5| If looks could kill I'd be dead

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School started this week *tear falls down cheek* I was so tried when I got home that I would just lay in my bed and re-watch Dawson's Creek instead of writing.... oops. 

Chapters will now be posted on Sundays so that I have more time to write them on the weekend :) 

I hope you enjoy and please comment your thoughts or vote, it keeps me motivated and inspired!


Later that night after we had dried off and I had taken a well-deserved nap, Tosh and I stood in the kitchen trying to make dinner. I say trying, because Tosh is like the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes that never stops chaotically running around. To put it simply: she was a danger in the kitchen, and I was being extra cautious trying not to walk into the knife she kept swinging around. At the moment she was dancing beside me to 'Ballroom Blitz' with a knife in her hand, trying to chop up the carrots we were supposed to be boiling five minutes ago. The large knife swayed in the air as she moved her hands around like one of those inflatable men in front of car dealerships. I took a step back in fear.

Tosh is about as subtle as a bull in a China shop. She's been sneaking me -not-so-subtle- glances for the past 10 minutes, as if I don't know exactly what she's thinking.

"Whatever it is you want to say, just say it."

Tosh was still breathless from dancing as she turned to face me. She took a second before answering and swept the hair out of her face, "I thought by the time you got back you and Grayson would be on better terms. You know, 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' and all that."

I chuckled, "If we were, he'd be in the kitchen right now instead of you. Dinner's going to be a disaster without his cooking skills."

I guess it was kind of naïve of me to think I could go a whole summer without addressing what happened between Gray and I, but I don't have anything to say. If he doesn't want to put in the effort of rebuilding our friendship, then why should I?

"Grayson's lucky, I wish I had a mom that was a cook. Joanne is a goddess in the kitchen, I still think about her fettucine alfredo." Tosh glanced my way again, narrowing her eyes. "Don't think I don't know what you're doing by the way."

I gave her a confused look, "What am I doing?"

"You're trying to change the subject away from your relationship with Grayson. You know you're going to have to talk about it eventually. This is the longest you guys have gone without talking since... ever."

I looked back down at the green beans and focused -more than necessary- on cutting the ends off, "Maybe we're not meant to talk about it. It's not like he wants to be my friend anymore, he told me so himself. And he's been a complete jerk to me since I go here. Why should I try to fix something that doesn't need fixing?"

"You were both just upset, you didn't mean the things you said to each other." She gave a small shrug, "You've been gone for four months, the dust has settled. Now you two should talk. If nothing else, the two of you had a good friendship and that shouldn't be thrown away over one fight."

I shook my head lightly, "I.... I don't know Tosh."

Damn she was good at talking me into things.

You would think that someone as childish as Tosh wouldn't give good advice, but she was the best person I knew -besides Grayson- who could always help you whenever you had a problem. I wish I could do the same for her, but she's a tough nut to crack. I worried about her while I was away. I know she was struggling with some things before I left, but she seemed to be doing better when I talked to her on the phone. Except every time I try to discuss what's going on with her, she casually brushes it off and makes a joke. I swear she's worse than I am.

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