3| Ammunition

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Okay, I lied. I definitely overestimated how much harder it is to write entire chapters at a time. Total respect to everyone who has enough self discipline to have a posting schedule. I'd rather post more frequently at the beginning so people have more to read, so expect more to follow in the next two weeks. Here's half of chapter two. 

I'm not looking forward to school starting in less than a week and a half, so  I'll be churning out chapters as much as I can before the dementor that is school sucks my soul out of me :) (harry potter anyone?). Anyways, enough said. Here you go :) 

                                                                                    Chapter two

Our first night at the cabin I slept on the second floor, across the hall from Drew and Izzie. Thankfully, Grayson was as far away from me as possible in the bedroom downstairs. Tosh happily retreated to her bachelorette pad in the Bunkie last night. Knowing her, she wouldn't be up until at least 1 o'clock.

The wood was cold on my feet as I padded downstairs. A sweet smell invaded my senses as I made my way over to the kitchen, where I could hear pots clanging loudly.

"Morning!", Izzie chirped. "I'm making your favourite, blueberry pancakes!"

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stifled a yawn. I never understood how Izzie was always so bubbly in the morning. It was just one of the many good habits she possessed.

I picked up the fork she set beside my plate and took a bite. "Wow, thanks. You didn't have to do that."

I appreciate her making me breakfast, but I was a little disappointed these weren't loaded with an absurd amount of chocolate chips. To make up for it, I added a mountain of whip cream onto the plate.

Izzie wait a few seconds after I dug into the pancakes to converse, "So, I talked to Mr. Clearwater this morning -he's the camp supervisor- and he mentioned that we only need two people at a time to watch the kids.", she pushed a bowl of cut up strawberries in my direction, "Having the five of us watch a tiny group of kids seems pretty unnecessary don't you think?"

I narrowed my eyes, wondering where this conversation was going. "I suppose."

"So I told him that we would take shifts of two, it's just easier that way. Also the orientation is today, there's no kids -he's just running through some camp rules- so I figured we shouldn't all have go." she waved her hand in front of her, 

"I guess not." I stated slowly, still wary of her proposition.

Izzie only ever does things that are in her best interest; I'm guessing this situation will be no different.

She plopped another pancake onto my plate, "With that said, Drew and I have reservations for brunch at the club. And you know Tosh, she's so hungover from last night I doubt she'll be up anytime soon, so....."

I tilted my head slightly, not liking where this was going. "So....?"

Izzie let out a huff, no doubt frustrated I wasn't getting her point (I did, I just didn't want to make it easy for her). "So, we need two people to go to the orientation this morning at nine." She stated simply, like she was talking to a third grader. "And since you and Grayson are the only ones who are available, you'll have to do it.". The tone she used indicated that she wasn't asking.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea-," I protested, but she cut me off before I could finish.

"You signed up to help, and they're expecting you to be there. I already told Mr. Clearwater that you two were going. But don't worry," she assured me, "it shouldn't be too hard. I'm sure you can figure it out. Anyways, how do you like the pancakes?"

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