56| Going Home

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Our bags are packed. The car has been loaded. We're ready to go home. We spent the last three hours erasing every trace of us every being in the cabin. By the time we were done I started to question whether we really did spend the entire summer here. I circled the living room for the last time. Looking underneath the couch and scouring the countertops for anything we might have left behind. Everything has been done. Except for one thing.

"I don't think she's coming." Grayson slammed the trunk of B's station wagon shut. 

For someone whose parents are wealthy, Tosh and her sister sure don't act like it. Instead of diamonds and gold, B wears crystals and beads. She walked around to the back of the car where the three of us were standing. Her long hair was pulled back in a bandana. A natural glow emanated from her. She was like the sun. Especially since if you got too close she would burn you. 

"Let's get on the road!" She pinched Tosh's cheeks. "I left my last vacation of the summer to pick you guys up. Let's speed this up, alright? As much as I missed you Andie, you're not making me very glad to see you right now."

"Aw don't say that B, you love me." I smiled wide. 

I was always extra nice to Tosh's sister. Growing up I was afraid B secretly spent her time practicing witchcraft. Tosh used to tell me stories of her putting curses on people and whenever she was mad at us she would threaten to hex us. She wouldn't stop chanting until we left the room. As far as older sisters go, she was memorable to say the least.

Tosh opened the passenger's side door. "Andie I don't think Izzie's coming to say goodbye to us. Maybe that's not such a bad thing. We're going to see her around the halls when school starts. Might as well leave now. I don't want to sit in hours of traffic. Doesn't matter either way. She's made my list."

"Your list?" 

"I make a list of people and give it to B so she can curse them." She shrugged as if it was a casual topic of conversation. 

B raised her hands in defence. "I only do it at Christmas time so I don't have to buy her presents."

"Have I told you how much I missed you?" I laughed nervously.

"No." She gave me a mischievous wink and joined Tosh in the front. 

I ran my hands down my thighs. "I forgot how scary they are when they're together," I whispered to Grayson. 

"And we still have the whole car ride with them." 

"If I turn into a frog before we get home you'll know who to blame. Avenge me please" 

Grayson wasn't focused on what I said. Instead, he was looking at the cabin, his eyes narrowed. I followed his gaze to Drew who was leaning against the doorway. His smile was visible from here. Like a shark ready to devour a school of minnows. 

"He takes a lot of pleasure in watching us leave doesn't he?" 

"Yup." He looked back to me. "I'm going to the car. If I look at his smug face any longer I might need you to step back into the ring with me rocky."

"I'm retired actually. It's for the best." 

"I think so." He turned to go back in the car but hesitated. "Oh, Andie?" 


"I forgot to ask you something." 

"If you want me to sit in the trunk so you can lay down in the back seat, it's not happening." 

"No. It was something else. Not a big deal." The corner of his lips lifted into a knowing smile. "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

I froze. 

The Summer Reunion (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now