39| Let's Have An Adventure

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The five of us were gathered at a table in the dining hall together. The tray in front of me sat untouched as I stared down absent mindedly at my plate. Even though I had cooled off a little since my encounter with Mr. Clearwater earlier this afternoon, I was still disappointed in myself. All the work I'd been doing was for nothing. I used my fork to shift mashed potatoes and peas around my plate.

Izzie was retelling the story of her and Drews afternoon to the three of us. Well, more like the two of them. I was too preoccupied wallowing in my emotional slump.

"Their cottage is to die for! They have a balcony that overlooks the water. We sat out there all afternoon and ate breakfast with them." Izzie hesitated for a second to assess each of our faces before continuing her story. "My dad even came to meet with Drew's dad. They talked business for a bit while Drew's mom gave me a tour. His dad said Drew's getting an internship next summer at his company."

"My dad wants me to get some experience under my belt before I land a bigger job at the company. Its an internship, but it's really preparation for when I get a real job there," Drew explained. 

"And I'm going to go with him," Izzie jumped in excitedly. "The internship is in the city and his dad has a place there. I'm going to spend the summer shopping until I drop before all this real life stuff gets in the way. Although that means we can't come back here next summer."

"Don't worry Iz, I'll swing by and we can go clubbing next summer," Tosh shoved a forkful of food into her mouth at the end of her sentence.

I guess this was what Izzie didn't want to tell us about. She wasn't going to be here next summer before we all go our separate ways. A tightness formed in my chest at the thought. I wasn't going to be here either. They all get to spend their senior year together and here am I, about to return to solitude in less than a month. 

My time with them is running out. Leaving this time will be harder than the last. Now I know how much worse my life is without them. And like an hourglass, I can see the sand slipping. Counting down the minutes until I have to depart from my new normal. Unlike the time before, I had the clock against me. It was a surprise when I had to move the first time. Now I knew exactly when I had to leave my life behind.

Izzie's eyes darted over to me. From across the table she silently searched for my approval. I'm not sure why my opinion matters more to her but I gave her a small smile anyways to show my support. I was the only one not being effected by this. One way or another I was the only one leaving for good. Tosh said she'd visit Izzie next summer, so it's not like she's going to be alone. Even though I shouldn't, I still felt a pang of jealousy. We'd all been getting along so much more than we used to. What if when I leave they forget about me and that's the end? 

I continued to stay silent for the rest of the meal. As they all finished the rest of their food I noticed Izzie shift her gaze to me a few times again. I should probably add guilt to the list of negative emotions I've felt today. She's spent the whole meal talking and I've barely been paying attention. Even worse, she's noticed my absence. 

Was she expecting me to be angry with her because I can't come back next summer? My friendship with her isn't dependent on the things she gives me. Have I been so occupied with my own stuff lately I've made her think that? Ugh. Not only am I a bad camp counsellor, I'm also a bad friend.

It wasn't long after when we walked back to the cabin. We spent the next few hours lounging around doing nothing. I clicked through the channels on the tv, hoping to find an old sitcom or something interesting to watch. Instead all that was on were some cooking shows and a documentary on bees.

I looked out the window from where I laid on the couch to see the sky turn a dusty pink as it began to set.

"Ugh." I threw the remote at the cushion. "There's nothing on tv."

Tosh was sitting with her back to the couch as she played cards with Grayson on the coffee table.

"We should be having fun, not spending our nights watching a bunch of bees have sex with flowers." She shook her head and clicked her tongue at Grayson, "Go fish.'

"I don't think that's how it works Tosh, right?" I looked to Grayson for confirmation.

He just shrugged and picked up the top card on the stacked deck. "Do you have any eights?"

Tosh groaned and tossed her cards onto the table. "I'm serious! We need to do something. I can't stay inside any longer playing boring card games." Her eyes lit up with an idea and she jumped to her feet. "I know what we should do! I know this really cool spot we can go to."

I shook my head, declining her idea before she could take it any farther. "We're not supposed to leave the cabin after sundown, and I am not going to risk getting in trouble with Mr. Clearwater. At least not twice in one day."

"Andieeee," she tugged on my arm. "It's not far. We would be back within an hour!"

"Where do you need to go so bad?"

"It's a surprise," she said, hoping to make me curious enough to go. "Some of the older counsellors told me about it. I really wanna check it out."

"Then go by yourself," I shrugged her off.

"That's no fun. And we need fun! You need fun."

"I don't want to get in trouble again. And I have had enough fun for today."

"I promise," she raised her hand to her heart and held the other one up like she was swearing to me, "we won't get caught. Even if we did, we wouldn't be doing anything bad. You need to stop worrying Andie."

"Worrying is what I do. That's like telling a bee not to have sex with a flower. Or, whatever they do."

"Can we at least go for a quick walk?" she tried to bargain with me.

I glanced at Grayson, who was listening to our conversation. He looked as excited as I did to go on Tosh's adventure.

"Come on G, don't you ever want to do something you're not supposed to?" At these words his eyes shifted to me and back to Tosh. "You can't stay in that safe little bubble of yours forever."

He sighed and thought about it for a moment. "Fine."

"What! Gray, you fold so easily." I threw my head back against the couch cushion. 

"See Andie? Grayson knows how to have fun."

"As much fun as a walk sounds, I think I'm going to give my heels a break." 

"Wear flipflops! Come onnnnnnnn." She tugged my up till I was standing. "Izzie and Drew are definitely going to go. You'll be the only one here, all alone."

The idea of the cabin all to myself was somewhat appealing. I could blare music and dance around while eating the good snacks without having to share. Before I could decline, I remembered my thoughts from earlier. I'm leaving in a few weeks. This is the only time I might have to spend with my friends again. I can be alone anytime I want. I only get to see them once.

"Fine," I gave in. "But I'm not going to a party if that's what you have in mind."

Grayson looked lost in thought when I peered down at him. He sat on the floor, staring at the pile of cards on the table. 

"Tosh," he called her name but she was already leaving to get Izzie and Drew. "She did have a pair of eights," he flipped over her cards and mumbled. "I would have won," he looked up at me.

"I don't think anybody is winning tonight Gray."

The rest of them walked down the stairs with excitement. This did nothing to ease my discomfort. When the three of them are on board with an idea, it usually means its going to end in a chaotically messy way for everyone involved.

"Let's go Andie," Tosh led me out the door. "We're going on an adventure!" 


Speaking of adventures, are some of you enjoying your march break? 

I know I've led you guys on for a long time...but we may be getting some interesting updates EXTREMELY SOON. That's all I'm going to say! See you Sunday! 

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