28| Can't Get Down, Can't Go Back

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Even with my eyes screwed shut I could feel the piercing glare Grayson shot my way.

He stepped back onto the platform and stood at the beginning of the bridge. "Didn't you just tell Kenny the harness will keep you from falling? Why are you so scared?"

I looked up at the sky, trying to avoid the height below me. A bird flew by, teasing me with the flap of its wings. Those would be very useful right now. I wish I was one of those princesses who could talk to animals, like Snow White. The same bird flocked past again. I was painting you a birdhouse!

I forgot Grayson was waiting for me to do something until I saw him standing with his arms crossed on the other side of the bridge.

"I don't have the required upper-body strength to pull myself back up."

I didn't want to mention how I'm also afraid my fall will defy all physics and snap the rope, sending me to my impending doom. These things are built for pre-teens! I don't have much trust it will hold my weight; I was only reassuring Kenny because he's tiny and I was trying to keep him calm. I know better than to be calm!

"What do you expect me to do Andie?"

My heart plummeted as I peered down. "All I know is I can't get down. If you leave me here..." I tried to think of a proper threat, "my mangled body will come back and haunt you."

My distressed state only seemed to amuse him further. "You're already as pale as Casper so, hallway there I guess," he shrugged.

I stared down at my bare arms and legs, which reminded me how high I was again. Oh dear lord.

I'm not one of those people who face their fears. I don't jump off cliffs or skydive out of helicopters...now I'm beginning to think I've always feared heights. Point is, I know my abilities, and this is not one of them. I may be stubborn in almost all situations, but my stubbornness draws the line at sudden death.

I sighed in defeat, "Grayson, I need your help."

He leaned against the wooden post. "Can you say that again, I want it as my ringtone."

"I swear to God Gra-"

The bridge shook as he stepped onto the first board with little effort. "This isn't that difficult Andie, are you sure you can't just do this yourself and save us the time?"

"It's easy for you cause you're a freaking giant! Sorry if some of us are smaller proportioned." I stretched my legs out in front of me.

I wouldn't say five foot six (and a half) is short, but I won't be jumping hurdles anytime soon.

"Well, it was made for children." He extended one leg and jumped to the next panel. "No surprise it stumped you."

"Ha. Ha."

He was moving at a faster speed than I had been and managed to reach me within less than a minute. His movements were swift and agile requiring little effort on his part. When he was one panel away, I began to stand up and reach for his hand. As he pulled me closer to him the bridge shifted with our weight. I was still holding onto his hand when my unbalanced footing caused me to fall back and down through the wide gap in the wood. My tumble sent Grayson forward a few feet and into the space in front of me.

I gasped as the rope pulled and tugged me to a stop. The two of us dangled mid air on the ropes course, our limbs flailing upwards. More like my limbs, since Grayson had given up on helping and was now pinching the bridge of his nose.

Honestly, the fall wasn't that bad. And hey the rope didn't snap. Look at that.

My voice flew up a few octaves in apology, "Sorry..."

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