8| Tortellini Cowboy Hats

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After the kids finished their lunch in the dining hall we took them swimming in the lake for the rest of the afternoon. The sweltering heat made my eyes flutter closed in exhaustion, which wasn't good when you're playing lifeguard to over a dozen kids. It was also super boring because Grayson spent the whole time ignoring me. I sat on the dock watching them hang around in the water and have fun for over an hour with no one to fight with or complain about. I didn't notice before how much time flies when you're bickering with someone, but it really speeds up the clock.

Grayson hadn't said a word to me for the rest of the afternoon, even after we had gotten back to the cabin. I was laying on the couch with one arm hanging off while Tosh sat at the other end. The two of us had spent the last five minutes staring up at the ceiling in silence. Needless to say, we are very bored. Izzie and Drew went to hangout with a few of the other counsellors a little while ago, and I have no idea where Grayson is, since he disappeared as soon as we finished work for the day.

Tosh turned herself to face me, she had seemed really deep in thought. "Have you ever realized tortellini looks like a miniature cowboy hat?"

I pondered her weird realization, "No. But now that you point it out, I can't unsee it."

"We should pick some up at the store and have a miniature western food night."

I'm not sure if the heat got to my brain or if this idea really was as genius as I thought it was.

"Oh my god we totally should! We could have spaghetti and make them into lassos and sculpt the meatballs into horses."

"It's a shame people don't recognize the amount of sheer genius you and I have together." Tosh sighed as if the idea actually disappointed her.

"It really is." I nodded in agreement. 

Whenever Tosh and I were together our minds tended to go off the rails. I liked that about her though, she always kept me entertained. I wasn't always good at keeping myself happy, but she was great at it. 

I heard the door close somewhere behind me and turned to see Izzie and Drew walking in with a guy I didn't recognize. I was still laying down however, so they were upside down in my vision. Although even from this angle I could see the guy was attractive. 

I sat up straight on the couch as they walked over to us, and Tosh continued to lay down.  She seemed unbothered by their sudden arrival. 

 The two of them looked like a married couple in their forties. Izzie was wearing tight black yoga pants and a white crop top, while Drew was wearing a red polo t-shirt and khaki shorts. Izzie was already the epitome of a soccer mom and Drew..... Well, he already used every moment of his existence trying to be just like his dad anyways, who was a rich old white man that plays golf everyday but justifies them as 'work meetings'.  

Drew and his friend sat down on the chairs in front of the fireplace and Izzie took a seat beside me on the large couch. 

She pulled something out of her tote bag and handed it to me. 

I looked down at the cold metal in my hands, "You bought me a can of iced tea?" I asked surprised. 

"Yeah," she smiled at me, "I know you guys were outside this afternoon and I figured you'd need a cold drink. We would've been back earlier to give it to you but we had to stop and get Travis." she gestured over to Drews friend. 

He raised his hand in welcome and smiled at Tosh and I, "Hey, how you girls doing today?" 

Hmm, he seemed nicer than Drews usual friends. 

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