23| Excuse Me

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The five of us were seated at a small table by the window in the country club owned by Izzie's dad. Ten minutes had gone by as we sat here waiting for him to arrive. The middle of the room was filled with large circular tables, covered in cream linen and flower centerpieces. Grayson's elbow was digging into me on my right as Tosh's foot repeatedly stepped on mine to my left as she bounced it up and down. Izzie and Drew sat across from us, both of their eyes darting around the room, scouring the place for her dad. I found it pretty amusing Drew was dressed up in khaki pants and a black polo t-shirt. He was totally trying to impress Mr. Sawyer.

Drew slid out of the booth and walked off to the bathroom without a word. 

Tosh groaned, "Please tell me he's not about to get high. I'm not sitting here if he's stoned and I'm not."

"Shut up Tosh he's not getting high," Izzie peered over her shoulder in Drew's direction with a look of doubt. 

"I'm just saying," she raised her hands.

Izzie crossed her arms and glared at the three of us, "Drew said you guys have been giving him a hard time lately."

"Pfft," I scoffed in exasperation, "Drew needs his head examined."

Grayson stayed silent beside me, his brows pinched in concentration.  As if he was trying not to smile. He does that a lot, I've noticed. It's like there's a wall he's put up to keep all the fun out. The more I chip my way through, the more he tries to hide. He enjoys my company, he just doesn't want to admit it. 

"You guys could be a little nicer," She gave us a stern look. "Your campers were messing around with him," she stopped herself, knowing she wasn't getting any sympathy from us. "All I'm saying is he would be nicer if you tried a little more."

Grayson finally spoke up. "The only thing I'm trying to do is keep myself from decking him every time he opens his mouth," he said with a smile. 

Tosh reached across me so they could fist bump, "I feel you on that one," she nodded.

"Fair enough," I shrugged.

Grayson glared at my response like I hadn't just agreed with him.

I turned my head to whisper, "Do you have a problem?" I was supposed to be apologizing to him not fighting! "Cause if you do maybe we should tal-"

Drew walked back to our table with a tall man following behind him, cutting me off from my conversation with Grayson. Instead of sitting down they stood towering in front of us. Mr. Sawyer didn't look much different from the last time I saw him, except his beard was now peppered black and grey with age. His suit was expensive as always, as was the gold Rolex he wore. His professional stature and business demeanor reminded me of my father, and I found myself tensing. My posture was straighter, my chin tilted a little higher. 

Izzie jumped up and gave him a side hug, "Hi dad! We got a table." She gestured over to the three of us sitting awkwardly in a row.

"Oh no," Mr. Sawyer shook his head, "this won't due. I always have a table reserved for when I have guests; it's far less cramped. Follow me." He led us farther into the dining area towards a large circular table.

Drew pulled out Izzie's chair for her and we all sat down. I rolled my eyes at his fake chivalry, which earned an elbow to the side from Izzie. I was no longer seated next to Grayson, who managed to move a seat down next to Tosh and Drew. How was I supposed to make conversation with him when he was practically across the table?

As we all settled down Mr. Sawyers gaze found mine. "Andie, it's nice to see you again."

I ducked my head in a nod, "nice to see you as well Mr. Sawyer." 

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