33| Get Off My Lawn You Stinkin' Kids

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My eyes fluttered open, taking in blurry images and flashes of sunlight. The first thing I noticed was the heat. The lack of air conditioning was swelteringly apparent with the humid temperature. Hair was sticking to the back of my neck. Sexy, I know. The second thing I noticed was Grayson's hand around my waist. It startled me out of my half-awake state. I sat up abruptly, as much as I could with his arm weighing me down, which ended up being me propping myself up on my elbow. I looked down at the two of us on his bed. Our legs were intertwined in a jumble of limbs. His arm was tucked under his head like a pillow, seeing as I was using his. As far as wake-up calls go, this wasn't bad at all.

Speaking of wake-up calls, muffled sounds carried their way through the window from the backyard. While it was only a weekday, the air contained an essence of Sunday morning. I rubbed my eyes and moved back to my sleeping position. I rested my head against Grayson's arm and closed my eyes. The concept of sleep was no longer an option, I was wide awake, yet I stayed put. Sounds of the lake and the boats knocking in the water stilled my hectic thoughts. I didn't need to overthink things. In fact, it would probably do me some good to underthink things.  

Grayson stirred beside me. His legs moved against mine as he turned on his back. Even with my eyes closed I could sense he was looking at me. I wasn't really sure what to do. There's no protocol for when you wake up in your best friends bed after saying you'd leave the night before. Why didn't I leave the night before? Would he be mad?

Didn't I just say I needed to stop overthinking things. Oh my god Andie, shut up!

Thankfully my brain stopped working for a moment when Grayson's thumb traced circles softly over the back of my hand. Yup, full system crash. His touch startled me and I flinched. I used this opportunity to pretend it had woken me up. His hand retracted fast and he cleared his throat.

Before either of us could speak we were interrupted by the growing noise outside. Grayson squinted his eyes as the sunrays peeking through the window obscured his vision. He got up and walked to the window.

"What the fuck."

I sat up and curled my legs underneath me. "What is it?"

Sounds of music trailed through the open window. Grayson's silhouette blocked the sunlight from my eyes as he peered into the backyard. His back was to me, and how nice of a back it was. I tore my eyes away from his frame when he turned around, not wanting him to catch me staring.

"Put this on," he dug through his dresser and pulled out a t-shirt for me to wear. 

He threw me the shirt and I clutched it to my chest as I caught it. Before I had a chance to look out the window myself he was putting his socks on and walking out the door. I stumbled through the hallway after him, pulling the t-shirt over my head. If I had no idea how much he had grown, wearing his shirt made it obvious. The fabric almost reached the edge of my pajama shorts. I slipped my shoes on in a hurry as Grayson swung open the back door. He was radiating frustration. Luckily it had nothing to do with me this time. I think.

From where the lack of sun in the sky it seemed to only be around six thirty in the morning. The early air lacked the summer warmth that would soon make its way to us.

I caught up to Grayson and could finally see across the yard now that he wasn't blocking my view. In the distance a group of counsellors stumbled around our backyard. Two blonde girls I'd seen at Travis's house leaned against each other for support while they walked side by side, giggling. A couple sat at the fire pit we used just last night and were making out. 

The door to the Bunkie was wide open and packed with teens. 

"What the hell is going on?" I thought out loud.

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