44| Fly Me To The Moon (on a paper crane)

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One singular desk fan oscillated left to right, ruffling all the papers around the wide table. It was later that night and Grayson sat across from me at the last meeting of volunteers. At first glance he seemed to not be paying attention to what I had been saying for the past five minutes. His pen dragged along a small black notebook, brows pinched in concentration. Every time I thought he wasn't retaining a word I'd said he'd look up at me, survey me with narrowed eyes, and then go back to his book.

This last meeting was for last minute touches. We were ahead of schedule and ready to be dismissed soon.

I stopped staring at Grayson and kept on talking to the group of counsellors. "As I said earlier, the event coordinator wants us to get there three hours early. That way we have enough time to set up the decorations and table settings. Oh, that reminds me, for those of you who are attending you can bring your clothes and get ready at the club. The place is shut down for the event, so it's available for us to use." I looked around at the bored faces of a dozen counsellors. "That's all." 

In their defense, we'd been here for an hour going over everything. All so they could get an invite.

"Andie," Travis tapped me on my shoulder.

I braced myself and turned around. "Travis. Hi, what can I do for you?"

Over his shoulder I could see Grayson still sitting in his chair. Maybe he really wasn't paying attention and didn't even hear me dismiss the meeting.

"I was hoping to talk about what I can do for you."

Grayson's head snapped up. His eyes locked with mine.

Okay, maybe he was paying attention.

"Me? What can you do for me?" I feigned ignorance, pretending not to know what he was getting at. It seemed he was more interested in what he could do to me. We clearly did not share the same interests.

His fitted t-shirt strained against his flexed arm as he scratched the back of his head, like Grayson does. Except Grayson looks cuter when doing it. Travis's movements seem to be for my benefit. At least what he thinks is benefitting me.

"Midsummer Ball is tomorrow, and I was under the impression you were going with me?"

Grayson couldn't keep his eyes off the two of us.

"What gave you that impression?" I asked.

"You did."

"If that's the case it was an accident." Behind Travis, Grayson's lips pulled into a satisfied smile. "Look," I continued, "If I've led you on in any way, I'm sorry. It's just...I'm kind of..."

"Seeing someone?" he guessed.

"No. I mean, not really."

"So, you don't have a date then?" he perked up.

Now this guy was starting to piss me off. Just because I don't have a date, or a boyfriend, doesn't mean I'm automatically free or interested in him.

"Yeah, she does." Grayson's arm slung over my shoulder. They stared at each other for a moment before Grayson smiled and looked down at me. "Why don't you take the hint man?" With that, he turned us around and walked us in the other direction, out the door. "Sorry," he said as soon as the doors closed behind us, "but he wasn't taking the hint. The hint being, you're obviously crushing on someone else, you know, some ruggedly handsome and funny guy."

"Ooh, where is he?" I pretended to look around. "He sounds like a good date."

"He is, and he'll pick you up at seven."

The Summer Reunion (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now