? Now he had to go and complicate things. We're both mad about things we can't change. It's like an old car, there's no use for repairs when it no longer runs.

Izzie shifted her gaze to the window, "I think they're back."

Tosh opened the door and headed towards where we sat. "Mr. Clearwater dropped this off for you Izzie." She handed her a white envelope with a golden seal.

"For me?" she stared down at the letter addressed to her.

The envelope was made out of thick expensive paper, and when the light reflected just right the paper shined. It looked like an invitation you'd receive to a Gatsby party.

"He said your dad gave it to him when he was checking in on the front office." Tosh sat down across from us.

Grayson made his way into the kitchen on to the opposite side of the table, even though there was an open seat next to me.

"Hmm," Izzie used her long nail to open the seal, "It's an invitation." She pulled out a shiny gold piece of thick paper.

Grayson peered over the table, "A golden ticket?"

I gasped, "Are we getting a chocolate factory?" I said in excitement.

"Will you guys shut it I'm trying to read." Izzie squinted at the cursive writing, "My dad invited us all to brunch tomorrow at the country club. He said he has news to share, and no," she glared at us before we got the chance to interrupt, "it's not a chocolate factory."

"Does it say it's not?" I asked.

"No." she glared at me jokingly, "but I have no problem feeding you to the Oompa Loompa's." She poked my side.

"I don't think they eat people," I smiled. "Drew should watch out though, they love demons."

Tosh raised her fist in the air, "Sacrifice him in the chocolate river!" she cheered.

The couch cushions ruffled as Drew got up, "Ha. Ha. Very funny." He walked over to the table and stood behind Izzie, picking the invitation out of her hand. "Sweet," he walked into the fridge and grabbed a hard seltzer.

Izzie took my hand and pulled me off my chair, "We have to pick out outfits. Come on Tosh!" she dragged us up the stairs.


Clothes littered the floor of Izzie and Drews room during the process of picking what to wear tomorrow. Izzie always tried to look put together in front of her parents, so this was a big ordeal.

Izzie discarded another tank top onto the ground and it fell onto the pile of reject. "Ugh, it's so hard to look cute and fancy in the summer." She tried on a short light blue skirt and a white tank top. She turned around in the large mirror, satisfied with her choice.

Tosh, who was sitting next to me, threw herself back onto the bed. "Izzie we've been doing this for over half an hour!" she groaned.

"Stop complaining, it's your turn now." She opened her closet doors.

We'd been here that long and neither of us had tried on anything.

Izzie and Drews room was bigger than mine and Grayson's, from the quick glance I got. This had to be the master bedroom. They each had their own closet, and a small bathroom.

Tosh picked up a cropped black t-shirt off the floor and put it on with her denim shorts, "this is the best you're getting out of me." she sat down on the floor and began sifting through the mountain of fabric, "Andie try this on so we can be done." She chucked a few articles of clothing in my direction.

"So..." Izzie trailed off, "you and Grayson seem to be getting along. You both got back pretty late after the campfire." Her tone had a hint of insinuation I didn't care for.

I rolled my eyes and threw on a pair of white flowy pants, "Yeah for like, one second. Now he doesn't want to speak to me."

"Why?" Tosh asked.

"He wants to bring up everything that happened before I left, and I think we should leave it in the past," I huffed.

Izzie handed me a burnt orange crop top, "You don't want to be friends?"

"I'm not sure, " I turned around in the mirror to look at my outfit. This should be fine. "It's not like he wants to."

Tosh leaned forward and smacked my leg from where she sat on the ground, "If he wants to talk about it doesn't that mean he wants to be friends too?" she sighed in annoyance, "Andie, he obviously wants to move on and you're not here forever. Stop wasting time and tell him you're sorry."

I drew in a breath, "I'm sorry? He has more to be sorry for. He stopped talking to me just because change is inconvenient for him. He didn't even consider how I felt. Imagine moving across the world to a new place where you don't know anyone and your best friend stops talking to you. He has more to be sorry for." I turned to face them with my hands on my hips, all worked up.

"Okay," Izzie nodded, "You've convinced me. I'm on your side."

"Weren't you always supposed to be on my side?"

"Yes... but now I'm completely on your side." She smiled at me.

Tosh threw her hands up in surrender, "I'm not on anybody's side."

"Tosh!" I glared at her and sat on the floor against the bed.

"I'm Switzerland!" she stood up. "I am neutral in this world war. I think you both need to concede, apologize and take equal blame." She walked to the door, "We all have our outfits and I'm done with this fashion show. I'm swimming to the floater dock if you want to come. Last one there gets eaten by machete man!" she bolted down the stairs and got a head start.

Izzie stood up and offered me her hand, "Come on."

I grabbed her arm to pull myself up, but she let go of my hand and ran to the door. "Izzie!" I yelped as my ass hit the floor.

"I don't want to be chopped up sorry Andie!" she ran downstairs towards the back door.

I sat on the floor on my most likely bruised tailbone. Tomorrow we were going to the country club with Izzie's dad, and Grayson was going to be there. Maybe Tosh was right, we were both to blame. There's no harm in apologizing and making amends. I keep beating myself up about not telling people how I feel, when I should just be telling them.

He's so good at avoiding me though, I can't get close enough to talk to him. I'll have to do it at brunch when he's trapped next to me. One way or another we were going to get this over with. Either he agrees to be friends again, or I finally know where we stand.


This chapter's a little shorter, but don't forget to vote! I completely forgot I update on Thursdays now and I just remembered an hour ago...my apologies for the wait! I'll see you all on Sunday, have a good rest of your week :)

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