15| Thank you Ma'am

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Cars rushed by as Tosh and I waited outside the coffee shop for Grayson, who was ordering our drinks. It was mid-afternoon and we had taken Drews Jeep into town to look at the shops and walk around. This was the first day I had off since I got here, and it was the perfect weather. A breeze blew lightly every few minutes, cooling us for a moment before the heat crept back in.

Tosh was leaned up against the wall, wearing black jean shorts and a t-shirt. Even in the smoldering heat she wore the one colour known to attract the sun... meanwhile I was standing comfortably in my jean shorts and tank top. My sunglasses sat on top of my head, lifting my hair off my face.

I walked over and stood against the brick wall beside Tosh. The heat was making me move a little slower today. 

I wonder how much longer Grayson will be. I glanced over to the front window and saw him talking to the barista, who was handing him a tray of our cold beverages. Thank God, the only drink I have is a half empty plastic water bottle drew had in his car.

I heard a whining noise at my feet, and fur rubbing against my leg, "What the-" A golden retriever pawed at my shoes, looking up at me. There wasn't an owner around, but he was tied up to the leg of a table outside the coffee shop. He must have been out here for a little while because he was panting from the heat.

I looked down at the dog, who stared at me with wishful eyes. I had the strong urge to take him back with us, I couldn't leave him all by himself. But that would be dognapping, and also illegal. Poor guy. It must be hot with all that fur.

Grayson walked out of the coffee shop, holding the tray of drinks in his hand. "You guys ready?" 

I looked down at my new furry friend with sad eyes, "uhm.." he looked back up at me with a smile. I mean, it could just be him panting, but I think it was a smile. "One minute," I spotted a small dog bowl on the ground a few tables away and carried it back to where we stood. After pouring the water I had left from my plastic bottle into the dog bowl, I bent down and scratched his ear before facing them again. I glanced between the two of them, "Okay, good to go." I nodded.

Tosh was already a quarter way through her drink, and Grayson was looking at my hand petting the dog with a small smile.

He stepped closer and scratched the dog behind the ear, "Okay Andie, say goodbye to your friend."

I patted him on the head one last time, "Bye Carlos." I waved goodbye and watched as he bent down to drink the water I poured for him.

Grayson's eyebrows raised, "The dogs name is Carlos?"

We began to walk down the street towards the park in the middle of town.

"No, the tag said benny, but he looked like a Carlos to me." I shrugged.

"Poor dog." 

Tosh raised her hand, "You mean, poor Carlos."


It only took us a few minutes to reach the park, where joggers and bicyclists raced past us in a hurry. 

Tosh was walking between Grayson and I, pointing out random people in the distance and creating fictional stories of their lives.

"He's in the mob." Tosh pointed at a stocky man with broad shoulders, who dressed in business wear and carried a briefcase. I'll admit he did look a little mob-like.

Grayson observed his movements, "See that briefcase he's holding?" he looked back between the two of us, "he's doing a drop right now."

"Inside the case is four million dollars," I added, wanting to be apart of the game.

The Summer Reunion (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now