38| Caught

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I jumped off of Grayson, landing on both feet with a thud and pain pinching at my ankles. In an uncharacteristic way Mr. Clearwater's face was red with anger. I'm hoping it's just a sunburn. His hands were balled into fists at his sides. The man I once considered the lifelike version of a cartoon mouse now looked as angry as the bear we ran away from.

"What are you three doing leading campers into the forest!" he turned to Tosh, who was standing beside Mac and looked at us sympathetically. "You were all told not to stray off the main trails!"

He must have ran into Tosh and the kids when they were running out of the forest. I hope they left out the whole fleeing from a bear aspect of todays events. For all of our sakes its helpful if no one says anything about that.

Tosh cleared her throat and spoke up for us. "We saw a grass trail and thought it was a shortcut."

His volume pierced my ears as he yelled at all of us, "That is a game trail! It's made by animals who travel in the area. Which is why we've instructed you all to avoid straying from the path. The three of you are supposed to be leaders, setting an example for the kids." He looked back to Mac, Kenny, and Daniel standing in a line beside one another. "From what I've heard, your influence has been rubbing off on them," he said, displeased.

Kenny's eyes went wide in shock. He's probably not used to being grouped in with kids like Mac and Daniel.

"I am very disappointed in all of you." He placed his hands on his hips in a reprimanding stance. "Andie, if I can't trust you to walk the kids back to camp how do I know you're responsible enough to oversee the volunteers? Maybe this isn't the job for you."

I could feel my chance at the bonus slipping away as the conversation continued. Is this going to ruin my chance? I've been working my ass off lately and now it's all going to be thrown away over a stupid mistake. This is all my fault. Even worse, I dragged everyone down with me.

"It was my idea sir," Grayson rushed to interject. "It's not Andie's fault." 

"It won't happen again," I tried to apologize. "We're all very sorry. It was an accident, really." 

His eyes darted around to the six of us. We watched him in silence as he shook his head and glanced back at me one last time before turning and walking away. The tension hung in the air, feeling as if it would constrict me.

Everyone was staring at me, expecting some sort of reaction. Am I that much of a mess that they all assume I'm going to freak out? Cause I am. Just not in front of them.

I was suddenly hit with a wave of sadness washing over my body, threatening to pull me down and out to sea with it. This was it. My one chance. Gone. There's no way Mr. Clearwater is going to choose me for the bonus after I led three kids astray into a forest. All of the things I planned for my future were slipping out of my grasp in one single moment.

"I'm sorry guys," I apologized and hurried off alone down the road. 

Luckily no one followed me to witness my spiraling thoughts. The further I walked down the road the further into my mind I fell. My head felt clouded with confusion. It seems there's not a single aspect in my life that doesn't confound me. I have no chance of affording anything after I'm done school next year. I can't get my own place, I can't go to university, I can't stay here longer. I can't do anything. 

Maybe money doesn't solve everyone's problems, but it would have solved a few of mine. At the very least it would have given me enough hope to pursue something. Instead of returning to the rut I've been stuck in for months and possibly the rest of my life. There are a million things I can't do, and only one I can; get in bed and sleep forever. So that's what I'm going to do.  

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