26| Invitations

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I had been avoiding the inevitable. I delayed this as long as I could and now I was left with no time at all. Loud voices carried themselves out of the cabin as I trudged up the stairs with reluctance. The wooden boards creaked with each opposed step I took, as if they were crying out a warning to turn back. 

Believe me. I wouldn't be here if I had any other choice. 

Ever since Mr. Clearwater gave me the volunteer sign up sheet days ago and told me to recruit more people, I had failed miserably. Izzie was still mad at us for what happened on the golf course, Grayson wasn't talking to me, I wasn't talking to Tosh -who kept trying to apologize- and Drew was Drew. So no, I had no luck doing the one job I was given. Now here I was, walking to my demise. The only shot I had at not making a complete fool of myself at tomorrows meeting, which was going to be empty at this rate, was to knock on this door and sell myself out like a broke environmental lawyer to a big firm.

I stared at the detailing on the door for a second, weighing my options. I can't ask anyone in my cabin and I know no one else, except....The door opened in a rush and Travis welcomed me in. 

"Andie!" he held his hand up for a high five.

I awkwardly lifted my arm up and hit his hand. "Hi, Travis."

The cabin was filled with a dozen counsellors all hanging around. The layout was similar to ours, but smaller and without a second floor. A few guys sat on the couch watching a game while a group of girls stood around the kitchen island talking. He was right when he said this was where all the other counsellors hung out.

I'm getting the sinking feeling I overestimated my abilities to pull a group of teenagers together. I have trouble keeping the friends I already have, let alone making new ones. Why did I think I could do this? Oh right, because my mother thinks I'm a waste of money and space. That reminds me, I should give her a call. 

Travis turned from where we stood in the doorway and led me to the kitchen, turning his back on the girls talking to face me. 

He grabbed a beer from the counter and unscrewed the lid, handing it to me. "So what's up? I haven't seen you in a while."

I accepted the beer, even though I didn't want it, and tried not to mention we'd only met once. So obviously he hadn't seen me in a while.

"I wanted to come check out your place." I ran a hand through my hair, attempting to flatten it out, "I heard it was the place to be."

Why did I just say that? "The place to be?" Seriously? 

He looked around the room at all of his friends. "Yeah, it's even better with less people. You should stop by a little later next time," he glanced back at me with a smile.

That idea did not sound appealing at all. I tried to hide my disinterested expression by holding the beer bottle he gave me up to my lips. I think he mentioned one time he plays basketball...if I had to guess I bet he's a forward. 

"I'm sure that's good too." I nodded, once again unsure what to say. 

I ran through this conversation in my head a few times to be prepared. Now I can see the reason I thought this was a good idea, is because it's my only idea. I was planning on flirting with him a little bit and getting him to join the committee and bring some friends. There were clearly some flaws to my plan because for one, I don't know how to flirt  and two, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FLIRT! Especially because I didn't want him getting any ideas. Just enough for him to agree. I'd feel bad, but considering how much his gaze wanders I don't think he's looking to marry me or anything. 

"So..." he trailed off. "What are you doing tomorrow night?" he asked casually, like he wasn't planning on using this as a way to ask me out. 

I have never been happier to be grossly hit on. This was the opportunity I was waiting for. 

"I'm organizing the volunteer committee for the Midsummer ball, the first meeting is tomorrow."

"Oh really?" he seemed to lose interest in the topic.

"Yeah, all the volunteers get an invite."

This piqued his interest, "I didn't know that." The smile reappeared on his face. 

At least I had one selling point when it came to helping plan a dance that requires lots of time and no compensation. 

"Mhmm," I nodded. "We meet weekly to plan the event. It's mainly getting all the supplies together and then decorating a few days beforehand. Not much work," I shrugged, trying to make the committee sound more appealing. 

"And you'll be there?" he asked like the idea alone was worth the trouble. 

"Seeing as I'm in charge of the volunteers...yes, I'll be there," I smiled. "I still need to round up a few more counsellors for tomorrow's meeting." I leaned against the wooden wall, "Would you be interested?"

His lips travelled down to my smile and then back up to my eyes. After lingering a little too long on my tank top. "Yeah, sure. No problem." Only half of his attention was focused on my excited face. 

"That's perfect! Could you get a few of your friends to come as well?" I raised my eyebrows in question. "Remember to tell them they get an invite. It's a black-tie event." 

"Shouldn't be a problem," he agreed. "So for the party... do you have a date yet?"

My mouth opened to give an excuse, but I drew a blank. I've never rejected someone before. I've never been in the position to reject someone before. What was I supposed to say? Sorry Travis, a machete wielding man already asked me when I bumped into him on the side of the road, catch ya next time?  That was the only excuse that came to mind. Why was that the only thing I could think of? The next plausible situation was to tell him I'm going with Grayson...but he'd figure that out when we didn't go together. 

"Uhm..." I pursed my lips. 

He reached out and brushed his fingers on the back of my arm. "Cause if you don't, I'd-"

I pretended to hear someone call my name and turned my head. "I have to go..." I jutted my thumb towards the door, "prepare for the meeting tomorrow. But I'll see you there?" I asked as I hurried for the exit. 

"Yeah, I'll see you there." He waved as I left.

The mosquitos were swarming me as I hurried down the steps. I tilted the full beer I was still holding and dumped it into a bush on my way down the driveway, throwing the empty bottle into the recycling bin left on their front lawn.

I started to doubt my plan the more I thought about it on the way back to the cabin. I'm counting on Travis to keep me from looking like an idiot in front of Mr. Clearwater at tomorrow's meeting. It's not a very reassuring thought. 

I guess I'll have to wait and see if everything turns out okay, and if it was smart to put my chance at winning the bonus into the hands of a guy who stares at my boobs more than my face. Correction, if it was smart to put my fate in the hands of a guy. 


Hiiii! I know this chapters really short, but I actually forgot about it and almost didn't add it in, oops. But don't worry because the next few chapters are extra long...

Don't forget to vote! Also let me know if you prefer single weekly chapters or double updates. I'm still not sure what the right posting schedule is, and if the double updates are too much. 

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